A Journey Just For Me

Hello. My name is Ky. After a very life-changing event last May, I decided it was time to start living for myself and at first, with not so pure intentions, I began the journey, but as I kept on my journey it quickly became just for me and in July, I signed up for my first 5K having never been a runner and with only a month til the race. I, then, ran my first 5K with a goal time (under 45 minutes) and continued to run at least one 5K a month for the rest of 2010. I, now, am a committed runner with a much better body and have thus far lost 52 lbs towards my goal of 150 lbs.
My Fitness Pal has kept me on my feet, literally!, and kept me accountable. I would love to have a community of people that can also serve as friends in the journey!

So, HELLO to all and I wish you well and just know, Wherever you are, I AM PROUD OF YOU!


  • zabih
    zabih Posts: 18
    keep it up.
    Hello. My name is Ky. After a very life-changing event last May, I decided it was time to start living for myself and at first, with not so pure intentions, I began the journey, but as I kept on my journey it quickly became just for me and in July, I signed up for my first 5K having never been a runner and with only a month til the race. I, then, ran my first 5K with a goal time (under 45 minutes) and continued to run at least one 5K a month for the rest of 2010. I, now, am a committed runner with a much better body and have thus far lost 52 lbs towards my goal of 150 lbs.
    My Fitness Pal has kept me on my feet, literally!, and kept me accountable. I would love to have a community of people that can also serve as friends in the journey!

    So, HELLO to all and I wish you well and just know, Wherever you are, I AM PROUD OF YOU!
  • diana77
    diana77 Posts: 59 Member
    Hello Ky im new to fitness pal. And soo far im loving it. Havent had the courage to weigh myself yet.....But im feeling great, with all the kick boxing im doing.... Not the best runner :ohwell: But im giving it my all in other Sports...Would not mind a freind on this journey my self :blushing: Good luck with everything..