Emotional eater

dmsnurse Posts: 26
edited September 24 in Motivation and Support
I have a big problem with being an emotional eater. When I get stressed, I head to the chocolate. Does anyone else have this problem? How do you overcome it?




  • Leannek74
    Leannek74 Posts: 374 Member
    Yep!... haven't solved it but I try to just eat a minimum.
  • edryer123
    edryer123 Posts: 502 Member
    Took me a very very long time to realize that that was my problem. The only way I have to curb it is not have the bad stuff available to eat. i want something sweet, I go for a piece of fruit. chew some gum.
  • ThatDollSally
    ThatDollSally Posts: 473 Member
    I'm an emotional eater, too. I'm about 300 over already because of that fact. The best thing to do is to do something that will take your mind off of it. Clean, craft, go for a jog, having a bottle of water with you at the time helps a lot, too.
  • triplebb
    triplebb Posts: 1
    Diane, I have the same problem and think that more people are emotional eaters than they admit. I don't have an answer just wanted you to know that you are not alone.
  • sweetbri07
    sweetbri07 Posts: 150 Member
    I can be an emotional eater too, or just an out of boredom eater....but if I'm in a mood and I find myself just wanting to eat, I try to remind myself how much worse I'm gonna feel after I realized I just ate all that food for no reason. Don't wanna put myself in a worse mood.
  • Silver0713
    Silver0713 Posts: 9 Member
    i am the worst with emotional eating, ive learned not to buy any junk food not even for the kiddos. when i want something sweet i drink tea with splenda, that seems to help me. the gum idea is good too:smile:
  • tammy200678
    tammy200678 Posts: 201 Member
    Yep!... haven't solved it but I try to just eat a minimum.
    same here
  • Nikkerz620
    Nikkerz620 Posts: 212 Member
    I do too.. I eat when stressed and always want to reward myself with something yummy. I usually sit on the thought for a bit and try to make a healthier choice. Have easy healthy choices in hand... you purse, desk, car wherever.

    I also have a Naughty Jar I call it for when I decide to skip something naughty, I reward myself with $1. When I reach my goal, I'll be spending on me!! :)

    They have cocoa almonds or toffee almonds that are yummy.
    Otherwise Skinny Cow or Smart One's desserts are less calories.


    I also do a half packet of hot cocoa and 8 oz of coffe... :) Maybe a little redi whip on top 5 calories!!! :)
    Or banana cut up with a little bit hersey syrup on top. Very yummy!!!
  • greeneyed84
    greeneyed84 Posts: 427 Member
    Yes and i get over it by keeping myself busy. Cleaning the house, taking the kids for a walk etc. It passes so much easier then
  • WillWorkout4Food
    WillWorkout4Food Posts: 94 Member
    I can be an emotional eater too, or just an out of boredom eater....but if I'm in a mood and I find myself just wanting to eat, I try to remind myself how much worse I'm gonna feel after I realized I just ate all that food for no reason. Don't wanna put myself in a worse mood.

    Totally with you on the eating out of boredom. You don't even realize you're doing it. Such a pain in the butt!
  • Setof2Keys
    Setof2Keys Posts: 681 Member
    I have a big problem with being an emotional eater. When I get stressed, I head to the chocolate. Does anyone else have this problem? How do you overcome it?



    Me too! At first I was depriving myself because I couldn't control myself! I found Smart One's has deserts in the frozen section and they only come in 2 packs. Small but satisfying for the craving. They are not high calorie either.
  • janesmith1
    janesmith1 Posts: 1,511 Member
    There are 2 ongoing threads you & others on the thread might be interested in:

    BED - Binge Eating Disorder thread

    Food Addicts Anonymous
  • beatlemom
    beatlemom Posts: 250 Member
    I too am an emotional eater, and a boredom eater...I keep a box of sugar free fudgesicles in my frig just for that. I also walk every day which helps keep my emotions in check. Less stress after I exercise.
  • G'day

    I have that same problem...coupled with the fact that I am in a very busy (management) job and spend quite a bit of time at meetings that are always held at restaurants or cafe's and when I am in the middle of the meeting I just don't think and order whatever someone else orders. I also eat when I am bored as well. Not sure how to over come these issues so I will be watching this thread for some pointers....The last 2 days have just been terrible for me after a good start to the week....I will take all the friends an help I can get....

  • UnpredictablyPretty21
    UnpredictablyPretty21 Posts: 117 Member
    I have a big problem with being an emotional eater. When I get stressed, I head to the chocolate. Does anyone else have this problem? How do you overcome it?



    Know the feeling trust me... but, I only have one cheat day in the week and thats on a friday. I decided that if I am going to be skinny so are my cupboards so I dont stock chocolate or junk food any more and when I get those cravings I go for a walk or jog. Since I have changed the way I think and what goes in my cupboards.. I struggled to eat a handful of Peanut M&Ms for cheat night... which was last night, so if stay focussed and you can do it :)
  • I would suggest that you go get some of the 85% very dark choc and
    when you need the choc, only do that. Its strong, scratches the itch
    with a minimum of sugars, and really only a little bit of it makes for
    somre pretty intense cho-o-satisfaction.

    choc itself is not a problem - its the sweeteners and other stuff that
    gets added to it - for ME personally, the artificial sweeteners are
    generally not good, and in choc they seem particularly icky.

    So 85% dark is about the best way you can scratch the itch at little
    costs on sugars. Also note - there are at least 5 or 6 makers of 85%
    and every one of them, to me, tastes very different and some are not
    very good for me, and some are great. YMMV

  • dmsnurse
    dmsnurse Posts: 26
    Thanks for all the replies. I like the idea of 1/2 hot cocoa and coffee. Kind of like the cafe mocha from McDonalds I love so much that I can't have now.

    I will take your advice on doing something else. I love to read, always have homework to do, and my treadmill is lonely :)

    Thanks again,

  • luv2ash
    luv2ash Posts: 1,903 Member
    I used to be as well, but with my weight loss program and the healthy habits I have learned, I no longer am an emotional eater--in fact, I don't even have cravings. Thought, I'd never be able to breakthrough that.
  • I am right there with you.
    I usually drink a bottle of water to help curb the temptations.
    I try and distract myself with busy work ( cleaning and cooking for my family ).
    My kids are always up for doing something ( a walk, practice vball, shoot baskets...)

    Also, I think that it is important to forgive yourself when you do slip.
    Tomorrow is another day.
  • When I want a sweet treat and don't want to sabotage my efforts for the day - I slice up an apple and dip the wedges in peanut butter and that also gives me my fruit and protein for the day.
    Another thing I like is a small cup of hot cocoa (in milk not water) and that usually does the trick.
    I feel satisfied and not guilty.
    These are just a couple of the things that work for my cravings...
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