I seriously don't get this...

pines2palms Posts: 51
edited September 24 in Health and Weight Loss
So, it was around last year at this time that I started consistently trying to lose weight. I was consistent for several months until we went on a vacation. After we got back, it took me several months to get back on track... So, last year, as a whole, I lost about 30 lbs. I could have done better if I hadn't taken off for those few months in the middle...but I did...and that's in the past now. The thing is that I kept a notebook back then... I recorded what I ate, calories, and everything just like here on MFP...but since I didn't have a computer at the time, I had to do it pencil and paper... Anyway, I also recorded my weight. Back then, I was eating anywhere from 1600-1900 calories... I ate basically the same type of stuff that I do now...maybe even a little less healthy than I do now... Anyway, my point is that back then, I was dropping pounds every week...2-4 lbs a week seemed effortless really... I wasn't exercising consistently....but tried to walk a mile or do some other cardio for 30 minutes. I have been more consistent this time with exercise...BUT this time, I have lost 3 lbs in 3 months (maybe longer than that, but we'll just go with that to be safe...) I have been stuck at the same weight for months now....and I am doing all that I did back then or better... Why was it dropping off so consistently back then and now I can't hardly get a budge on the scale in the downward direction?!?!? I'm very discouraged as I look back on my notebook and see all of the losses recorded there, and I can't do that here on MFP because it's not going as well this time as it was back then...and I don't understand why...


  • MsMouseMouse
    MsMouseMouse Posts: 92 Member
    I have found the same thing.
    I lost about 30lbs last year. I was having a great weigh in every week. Then I took off a few days and went to New York for a week, and not only gave myself a vacation but also my diet, so now I have put on 10-15 lbs and back to the same old eating habits. That was toward the end of Nov. Then I thought I will wait till after Christmas and then start back.. Now it is March and I am only really on my third day even though I have been on here for close to a month. It is very hard to get back into the swing of things. Now I am counting the days that I have stuck with the program. It is hard, I want my weight gone now.. or at least back down to where I was. But I am trying to hang in there. If I don't keep trying I have no idea how big I would actually become. I just love all of the really bad foods that are out there. I know I am not alone. Hang in there. Look at this this way. even three pounds down in three months is better than 3 pound on in three months.
  • RunHardBeStrong
    RunHardBeStrong Posts: 33,069 Member
    Same here!! I lost 60 lbs doing it all on my own diligently writing everything down in my own notebook. Working out and subtracting those calories. Since I've been on here and logging everyday I have gained 20 lbs!!! NO KIDDING!!! I have gone back to doing it on my "own" and lbs are starting to come back off. IDK what the diffrence is but I'm going back to what I know works for me. Good luck on your journey!!
  • MadeToCraveHIM
    MadeToCraveHIM Posts: 213 Member
    I don't blame you for being frustrated! I saw on your profile where you have been diagnosed w/ PCOS. That may be a huge contributing factor to your weightloss woes. Usually it is recommended that when you have PCOS that you follow a Low Glycemic diet and watch for insulin triggers. Also, maybe sodium could be an issue for you too? It will cause you to retain water like mad & if you are...just think about a gallon of water weighing 8 pounds! Hope this helps! :bigsmile:
  • Thanks for all of your advice so far. It is just really discouraging. I have been eating salads the past few nights for supper...and still no change on the scale... It just seems that I am spinning my wheels here...
  • janesmith1
    janesmith1 Posts: 1,511 Member
    I think you need to open your diary so we can see your cal counts, sodium, etc.

    Go to this link:

  • jamamm
    jamamm Posts: 18 Member
    Have you had your blood work checked? With PCOS you are probably at least pre-diabetic. Also, you could be having troubles with your thyroid (people with PCOS are more prone to that, too.) I went through a time a couple of years ago when I logged everything (by paper) - everything I ate, all my exercise - and I never dropped any weight at all. I finally went to my doctor and brought my logs with me. My doctor immediately sent me for further evaluation. I was diagnosed with PCOS, pre-diabetes, and hypothyroidism. All three work against you losing weight. I'm now on metformin for the pre-diabetes and synthroid for the hypothyroidism, and just started back to it this week, and I have already lost weight.
  • I don't have the great victories with weight loss I'm hearing here but I know that I expected MUCH better results from all the effort I've been putting in. 5 weeks now, I am exercising everyday either aerobic or strength training or both. I am usually under calories, I've cut out sweets all together. I do have a pretty healthy diet, whole grains, lots of veggies and fruit and yet I've lost 3 pounds. 3. Has anyone had experience with using WW points and seeing a difference rather than the calorie counting here on MFP?
  • lgray2
    lgray2 Posts: 2 Member
    Since you have lost 30 lbs, have you checked to see if your calorie intake has changed? Maybe you should lower it? The less you weigh the less calories you can intake to maintain or lose weight. If my 300 lb coworker limited herself to 2000 calories a day she would lose weight where are mine is 1,200.
  • riveradee
    riveradee Posts: 40 Member
    i'm with you on this!! but my inches are going down at least 4 inches on my waist in the last 4 months..but only 4 lbs on the scale!!..i checked my sodium and sugar intake as someone had advised you to do ...and i'm always under ..as i am for carbs and fats..but i do notice i don't eat enough protein ...and some days i don't drink enough water..but my exercise intensity has doubled in the past month..and still such slow results...i don't know what i'm doing wrong!
  • riveradee
    riveradee Posts: 40 Member
    i'm with you on this!! but my inches are going down at least 4 inches on my waist in the last 4 months..but only 4 lbs on the scale!!..i checked my sodium and sugar intake as someone had advised you to do ...and i'm always under ..as i am for carbs and fats..but i do notice i don't eat enough protein ...and some days i don't drink enough water..but my exercise intensity has doubled in the past month..and still such slow results...i don't know what i'm doing wrong!
  • Jkr116
    Jkr116 Posts: 1
    It's good to eat salads, but make sure you are eating protein with that salad like grilled chicken. I am new to this whole mfp. I started trying the weight loss thing the beg of January. I have been drinking nothing but water (4-5 16.9oz bottles) a day. For the majority of the 3mths I have only really had 1 soda/fast food a week...although the past couple weekends I have been bad. I walk an hr 4 times a week (3-4miles on the treadmill). I have lost about 15lbs the past 3mths. I have made it a goal to lose 5lbs a month and if I lose more than that's a bonus. You also have to remember that just because you aren't seeing it on the scale doesn't mean you're not losing anything. You are probably going to lose inches before weight. Pay attention to how your clothes fit too. I know it's frustrating, b/c you would rather see the numbers drop on the scale. Just keep at it and don't get discouraged!!!!
  • corpus_validum
    corpus_validum Posts: 292 Member
    To the OP:
    A. You're too hung up on weight...it's not the be all or end all.
    B. Read the best thread here on this forum and you'll have a better understanding of your plateau and ways to break through:
  • Thank you all for your replies. I have had my blood work done...twice...because every doctor that I saw thought that it was something with my thyroid, but both tests have come back that the thyroid is normal. I am taking metformin, although the doctor said that my blood tests showed no signs of pre-diabetes...just that my grandmother was diabetic, so my risk factors increased with the PCOS, being overweight, and family history. I have sodium and fiber added to the original four nutrients that MFP starts you out with...so I am tracking that as well. Sometimes I am over on my sodium, but usually, I am not. I try to drink 14 cups of water a day....most days, I get that much...sometimes I do not. I think that this week, I am going to keep my old notebook out and eat exactly what I ate for one week back then and see what happens...can't hurt, right?! This ain't working either, so what would that do?!
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