How to lose 5 pounds a week.

As some of you may have seen in a previous topic, the 5 pound a week weight loss topic is a rather heated one. It seems to be the major consensus that 5 pounds/week is an unhealthy weight loss. I want to post this, not to cause controversy or arguments, but to point out that a good majority of us on MFP are not nutritionists/doctors and should not automattically give advice (even if we think it's in the posters best interest).

On January 2, 2011 I weighed 304.8 pounds. I made a choice- that my weight would ultimately lead to my deteriating health. And seeing as how I have an absolutley beautiful and incredible wife, whom with I have 4 of the most incredible children in the world...I want to make sure that I am around and healthy for all of them for many years to come. So I made a decision...a decision I had made numerous times. Sometimes with sucess...sometimes with failure. But I was determined that it was time. In my mind, it was absolutley the time to lose weight. So on January 2, I completely changed my diet. I went from eating whatever/whenever I wanted, to being regimented. I cut out processed sugar (almost entirely, but it's in a few "healthy" items I consume). I eat breakfast everyday, something I rarely ever did. I began making lunch to bring to work, rather than buying a hot dog, or pizza or whatever fast food everyone else was ordering. I snacked on healthy items throughout the day to keep my metabolism up, and my hunger down.

Those forst 3 weeks were painful. i felt hungry all the time, as my bnody and mind adjusted to not eating sugar snacks at 10 pm. But with just a change of diet I lost 5 pounds a week for 3 weeks straight. A good friend of mine introduced me to MFP and I began even more closely tracking what I was eating. I started using portion control...not eating half a London Broil, just eating my 4 oz. serving. I would get up from dinner and clean all the dishes. Not because I wanted to, but because I knew if I sat at the table, i would keep eating.

After 3 weeks, I started adding in some exercise. Instead of just eating my meals and snacks on my breaks at work, I decided to go walk. 3 times around my building is a mile, and the first time I tried it, it took me 15 minutes to walk that mile. I kept at it, added in a little Zumba here and there (yes, I know...go ahead...guy...doing Zumba...I know the wise cracks are Then my wife introduced me to Jillian "My real job is a Dominatrix" Michaels. I am now on Day 10 (Day 3 of Workout 2).

The beginning of this week was the End of Week 8 since I started my journey. I am down 40 pounds. Yes an average of 5 pounds a week for 2 months straight. I just so happened to have my annual checkup today. I talked to my Doctor, told her what I have been doing. Went over my diet, my exercise, and my 5 pounds/week weight loss for 8 weeks straight. There was no shock, no despair, no horrible news from her. In my situation, I have alot to lose. I would love to get to 220 (we'll see). But, I was way overweight, eating horribly, and not exercising at all (unless you consider running after 4 kids exercise). It's not unhealthy for me to lose 5 pounds/week.

Now I am not saying by any stretch of the imagination that everyone out there should go lose 5 pounds a week. For some people, it would be unhealthy. I myself, have already slowed of right now, I will be lucky to lose 1-2 pounds this week. I know this was rather long and I apologize (but also thank you for reading all of it). My point is this...we are all here to get healthy. And we all want to help each other out. But we all have to remember that sometimes the best advice is..."sorry, I can't help you. You really should talk to your Doctor and get a medical opinion on that."

Thanks for reading everyone...and keep up all your great work. I know I probably wouldn't be where I'm at if it wasn't for my family, and MFP.


  • Mrs_McFadden
    Mrs_McFadden Posts: 1,139
    *starts eating her specially flavored MFP calorie free rude obnoxious fighting for no reason popcorn* :)
  • ricnrac
    ricnrac Posts: 95 Member
    I agree
  • Lula16
    Lula16 Posts: 628 Member
    thanks for sharing your story. its motivating. keep up the good work!
  • Rubie81
    Rubie81 Posts: 720 Member
    Congratulations on your accomplishment thus far! And yes, running after 4 kids should most certainly be considered exercise :wink:
  • destoni85
    destoni85 Posts: 32 Member
    Good insight, thanks for sharing. And I think you are right, everyone's bodies are different and what is healthy for one is not healthy for another. It appears like the more you are trying to loose, the more "okay" it is to loose more in a week... I was watching that show "Heavy" the other day and the people were losing like, 15 to 20 pounds their first week. And like you said, it starts to slow down.
  • crazymama2two
    *starts eating her specially flavored MFP calorie free rude obnoxious fighting for no reason popcorn* :)

    buahahahaha i love this girl...i may just order dominos now :)
  • monylove311
    monylove311 Posts: 251 Member
    Good for you Mike! Well done. : )
  • Chalktawmom
    Chalktawmom Posts: 22 Member
    Very nicely put. Good luck to you on the rest of your journey and you are doing fantastic!!!
  • yanicka
    yanicka Posts: 1,004 Member
    I will say that most doctor got 2 days training on nutrition!!! We see people here that their doctor put them on a 900 cals a day. Go to a specialist that is not trying to sell you something.
  • anubis609
    anubis609 Posts: 3,966 Member
    *starts eating her specially flavored MFP calorie free rude obnoxious fighting for no reason popcorn* :)

    *Picks up a piece off the floor...and tastes it...* Is that "butterly delightful"? I like it.
  • blessedmomof8
    blessedmomof8 Posts: 215 Member
    Good for you! What a great story to share! I need the remotivation and this helps! Good going on the rest of your loss. You are determined and you will do it! (and on the Zumba, good for you! my hubby has tried joining me with my dvds, but I think he gets embarassed) :flowerforyou:
  • Skolls081102
    Good for you! What a great story to share! I need the remotivation and this helps! Good going on the rest of your loss. You are determined and you will do it! (and on the Zumba, good for you! my hubby has tried joining me with my dvds, but I think he gets embarassed) :flowerforyou:

    ROFLMAO!!! Oh, I know the embarassing feeling alright. Why do you think we drop the blinds??? I don't want anyone seeing me doing that!!! Tell him it's worth it. My shirt is usually stuck to me at the end (I know tmi)...but seriously, it's a great cardio workout.
  • umitchell
    Very Well Stated. I have lost 63 pounds in the past and I was determined because of a health scare. I regained 28 pounds back in 2 1/2 years. But I am glad to have found this site because this time, I will be making a life plan change. I can control what I eat but find it hard to exercise. I am studying to become a nurse and there is a reason there are hundreds of ads encouraging exercise.

    Most people don't understand how much exercise empowers your body. Certain chemicals are made and released in our brain and then distributed throughout the body. Exercise to the body is like charging your cellphone, laptop, etc.... It allows all parts of your body to perform at maxium levels. The problem is getting and keeping the motivation. To me the best plan for anyone is a plan tailored to that individual person. So yes talking with a doctor is wise before dieting and exercising. The strongest battle is fighting your mind to make the changes your body craves.
  • Rurouni_Kou
    Rurouni_Kou Posts: 180 Member
    *starts eating her specially flavored MFP calorie free rude obnoxious fighting for no reason popcorn* :)

    I think I love you.
  • michis05
    michis05 Posts: 99 Member
    Thanks for the story!! I get lots more motivation when i read of stuff like this :)
  • princess4mimi
    LOVE IT!!! GREAT REALITY CHECK!!!!! I needed it, CONGRATULATIONS!!!!:drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
  • kmm7309
    kmm7309 Posts: 802 Member
    I am in the same boat as you. At my last job it was so slow that I only was on my feet for an hour or 2 in an 8-hour shift. Other than that, I went home, watched movies, snacked terribly on bad food, at fast food 2-3 times A DAY, drank 2 full calorie energy drinks (and treated myself to honey buns). I started with a very slow transition. First, minimal fast food, then calorie tracking (meaning I knew what was in everything I ate, but did not try to adjust it), then calorie counting to 1300, then a walk around the block, then 30-DS, now learning to cook fruits and vegetables, and knowing every I can know about carbs, proteins, and sodium. Soon, I want to exercise 30 minutes a day, then who knows! I've lost 31 pounds in 8 weeks, so it's not as much as you, but I've had people say it's still unhealthy. Of course my body is shaken up with all of this change! I have a nutritionist on-call for help and advice, and she is elated with my success, not concerned! What's good for the goose is not always good for the gander.
  • heyitsmekatie
    heyitsmekatie Posts: 544 Member
    amen, zumba-man!! keep up the good work!
  • 1FITmamaofTWINS
    Losing 5 lbs is totally normal for someone who has an overweight or obese BMI. Someone who is considered a healthy BMI cannot lose weight at this rate. it's impossible.... period!

    Please people, don't give advice if you dont have the answer from a proper sourse.
  • ProudMomoftwo
    Great story.
    Keep up all the good work and good choices.
    I agree totally- everyone is different and every post should be viewed as only a suggestion.