Starvation mode?

jsric Posts: 26
edited September 24 in Health and Weight Loss
What can people tell me about the message that I've been getting when I eat less than 1200 net calories? Does anyone know how much under 1200 one has to eat before the body truly goes into the "starvation mode"?


  • rdame
    rdame Posts: 2
    Great Question. I have been wondering the same thing as well and cant wait to see the responses.
    My understanding is that if you dont consume enough calories your body will automatically start storing fat as if it is in "starvation mode".
  • tritta01
    tritta01 Posts: 311
    I sometimes am under the 1200 just dont make a habit of it and your body should be fine
  • you would have to consistantly consume under 1200 calories for some period of time before your body ever goes into "starvation mode" long story short...... eat 6 small meals a day every 3 hours and you should be fine..

    if you're bowel movements slow down to once every 2 days.. thats a sign that your metabolism is slowing... so if that happens feel free to up your calories a little =)
  • think of it this way... your body is smart, it remembers habits... so once you start making habits you need to change it.. keep your body guessing.. if you only consume 1200 calories for a week eat 1500 for a day then proceed back to 1200

    dont ever let your body adapt to a workout or diet
  • tessjordan88
    tessjordan88 Posts: 201 Member
    I highly recommend doing the research yourself instead fo relying on people here for the real truth. I did a google search and watched the website URLs for reliable sources. Basicly, if you eat less than half your BMR for several months, your body *MAY* start using your lean muscle tissue instead of stored fat. This is rare. A lot of people here will scare you with what they assume as "facts" (this is why you should research it yourself). My personal opinion is, as long as you are eating a healthy balanced diet, not hungry, and keeping it CLOSE to 1200, don't FORCE yourself to eat. But, that's just me.
  • jsric
    jsric Posts: 26 bowel habits have changed a lot lately so perhaps my metabolism does need a boost! I actually gained about a half a pound this week and that is very frustrating! I've been splitting up my workout routine to try to boost my metabolism. I"ll try to eat more now (not the worst problem....huh?!?!?!!?) Now the challenge will be to find foods that don't add to my daily sugars which are already higher than the 27 grams that I'm supposed to have daily.
  • stephanierand
    stephanierand Posts: 1 Member
    It's different for different people, but 1200 calories is the smallest amount of calories ANY adult needs - even if it's just to maintain. Starvation mode means that your body is going to metabolize muscle more likely than fat, so I wouldn't even worry about the breaking point. If that is your minimum I would encourage you to eat that amount every day, no matter what. If you want to lose weight in a healthy way, you will eat more than your minimum (shoot for 1300) and weight train. Cardio will not have lasting effect, but weight training will keep your metabolism up for up to 48 hours after you've exercies, cardio only elevates your metabolism for a few hours.
    Good luck.
  • well there you go girly you got your answer.... like I said, if you dont have at least one bowel movement a day thats a sign... just up your calories 200 and see if they return back to normal.

    p.s sorry to mention bowel movements but people give a lot of bad advice on here, wrong information from the wrong sources... so the best thing you can do is listen to your body and pay attention to whats going on with it
  • tessjordan88
    tessjordan88 Posts: 201 Member
    I also mentioed starvation mode in my blog:
  • SMO729
    SMO729 Posts: 4
    I have this same issue. And its hard. Increase your activity and your body will want more food for one. Drink more water and watch you fiber and your carbs. Too high carbs will turn extras into sugars and cause weight gain, even though you are not eat high calories also. The BM sign is a good one.

    I started on the 1200 calorie count and now set my model for 1000 calories and the same percentages on the goals. It doesn't warn me anymore.

    I can't get the exercise because of my heart, so eating less is actually making me gain weight. My sugars are now too high and my doctors are concerned. But eating every 3 works very well. Age I think has alot to do with it too. I am 45, so my metabolism has slowed.

    Good luck and god bless!
  • cycle4fun
    cycle4fun Posts: 26
    For almost a week I can keep it around 1200, most a little under and sometimes a bit over. I thought, wow I should have lost at least 2 lbs when I weighed in this morning. Nope....just 1. Am not sure about starvation mode, but this seems really slow. The first few nights I felt hungry when I went to bed.
    I just signed up for a trial period with Jillian Michaels Diet Online and it calculated 1200 cal. a day. So I am on the right track. I think I will stay one more week on 1200 cals and then see whats happening. (Haven't exercises this week because I was sick and there was too much snow here for cycilng!)
    Bowel movements? What does it mean, once in two days means metabolism slowed down?
  • jsric
    jsric Posts: 26
    Oh well! My post has sparked a discussion on b.m.! I'm sure that my metabolism is slowing down (I'm 56 yrs old) and I'm trying to do all that I can to boost it as well as my bowel habits....drinking lots of water and trying to eat high fiber foods!
  • yes... im not saying your going into "starvation mode" but it will benefit you to up your calories a couple hundred for a day or two then return to normal...
  • SMO729
    SMO729 Posts: 4
    My doctor said that when your "normal habits" change its your body telling you something. That may not be for everyone I suppose. I was saying that if your BM habits slow way down it can be from not eating or drinking enough. It is that way for me. I have found that increasing water will help you go more too if it does change.
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