Medical Weight Loss Clinic

Does anyone know about Medical Weight Loss Clinic? My girlfriend has lost 75 lbs in 5 months on it, with no excercise. I know it's probably very expensive but wondered if anyone else has any info about it.


  • ckmama
    ckmama Posts: 1,668 Member
    I went to one years ago and back then you took phentermine (no longer on the market). And they put me on a severly restricted low calorie diet. I don't know if they still prescribe medications or not, but i would guess so. So I paid for the visit, the meds, then tried to eat super low calorie diet. I lasted about 3 weeks and gained the few lbs I had lost.

    That was before I knew what I knew about having a healthy lifestyle and weight loss maintenance.

    But whatever works for her, I am glad it works. Weight loss to me isn't hard, its the maintenance that seems to be the struggle.
  • MirandaJayne
    MirandaJayne Posts: 600 Member
    I think you should prob read this thread. I would advise against it. Yes its a lot of weight in a very short time and that is what we all want. However in all reality it is unrealistic, depravtion, cravings, unnatural, and wrost of all its setting you up for long term failure. You are not going to stay on medical weight loss your entire life, when you stop the program and resume regular eating, because you will, because you will want to treat yourself for doing so good, that you will instantly see the weight come back on. My mother in law did a medically weight loss clinic here in Ontario, and yeah she def lots the weight (she also was going to the gym at this time). In Jan 2009 before she started(she carries her weight all in her stomach) looked like she was 11 or 12 months pregnant, in the summer of 2009 she had a similar look as I do (i'm 5;9 and 155lbs). So I would hedge my guess that she lost prob 40-50 lbs. She stopped the weight loss clinic in sept and i have seen her gain back prob 20-25 of that back, and that is since sept.

    This site I feel is so good because it is teaching you how to survive in the real world with tempation, cheats and healthy choices all in one. This is a good life skill to build. Learn what is good for you not so good and what is really bad for you, and you will be able to feel the changes in your body as you eat those foods and can then later decide if you want that old faithful cheat food or have something not as bad and feel ok after instead of terrible.

    Anyways check out this thread I mentioned earilier:

    Good Luck
  • tinabosquez
    tinabosquez Posts: 107
    Everyone, thank you so much for your input on this subject. I will not be doing it, but I wondered what others thought of it, and now I have some feeback, that's helped my my choice. THANK YOU! :flowerforyou:
  • LuRox
    LuRox Posts: 520 Member
    If you are talking about the "Medi Weight Loss Clinic" Brand name...I have a friend who has been on it since last summer. She's lost 40 lbs...starved herself, no bread or carbs and has spent tons of money. She's gone on maintenance now. She gets 2 shots of some kind of "fat burner" a week, and takes phentermine (still on the market - its the Phen-Fen combo that isn't) and also some other supplements that they sell her...

    Yes, she's lost, but I hate to say, she will gain it all back when she stops taking all that stuff...

    Just thought I'd put my 2¢ in.
  • leavinglasvegas
    I know someone who has done it several times starting as a teen and through her twenties into her thirties. Sadly, she just gets bigger everytime she stops it. It is so extreme and she has not learned anything from it. I guess thats why she hasn't put 2 and 2 together to see that she has just been wasting her money. She seems brainwashed that she has to go back there everytime she wants to lose. She doesn't seem to know how to just pay attention to her diet in general. Sad, because she is very educated.

    I'm glad you decided against it. Your in good hands here at MFP! Good luck Tina!

  • hlanders
    hlanders Posts: 50
    Wow....Don't even think about it....
    Me..I have done it 3 times since my early 20's...I have now have 2 kids.

    I Know a ton of people who have as well. Now because of that I am finding I don't even know my body.

    Because I have always been on the heavily restricted 'putting you into ketosis diet." I have waisted 3-5 months depriving my calories and going NO where with that....Now I have to rev my metabolism..and exercise...and I want to be in a good healthy weight FOREVER not a band aid like the clinics do to you. I want to eat...I LOVE eating... Plus to boot...I think that those diets are very hard on the kidneys...because of that it may even be why I had Pre-eclamppsia 2 times... Also diabetes...with the baby #2. Who really knows ? But having gone on the harsh to your body...then all of a sudden Pregnant ....What is your body reaction? But who really knows if the 2 relate?
    Do it the long term 1 pound a week. Losing 20 lbs in 1 month...just means a fast weight gain return too!!!
    This is a life choice...the healthy way
  • bdeliab
    bdeliab Posts: 25
    I am currently participating in a medical weight loss plan. I haven't quite reached my goal weight yet, not even half way there. I have been on the plan for nearly 3 months now and absolutely LOVE IT!!!!!. I DON'T feel STARVED, I DON'T feel DEPRIVED. The first three days was a fasting period where my keytones were elevated, but I check them every week and that are negative. I use NO DRUGS, just 3 of the expensive nutrients that they supply a day, which practically ELIMINATES any CRAVINGS. If anything I feel like I am eating too much. I eat about 1,400 calories a day. Still get to eat carbs, red meat (sparingly), and cheese. And, I have lost an avg of 3-4 pounds a week. The only thing that I don't like about the plan, is the cost. When it's all said and done, it's about $50. a week incld. nutrients. But I guess I save that much not eating fast food.
  • bdeliab
    bdeliab Posts: 25
    I forgot to mention, I am not quite there yet but they do have a stabilization period and lifetime maintance. So it would be a lifestyle change. As with any diet, if you just quit you are going to gain back, plus some.
  • lchoina
    lchoina Posts: 4
    I also went to a weight loss clinic and was prescribed phentermine. I lost 40lbs in 2 months and was looking pretty awesome I stopped the pills and continued to eat healthy and maintain my weight for 3yrs! The only reason I gained weight was when I got pregnant with my son I gained about 70lbs and could not get back on a healthy eating schedule! So now that I am motivated and ready to change my lifestyle and lose weight and keep it off I am considering going back to the weight loss clinic. If u need more information about the weight loss clinic your interested in, I suggest talking to them about your questions and concerns before you commit to it!