Olive Garden tonight . . . Suggestions?

Vmcd Posts: 33 Member
edited September 24 in Food and Nutrition
We are celebrating my husband's birthday tonight, and he chose Olive garden. I have done REALLY well this week, and don't want to blow it all on one dinner. I checked out their website and am thinking about getting minestrone soup and either a lunch portion or 1/2 of the portabella ravioli. We are having spaghetti tomorrow night for a family dinner (I will be eating right with whole grain pasta) so I really don't want to get anything with red sauce. I am open to suggestions. What would you get if you are trying really hard to eat healthy? Keep in mind before my weightloss, my favorite was chicken alfredo. The thought of eating that now makes me literally sick to my stomach! Help me out, MFP friends!


  • bilotta
    bilotta Posts: 1
    the portobello ravioli is really good and not as many calories as everything else.
  • oxnina
    oxnina Posts: 203 Member
    you could stick with just having soup, salad and breadsticks. that's what i do.. surprisingly it fills me up and i feel like i've got my olive garden fix..mmmm breadsticks! just don't eat tooo many of them
  • eating4balance
    eating4balance Posts: 743 Member
    Check out their soups.
    Stay away from the salad (350 calories per serving)
    Limit yourself to one breadstick.
    Drink water or diet soda.
    Have the linguine alla marinara or the venetian apricrot chicken.

    I would stick with two bowls of soup and a salad without any dressing (or their light variation) for supper.
    Check out their website's nutrition facts for the exact calories, but most of their soups are pretty good :)


    All of their soups are less than 300 calories per bowl:
  • heyitsmekatie
    heyitsmekatie Posts: 544 Member
    my absolute favorite thing to get at olive garden is their pasta fagioli! it's so rich and filling and, surprisingly, low in calories! you could pair it with one single breadstick -- i think they're 150 calories.

    i've had their venetian apricot chicken, also low in calories, but wasn't a huge fan.
  • 6Janelle13
    6Janelle13 Posts: 353 Member

    it's hard but pre plan. and enjoy tonight. i second the mushroom or ask if you can order off the kids menu. i think this may just be a portion control thing too so eat 1/2 or less and you'll be doing well
  • GorillaNJ
    GorillaNJ Posts: 4,024 Member
    Go somewhere good instead! LOL

    Check their site for how many calories are in the SALAD!

    Have a good time, and don't worry about the calories
  • Jenn728
    Jenn728 Posts: 683 Member
    I went not long ago and did well with the salad and minestrone. Just limit your bread and wine. You'll do great!
  • tlhill
    tlhill Posts: 5
    Hi! If you go to olivegarden.com and then click on menu and then go down to Nutrition, they have everything on the menu with all of the nutritional values listed. A good way to decide what to have AND what NOT to have! Good luck and happy, healthy eating!
  • http://www.olivegarden.com/menus/garden_fare/nutrition_alternatives.asp

    that is the address of their nutrition info page for low fat. I do the minestrone soup most times, and a SMALL salad and ONE bread stick. Of course someone in the party has to move the bread away from me since I'm a carb addict. I LOVE it! LOL. The Shrimp Primavera is one of my favs and I can seldom eat all of it.
  • jenocelot
    jenocelot Posts: 47
    Lunch size portion ravioli sounds smart. And get some exercise that day; a little extra if possible so you can ENJOY!
  • HillHoosier
    HillHoosier Posts: 12 Member
    I just went there this week!!! I have a PLAN FOR YOU!!! Don't get the salad (it's 350 cals!!) Instead, get the minestrone soup! Only 100 calories and it's DELICIOUS!!! Only allow yourself 1 breadstick! (I mean, you can't all together cut that delicious part out of the meal!!) But just eat it slowly and really enjoy it! Then for dinner get the Linguini Alla Marinara and put 1/2 of it in a to go box right away. I think 1/2 of that plate is only 215 calories (double check that, but it's close!) And if you've worked out today you may even still have some calories left for a glass of wine (average 120 calories). So, for wine, soup, linguini, AND a breadstick, you'd only spend 585 calories on a great dinner that's fully satisfying without the guilt!! You can do it! Good luck & have fun! :happy:
  • Suzy12
    Suzy12 Posts: 284
    I often order off the appetizer menu and ask them to serve it with the other dinners. Who needs those HUGE portions!?
  • sloopygirls
    sloopygirls Posts: 14 Member

    CHeck out this page from their website, they have a garden fare menu. I suggest the Venetian Apricot Chicken
    Grilled chicken breasts in an apricot citrus sauce. Served with broccoli, asparagus and diced tomatoes. You can eat the dinner portion, Calories = 380, Fat = 4 Fiber = 8 Carbs = 32 Sodium =1420, Eat the salad but get the dressing on the side.
    This is very delicious, you will not believe how yummy it taste. Try it! :wink:
  • If you like seafood, the steamed mussels on the appetizer menu are delicious, and I also like the seafood brodetto. :)
  • GinoATC
    GinoATC Posts: 60
    I just went and had the steak and roasted potatos and peppers. Pretty good sized meal, delicious and i think under 600 cals. STAY away from the bread sticks at 150cal each and salad with dressing at OVER 1000 cals. for the bowl.
  • zatknees
    zatknees Posts: 9 Member
    I always go with the venetian apricot chicken - first time I had it I thought it would suck with the word "apricot" in it. It was surprisingly good! Stick with the soup - recommend Minestrone - even have 2 bowls! I try to stay away from the bread sticks because I KNOW I'll want to eat a ton of them. If you have enough control limit yourself to 1. Good luck! You WILL be full if you stick to this and you WILL feel good later in the night that you made healthy choices. :)
  • aburley
    aburley Posts: 161 Member
    I would suggest staying away from the salad as well. It's not worth it. You'll have more calories left for your entree. I had the parmasean crusted tilapia when I went to Olive Garden. It was 590 calories and filling. Just plan what you are going to eat before you go, so you'aren't stressing when you get there! Have a good time and enjoy the moment!
  • redruthie
    redruthie Posts: 77
    I recently went and had a bowl of pasta e fagioli (130 calories) no cheese, one breadstick (150 calories), and ordered the capellini di mare (650 calories) except I only ate 1/4 of the order instead of the entire plate of food. I ordered a bellini peach/raspberry tea (90 calories) to drink. It's easy to overdo it on the breadsticks and cheese, so just be aware of how much you are eating and you could easily stay within your calories. Above all else, have fun!
  • I am new here so I hope I am not stepping on toes but I don't understand WHY you would stay away from salad? The salad has fiber and cellulose that are important for digestion. Even if not full of nutrients due to the water content of the lettuce it is still better than eating pasta (which breaks down very quickly) It's the dressing that I see is the problem...but that's with all salads.

    I would say just get it without dressing and use vinegar and pepper! Lots of onions helps the seasoning too if you don't mind them ! Is there beans in the fagioli? If so I think that would be a good choice too so you feel more full, longer!!

    Soda water with lemon is also a good way to feel like you are getting soda without the sugar (or fake sugar).

    Good luck and have fun anyhow!
  • 3LittleMonkeys
    3LittleMonkeys Posts: 373 Member
    the portobello ravioli is really good and not as many calories as everything else.

    Well, I will say there are better choices. This item is still 450 calories and 19 grams of fat.


    I would look at the soup and side salad. Without dressing or bring your own lowfat version.

    Good luck! Have a great time.


    Check out their Garden Fare options.

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