Hello All, Just looking for more new friends

Good Morning, Afternoon or night,

My Name is Kotki i'm 22, 5ft 1in and i have 181lbs to lose and im looking for more friends on MFP, so if your like me and have a long weight loss journey it would be fantastic if you could join me for mutual encouragement and movitiation :-)

So please feel free to add me, hopefully speak to some of you soon


  • jsidway
    jsidway Posts: 6
    .Hi Kotki, my name is Jean. I live in New Jersey. I saw your post and would love to be your friend. I'm not your age, however I do work with about 25 girls that are. I am the assistant director of a large preschool and the girls are my friends and kinda view me as a mother figure. I do have 3 grown children and 2 granddaughters. I have about 50 lbs. to loose. It may sound small in comparison, but at my age it's hard. I'm here if you need someone to listen. If not, good luck with your journey.