Out of proportion thighs! Ladies some feedback!

Hi all,

I have this question thats been bothering me for the last few weeks...
Before I lost weight, despite being overweight I was fairly well in proportion, I had a butt and bigger thighs but also big boobs!
Now I have lost 35lb and I have reallt noticed with the last 5lb that I see a massive difference in my upper body to the point where I really do not need much else to come off there. I'm easily into a Uk size 10 top, bingo wings are gone, muffin top gone, hardly anything on my belly either. Even my butt has got a lot smaller.

So here's the problem,
I have lost some off my thighs but they still look awful (sorry I'm not exagerating). I'm worried losing more weight will come off my upper body again and I'll look even more out of proportion... I'm hating being pearshaped!!
So if I keep going, will it eventually come off my thighs?


  • kimmerroze
    kimmerroze Posts: 1,330 Member
    Some of the sexiest women in hollywood are pearshaped.. It is also one of the most healthy body types. much better than apple shaped.

    I would suggest strength training with a focus on your lower half! I am pearshaped and there is about a 6 inch difference almost between my chest and my hips. lol

    But as I have bumped up my strength training that has trimmed my thighs quite a bit. The stair climber is also a magnificant option to trimming your thighs...

    Cardio alone wont do it, because cardio also shed muscle. you can also not spot reduce your fat. But you can build muscle in the targeted area and muscle will help burn fat quicker, SO hit the Weights!

    Just be prepared... IT WILL BE SLOW AND HARD. but you will get there.
  • tawilliams10
    Try exercises that are geared toward weight loss in the region you want to lose in. Like jump rope 3-4 times a week. Jump roping is a great toner and sculps lean muscles. Bike ride or squats are great too. I hope that helps. Also try and google exercises that target weight loss in the thighs.
  • RachelH25
    RachelH25 Posts: 108
    I feel your pain! The first place I seem to lose weight is in my boobs. I've always had a problem with my thighs too. It seems to be the last place the fat comes off......but it will come off. I'm about 5'7 and even when I got down to 124lbs for my wedding and you could see my ribs I still had alittle extra on my thighs. You might not lose it all but if you stick with it you will see a difference. Cardio is you best friend!
  • ejha77
    ejha77 Posts: 63
    Even at my thinnest a couple of years ago (approx 8 stone/112lbs), I still hated my thighs because they were (in my opinion) disproportionately big on me compared to my top half. This time round I'm trying to be more accepting of my body shape. I will never be a straight up-and-down shape with slender thighs, and I can rage against that and drive myself mad or I can accept that I'm an hourglass shape at any size, and... not ever wear hotpants, I guess :laugh:. It's hard because I'd love to have nice thighs, but I've realised it would be fighting a losing battle with myself.

    Exercise will help, but you can't really alter your basic shape.
  • glitterballv
    glitterballv Posts: 133 Member
    you could see my ribs I still had alittle extra on my thighs.

    I feel this is where I'm heading!! lol
    I can cope with a little extra though, I'm pretty accepting that they will never be skinny skinny. But it is good to know that they WILL get smaller!

    I've just started running in the hope that this will help and def need to try more squats and lunges.

    Damn those years of horse riding that have probably helped to give me these legs!
  • glitterballv
    glitterballv Posts: 133 Member
    not ever wear hotpants, I guess :laugh:. It's hard because I'd love to have nice thighs, but I've realised it would be fighting a losing battle with myself.

    Exercise will help, but you can't really alter your basic shape.

    Maybe that is the key- but I really don't mind them not being perfect- passable would honestly do.
  • noltes2
    noltes2 Posts: 202 Member
    Oooh I so can relate! I have lost a ton from my upper body, butt, and boobs... but my thighs are still tight in pants! On the hips they will be falling off and my thighs is the only thing holding em up! I blame genetics. I still have a ways to go and I'm crossing my fingers that the rest of the weight will come off there. With cardio and a low calorie diet I bet your thighs will shrink up. They say the first place you gain (which was a long time ago) is the last place you lose. So we may need to lose quite a bit more to have them shrink up! Running, stair master and jump rope are all good tools though for toning!
  • glitterballv
    glitterballv Posts: 133 Member
    hey noltes2!

    Yeah the jeans only being held up by the thighs is the story of my life at the moment!!

    We have a similar amount left to lose actually! Never really tried jumping rope for this but may as well give it a go too!
  • RachelH25
    RachelH25 Posts: 108
    :) I rode horses for years too..that could have something to do with.
  • Page83
    Page83 Posts: 23
    im a pear shape too, its a frustrating shape but healthier than being an apple and carrying your weight around your midsection.
    i would love to lose a bit more off my thighs but unfortunately i would look too sickly up top and TBH i dont have enough boobs to lose anymore weight lol (although not a laughing matter). my focus now is to tone my legs more, if they are going to be big they may as well be a good big.

    oh and getting pants to fit!!!!! OMG what a struggle!!!!!
  • boomstick13s
    biggest loser cardio dvd works your thighs pretty good. lots pf squats and lunges during moves...leaves me sore!
  • tlkoehl
    tlkoehl Posts: 27
    I am pear shaped also! I know what you mean..I would say get ankle weights and do some focused inner/outer thigh work outs and squats will also help that area. For me? I have always had "thunder thighs" except when i was really unhealthy, so I have also come to accept that there is know way how to get "rid" of them but you can tame them:)
  • lkm111
    lkm111 Posts: 629 Member
    I'm doing Zumba and KettleWorx and both of them have really toned up my thighs. I think I'm losing more inches there than anywhere else, and I had to most to lose in that area. Lot of squats in both of those programs.
  • PepsiGal
    PepsiGal Posts: 85 Member
    Some of the sexiest women in hollywood are pearshaped.. It is also one of the most healthy body types. much better than apple shaped.

    Yes!! Look at Beyonce, Jennifer Love Hewitt, and Jennifer Lopez. They are all pear-shaped and considered sexy.
    I hear you! I am struggling to trim my hips and thighs. Before I had my last child 6 years ago, I managed to shrink my thighs quite a bit by doing the Firm BodyShaping workouts.
  • janesmith1
    janesmith1 Posts: 1,511 Member
    I saw pix of Keira Knightley when she was bigger - she's a DEFINITE pear. I think she's lost a bunch of weight in order to shrink those thighs.

    For my own part, I have thunder thighs. I am doing EA Sports Active 2 on the xbox360 (so I have a virtual personal trainer) and it makes me jump all the time, all over the place, forwards, backwards, side-to-side, and makes me do 100's of lunges. I have noticed that my thighs are not as big. They're still huge, just not as big as they were.
  • kimmerroze
    kimmerroze Posts: 1,330 Member
    Toning has worked wonders for me ladies, I used to think I couldn't get rid of my thighs, but I was so wrong. I have started toning like a machine, and it has been hard. they say the first place you gain weight is the last place you will lose it. and so far that has proven true, I bumped up my weights this past week and I was curious if it was helping at all, so I measured a week earlier than I usually do and I had lost a half of an inch already. It usually takes me 2 weeks to do that.

    So don't give up hope. You can most certainly tame them, but us pear shaped women are always going to have sexy curves.
  • glitterballv
    glitterballv Posts: 133 Member
    Toning has worked wonders for me ladies, I used to think I couldn't get rid of my thighs, but I was so wrong. I have started toning like a machine, and it has been hard. they say the first place you gain weight is the last place you will lose it. and so far that has proven true, I bumped up my weights this past week and I was curious if it was helping at all, so I measured a week earlier than I usually do and I had lost a half of an inch already. It usually takes me 2 weeks to do that.

    So don't give up hope. You can most certainly tame them, but us pear shaped women are always going to have sexy curves.

    Curves are definitely sexy- just hopefully going to smooth them out a bit!

    What have you been doing for your toning?