E m o t i o n a l - C o n f e s s i o n



  • cazzincali
    cazzincali Posts: 337 Member
    Let me assure you that none of us who have been or are overweight now ever got that way from eating just because they were hungry! That is not possible. We all got overweight because we ate/eat emotionally. It is a healthy sign that you recognize this and are making steps to change it. IT is a process and it will take time. We all have individual emotional triggers and each have to figure out what ours is in order to address it. Hang in there and hugs to you for making yourself so vulnerable by sharing your personal story.

    VERY well said.
  • cazzincali
    cazzincali Posts: 337 Member
    or our Mom's gave us the bottle and cookies/treats to keep us calm and happy....just saying!!!

    can't blame MOM ... if you are an adult and are aware that you are overweight it is now YOUR responsibility. WE chose what we will or will not do today... NOT mom.
  • highvoltagequeen
    your not alone..i to somedays eat more than i should and then i will say what the heck i done scewed this day up so i will eat even more..horrible cycle.. we just have to all keep fighting it and stay strong..maybe it will help that we r all fighting together..thankyou for sharing this with us..:)

    I cannot tell you - how many times, I have done that exact thing. "Oh hell, I already ate, that might as well make it worth it" and end up eating boxes of food. It was such a horrible horrible binge cycle!
  • Levedi
    Levedi Posts: 290 Member
    You're not alone! I wake up thinking about food. If I get up in the middle of the night for something it's the hardest thing in the world for me to walk past the pantry without eating. One of the other posters said it just right - none of us got here by eating just because we were hungry. We all eat for emotional reasons, to fill a need we may not fully understand.

    Have you tried journaling? Write down your dreams and how they make you feel. Write down when you want to eat and how eating makes you feel and then try to find other things that can make you feel good without eating. And keep posting here. You're helping other people by opening up too because you make us feel less alone with our food issues.
  • highvoltagequeen
    Leve - Good comments, this is my current journal. Telling total strangers about my eating habits. Its clensing.
  • Briacha
    Briacha Posts: 160 Member
    I don't blame Mom. I was just saying what Freud believes!!! No parents are perfect, no kids are perfect and we ALL make bad choices from time to time!

    What matters most is that we learn something positive and do our best to stay on the positive/healthy track!