Lights Out Fatty



  • vintagedream
  • vintagedream
    I weigh 244 lbs, size 18. I don't dress in the dark. I don't avoid mirrors. I also love my body, despite wanting it to be smaller in some (okay, all) places. I have sex with the lights on. We're not all overweight because we keep ourselves in the dark. For some of us, it's because of a weird medication. For others, it's because they were raised to think it was okay. For yet others, it's because they choose it.

    I really hate this self-perpetuated notion that 'fat-shaming' is okay. It's equally offensive to me when an overweight person does it to others. In order to make the changes we want to, we should be loving ourselves every step of the way.

    thank you, right on!
  • tammy200678
    tammy200678 Posts: 201 Member
    I moved into a house with like 20 mirrors in it that was my reality check i almost took them down but then realized that would not take care of the problem!:tongue: