Breakfast help

jancheta Posts: 4
edited September 24 in Health and Weight Loss
Hi guys! i'm just curious about what to actually have for breakfast and how many calories I should be consuming early in the day. I don't eat breakfast at all! I have a cup of coffee and that's it.

Basically, just looking for some ideas and recipes to get so I know what to get when I go grocery shopping.

Thank you :D


  • NikkisNewStart
    NikkisNewStart Posts: 1,075 Member
    I eat oatmeal every morning just because I love it...

    I get the old fashioned oats in the canister... not the instant packet stuff.

    To the oats I add 1/2 cup of fresh blueberries and 2 tsp of brown sugar blend splenda.

    On some days I'll eat 2 hard boiled egg WHITES (toss the yolk after you hardboil the eggs), put on a whole grain sandwich thin, add a veggie sausage or turkey sausage patty and have a side of fruit.

    Breakfast for me typically runs 230 to 300 calories. Eating early in the morning gets your metabolism up so you are burning at a higher rate all day vs. not eating breakfast. I look forward to my breakfast every morning and eating one rich in fiber and protein will ensure that you are satisfied and full of energy to start your day.
  • I strongly recommend oats - my porridge recipe is
    45g rolled whole oats
    300 ml water
    1 tsp ground cinnamon
    simmered fir 5 mins.

    Added fruit either an apple diced or some frozen blueberries in the cooking mix or some mashed banana or fresh berries added after. To finish splenda to taste and then I add a large blob of fat free vanilla yoghurt - costs around 300 depending an the additions and keeps me going for 5 hours at least -I'm eating it now as I type ;)
  • kgarza810
    kgarza810 Posts: 37
    I do oatmeal or hard boiled egg whites with 1/2 cup of fresh berries. I just recently found some good high in fiber breakfast recipes on I usually get my dinner recipes from there and have had good luck so far. I'm sure their breakfast recipes are just as good.
  • Jouquetta
    Jouquetta Posts: 20
    I eat oatmeal OR multigrain cheerios with skim milk. I add in different fruits strawberries, blueberries, half a banana, etc. If I just eat oats I get bored and then just revert back to my coffee which isn't so bad except I get really hungry in the late afternoon and then wind up eating too many calories late in the day.

    On the weekends when I have a bit more time I "live large" and make myself a steamed spinach, 1 slice of chopped up turkey bacon, tomatom Egg Beater Whites Only omelet OR I add all that into a FlatOut bread w/flax and slice of Kraft fat free cheese.

    The breakfast variations average from about 200 cals to 300 cals.

    I, like you, was purely a coffee drinker but after eating breakfast for a few weeks I noticed I was not as hungry throughout day. On the weekends particularly I noticed the change because I would sleep in and eat breakfast around 10 am, a snack around 1pm, then dinner early and wouldn't go to bed with the feeling like I was starving.

    Hope it helps. Friend me if you'd like more ideas. Happy weight loss/maintenance.
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    Oatmeal is great and ridiculously flexible. There are a million ways to enjoy it! Totally endless :) If you want some suggestions, just search the forums, friend me, or google it. Fruit, nuts, cocao/carob, pumpkin, yogurt, basically anything can be tossed in. It's wonderful!

    Consume around 1/4 of your calories at breakfast, or 1/5 if you are a serious snacker. I find that makes the day pretty manageable. Getting a hearty breakfast that's high in fiber and slow-burning carbs will boost your metabolism and keep you feeling full until lunch.

    Other ideas - egg white omelet/scramble, nat PB on whole grain bread, fruit/yogurt/granola or cereal mix, or try a smoothie! Great way to get some fruit and veg on the go and it's super easy. Check out for ideas.

  • shimmerlady
    shimmerlady Posts: 43 Member
    I could not survive without breakfast.

    Most mornings I have a cup of coffee, 2 wheetabix (wheaten oats, not sure if they are available in US) with a spoon of sugar. I have a cup of milk between my cereal and my coffee and it is usually around 250 calories.

    Generally I don't have anything until lunch time and if I want a snack try and have nuts or yoghurt.

    Have always had breakfast and also could not survive without a coffee in the morning.
  • appleshells
    appleshells Posts: 165
    I have never been able to eat breakfast. I knew it was hindering my weight loss. I just could not bring myself to "eat" within an hour of waking up. I chose to drink a protein shake for breakfast. It has been working great.
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