If you could only choose ONE?

I need a new workout!!! If you could only choose ONE workout DVD which one would it be and why? I appreciate all recommendations and input! I would love to hear from everyone! Thanks! :flowerforyou:


  • Amandac6772
    Amandac6772 Posts: 1,311 Member
    If only one then it would be something like 30 Day Shred or No More Trouble Zones that is a circuit training workout because you get strength and cardio together.
  • Inkedsquid
    Well it's not a DVD, but www.bodyrock.tv is AMAZING. I'm in the military and boot camp had NOTHING on what this girl does to you. Try the "Halo of Sweat" workout. It hurts so good. :)
  • Page83
    Page83 Posts: 23
    30 day shred. its the only one ive done lol. its a great workout though and does make a difference if your eating right. my husband made comment the other day on my abs and low and behold you can see some under all the all the stretched baby belly! and i had been doing 200 sit ups a day for about 18 months withough seeing much result and my indurance is much better now.
    plus its such a quick workout its over before you know it which is awesome when you dont have much time for yourself in the day.
  • carolgilden
    I'm getting ready to try the Richard Simmons "60's Blast" I only paid about $10 on Amazon for it. Haven't tried it yet, will let you know how it goes.:flowerforyou:
  • rachmaree
    rachmaree Posts: 782 Member
    I agree with Inkedsquid! Try following Zuzanas workouts on bodyrock.tv, they are brutal, but you can always adapt them to suit your fitness level. Skipping rope is cheap, portable and will give you a great cardio workout.
  • JMuzzy
    JMuzzy Posts: 63
    I love Barry's Boot Camp... Barry is funny and each exercise is only 60 seconds long (adding up to a twenty minute workout, including warm-up). and like Barry says, you can do anything for 60 seconds! :) Also, its good for whatever fitness level your at because he shows adaptations for each exercise (easier and harder).

    the website if you want to check it out: http://www.amazon.com/Barrys-Bootcamp-Complete-Workout-System/dp/B001DD2D2Q
  • miss_jamaica
    miss_jamaica Posts: 376 Member
    I am another fan of the 30 Day Shred. I've tried a ton of workouts, and this is my fav. I can see and feel the difference in my body. My boyfriend has also commented on the improvement in my stomach.
  • kmeekhof
    kmeekhof Posts: 456 Member
    Jillian Michaels- No More Trouble Zones. This dvd is a real "sweater" It literally works every area of your body. It incorporates cardio, so your heart rate is up and you are burning, and strength training, so you are building lean muscles. It is difficult in the begining, but as long as you stick with it does get easier.
  • Page83
    Page83 Posts: 23
    Jillian Michaels- No More Trouble Zones. This dvd is a real "sweater" It literally works every area of your body. It incorporates cardio, so your heart rate is up and you are burning, and strength training, so you are building lean muscles. It is difficult in the begining, but as long as you stick with it does get easier.

    where did you get it, ive been looking (in store) for another of hers but have only found one that is 5 different workouts each targeting a different area, i want an all in one.
  • jane77
    jane77 Posts: 489
    That would really depend on how fit you are to start. One size does not fit all. Your exercise should include cardio and lifting. So if you can walk or jog outside get a weight training DVD if you can't do cardio on your own than you need a DVD that doe s both. There are lots of free workout on line try some of them first ask friends and coworkers to borrow theirs see what u like. My personal fav is the p90 ser P90 to start if new to working out P90x for later
  • Candiceg13
    Candiceg13 Posts: 218
    It totally depends on u!!! Do u like to have fun and dance? Do you like kick boxing? Do u need music or are u just fine without it???

    I would say for me..... Turbo Fire or Hip Hop Abs.... but I NEED to have music and that dance factor! P90 and P90X are amazing I hear, but not my kind of wo......

    :tongue: GL!
  • kmeekhof
    kmeekhof Posts: 456 Member
    Jillian Michaels- No More Trouble Zones. This dvd is a real "sweater" It literally works every area of your body. It incorporates cardio, so your heart rate is up and you are burning, and strength training, so you are building lean muscles. It is difficult in the begining, but as long as you stick with it does get easier.

    where did you get it, ive been looking (in store) for another of hers but have only found one that is 5 different workouts each targeting a different area, i want an all in one.

    I got it at walmart for like $9 or $10.... I think Target sells it as well. I have her 30 day shred, NMTZ, 6 week 6 pack, and yoga meltdown. All great workouts. The next one I am getting is ripped in 30.... that might be a while before I get it.