I'm New Here

Hi, I am new here and looking for friends for support and motivation.


  • adityarajkapoor
    well..am new here 2 and am enjoying this site and the help that it gives......keep close connect with the site....
  • Patcn60
    Patcn60 Posts: 2
    I'm new also, I love the site. I record my entries after the end of each day. I stay well below my calorie intakes. I do 30 to 45 minutes on a treadmill every day. Also,I use a stepper for ten to fifteen minutes and free weights. I can see the inches coming off my waist and face. My pants are getting baggy. down four belt holes on my belt! I mean i can see the loss in the mirror. Body weight coming off slowly but gradually.
  • Angela4Health
    Angela4Health Posts: 1,319 Member
    Welcome, I am also new here. I started this week. I'm loving it. I't such a great way to be accountable. I've been able to stay under my calories every day! :)
  • exxxtasi
    exxxtasi Posts: 39
    Welcome!!! I've been here for 46 days and since list fifteen pounds so I can vouch that this site works! Good luck reaching your goals!!
  • SNorrisii
    SNorrisii Posts: 31
    Welcome This site has been a God send for me and I have been able to stick to it unlike other diets out there