help i am craving food that is fattening

jadorex40x Posts: 29 Member
edited September 24 in Health and Weight Loss
i love to eat the things i shouldn't crisps biscuits cake etc how do i get over this, my weekness is crisps, should i just eat them sometimes because you always want what you can't have,its like the forbidden fruit. if i eat the foods i crave sometimes maybe they won't seem the enemy???


  • rherrin5
    rherrin5 Posts: 136 Member
    What are crisps?

    Ok well I guess it doesnt really matter. But if they are like chips or wafers or something then just eat the recommended serving. I love sun chips or any kind of chips and for a snack once a day I would have one ounce which was the serving size. If that is something you love and can not really give up then just log it and try to be healthy the rest of day and maybe after a few weeks if its a real bad food for ya, just try to do every other day. I refuse to give up my flavored creamers in my coffee and I have 4 Tablespoons in a cup and have one big cup a day. So thats my forbidden love :) I still lose weight every week. If you do not have something you are craving, then your going to binge and thats not good either. Moderation girl, you can do it!
  • rjlam
    rjlam Posts: 149
    When you get a craving, try drinking an 8oz glass of water then wait for 10 minutes but during those 10 minutes try keeping busy. The other suggestion is to have a piece of fruit and the other is to make sure you do not buy them. Hope this helps.
  • eleonoreOU
    eleonoreOU Posts: 83 Member
    if you can control yourself, have what you want in small quantity....
    and then just work it out...
    I had a meeting on friday and we had muffins on the table. I stared at that blueberry muffin for an hour and decided to eat it... After the meeting, I went to the lake and walked it off (took a while but i did lol)
  • lilwashee
    lilwashee Posts: 222 Member
    do not deprive yourself allow for one serving so you feel like you got what u want then work your calories around that for the day ,also try to drink a lot of water..water is the hardest one for me lol
  • paulettac
    paulettac Posts: 101
    You could try waiting 10 minutes. If your still craving then have a few. I feel nothing is bad in moderation.... just don't do it every day or over eat. You may have to do a little extra exercise to get it to fit into your daily goals.
  • jadorex40x
    jadorex40x Posts: 29 Member
    thanks all, i have awful will power or is it none lol, i can't not buy the foods as i have kids all be 17 and 19 and a fiance who eats goodies like they are going out of fashion, and water what is water i hate the stuff...... but many thanks for the replies x
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,064 Member
    There are alternatives that I've found that are not quite healthy, but better than crisps (chips). Personally, saltine crackers give me the same crunch and salty flavour as the chips, but if you prefer flavours there's the rice chips or cracker chips or even baked chips. Agree though, try the water and see if that helps for 10 minutes - it's a diversionary tactic that helps hydrate your body. If that doesn't help, and the alternatives don't help either then portion out a small serving of the craving and put the rest away. Don't buy it (although for me, I just hop in the car and go get it). You can get the water flavourings (even weak tea could be counted if you drink it black) that have minimal calories to get you into the habit of consuming enough liquids.

    Sugar and salt are addictive substances and so you're detoxing from their effects, cravings are normal. Make sure to get in enough protein and fibre to stop the biological causes of cravings and the above should help with the psychological causes too :) We can do this together (although I'm now craving Crispers - the cracker chips).....LOL Don't have any in the house....gonna be a long day
  • meggonkgonk
    meggonkgonk Posts: 2,066 Member
    I definitely make room for "bad" foods in my day. I don't eat chips that often, even though I like them, because I find it easy to do without, but i LOVE LOVE LOVE chocolate and have it in some form almost everyday. On my big workout days I have pizza and I usually have take out2-3 times a week. I don't think you have to be perfect with the foods you eat- just try to stay within your calories and make your other choices as healthy as possible. Doing without them forever just isnt realistic, at least for me, so I am using this opportunity to figure out where and how junky delicious food fit into my life long term.
  • bjshooter
    bjshooter Posts: 1,174 Member
    Eat them, I have crisps every other day or so. Weightwatchers do some for 80 cals. Quavers are 99cals and sometimes I just have regular full fat ones. In fact the day before yesterday I had a very bad binge and ate a whole sharing bag of Kettle chips :D As long as you have the spare calories and you have a bit more water for the sodium, you will be fine.
  • SNorrisii
    SNorrisii Posts: 31
    When you crave some foods its your body telling you that you need something that is in that food that your body is lacking and may be taken care of buy taking vitamins or another healthier food or you just may need to eat that food and cut back on other areas or workout more
  • jadorex40x
    jadorex40x Posts: 29 Member
    what is this 10 minute 'thing' your all telling me please, and how is water going to stop a craving of somthing really yummy, i can pig out even when i am full up and sometimes if i can't decide on 2 foods i end up eating both..... If you read my profile you will see i am 5 ' and only 7 stone but with a stomache that has this awful 'overhang' yak i hate my body and i hate my skinny legs and knobbly knees so although i don't really need to lose more than a pound or 2 i still need to stop the pigging out and exercise more what am i talking about i don't do any, but i am trying since being on here since Tuesday, thanks all please keep the messages coming and maybe i can add some of you as friends..... x
  • clrock11
    clrock11 Posts: 13 Member
    For me, I tell my self just one cookie or something like that and then the next day and day after that it is the same thing. I do better when I don't eat anything like that. Over the summer I went about 40 days doing P90X and not eating anything like chips,cookies, candy, ice cream, basically no bad stuff, and I saw amazing results. I would just try to avoid the bad stuff. After about a week I stopped having cravings, especially if you use chocoloate whey protein and workout. Hope that helps ;)
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,064 Member
    First off, you have to find something that works for you. As people say, they build them into their diet - if you know what you're going to crave that day, that's fine. It's tough to build your meals around something that you haven't planned around though. My number one reason for success is planning my meals for the day - I can balance things out, and know that I'm eating a healthy variety of foods.

    If you can distract yourself for 10 minutes with something else (like water or an activity like jumping jacks) you get your mind off the craving and most times it doesn't come back. The reason for the water is that when most people crave something, they're actually thirsty so if the water stops the craving then you know you're actually thirsty and you need to re-train your brain to correctly interpret the signals.

    If it doesn't work, my first line of attack is substitution (crackers, baked chips, etc). Mimic the texture and flavour profile of the item you're craving in a healthier format and you'll have a new weapon. Some of my subsitutions are: Heated Almond Milk for Hot Chocolate, Crackers for Chips, Pickles for Chips, Frozen Yogurt for Ice Cream, Sweet Potatoes for White Potatoes, etc. Where a complete substitution isn't possible, go for a lower fat, lower sugar, lower salt version of the same thing (Baked Chips instead of Regular).

    Where all the other options fail, make there a consequence for having a small serving (whatever the pack says - most here say 17 chips). I bet if you were to do 10 full minutes of jumping jacks and drink 2 glasses of water every time you felt like having crisps before you had them, you wouldn't want them afterwards 50% of the time. The other 50% of the time, at least you put in exercise before hand to deal with the calories and mitigated the problem with the sodium.

    It's okay to splurge once in a while, but once I start, I find that I have the junk daily and that wasn't my original intention.
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