Looking for Friends my age with similar goals...

Hello! My name is Lisa and I am 49 years old.
I have 3 children, DS 18, DD15, DD7 and a wonderful husband of 21 years. I have been a Weight Watcher for the last 30 years. It worked great for me til I started getting older and developed hereditary Hashimoto's Disease. My last 11 weeks on WW (done faithfully to a "T") I stayed EXACTLY the same weight. I started "double tracking" my points and calories on WW/MFP and discovered that when i was eating my "healthiest", my calories per point were at their highest (60cals/pt!). That was way too many calories for me to lose on. I switched to MFP and set my goal to lose 1 lb. per week (my 2 year avg on WW was .5) and my first week I lost 1 pound! I am hooked!
I am looking for female friends that are close to my age (who can relate to the increased challenges of losing weight when you are 'older" :) who have 30+ lbs to lose... or anyone else who wants to support me/be supported!


  • perrytyra
    perrytyra Posts: 357 Member
    Hi! I just got started 2 days ago. I am 35. My children are about the same age as yours. 19,16,14 and 6. I need to lose at least 40 pounds.
  • TolsonSL
    TolsonSL Posts: 2
    Hi Lisa, my name is Sherry and I am 42 years old.
    I'm not married but I have dated the same man for 12 years. I have no children.
    I never really worried much about my weight until about a year or so ago when it seemed like losing weight became impossible for me. I am pretty active but I know that I absolutely don't eat right. I blame that on my job and the crazy hours that I work, but honestly, some of it is I'm just being lazy. I want to remain active and look my best at all stages of my life.

    I also joined MFP to find friends that would encourage me and help to keep me motivated. Let's help one another in this thing OK? Have a wonderful and blessed day :happy:
  • brlarson
    brlarson Posts: 6 Member
    Hi, I am a similar age and have been using MFP for the past month and a half. I love it. The food data base is extensive and very user friendly. It is definitely more difficult to lose weight the older we are. I also go to WW feel I am much more successful using MFP. WW actually told me I should think about raising my goal weight which I strongly disagreed with. A pound a week is fairly easy to do if you are also exercising. Hang in there, the slower it comes off the better.
  • danlyn
    danlyn Posts: 157 Member
    I'm 51 and definitely understand the difficulty losing weight that comes as we get older. I have only lost 3 pounds so far, but my clothes are fitting much better and I am so much more accountable with my food since I log it on this site. I would love to be a supportive friend to you. I'll send you a friend request. Good luck and WELCOME!!!!:flowerforyou:
  • mjf0461
    mjf0461 Posts: 470 Member
    Hey, Marie here.. 49 yrs old and 5 kids--23,21,20,17 and 16.. 4 girls and 1 son.. I have 52lbs to go and I am raring to get the job done. I've been on here 60 days now, and have been on a plateau for roughly 3 weeks, so I am fighting to get off 41 on the scale.. It's been a battle...But I am here to stay, this is my year for me....Welcome to all of you...
  • tnfphelan
    tnfphelan Posts: 23
    Hi, I'm 51 and had 6 children ranging from 27 down to 11. I myself had a hard time for 2 years losing weight even though I was eating healthy and going to the gym faithfully 5 days a week. No matter what I did the weight would not budge. As soon as I got through menopause the weight started coming off. I started MFP this past October 27, 2010 and have dropped 23lbs with lbsmore to go. It's coming off slow at this point but it's coming off and the way I'm doing it is by how I can live the rest of my life. I'm not on an extreme diet and go out on Friday's with my friends and eat and have a couple of drinks. If you want to add me as a friend feel free to.
  • sueceeq
    sueceeq Posts: 61 Member
    Hi Lisa! My name is Sue and I am 46 years old.
    I have 3 kids as well, but am suffering from empty nest syndrome, as they are all grown up and out. I lost 40 pounds on Weight Watchers about 4 years ago, but I gained it all back and then some. I have not been able to find the motivation to get back on the horse so to speak until now.
    I was diagnosed in June with chronic leukemia. It is treatable, and I am responding to the medications, but it was a big wake up call for me. I went into a funk for about 7 months, but I know that I cannot continue to be unhealthy if I want to live.
    I stumbled on this website and I am hooked too! I love the droid app, especially the bar code scan :)
    I canceled my online Weight Watchers subscription and here I am! I can't wait to make friends and start recording losses! I need to lose at least 50 pounds, but my 1st goal is just to get down below 200!
    I am ready!!!
  • Just1forMe
    Just1forMe Posts: 624 Member
    Wow! Thanks to all my new friends! :flowerforyou:

    I am so excited to start this "new" journey! I've been doing WW since Jan 7 of 2010 and have lost 34 lbs (this time around), but I feel like I am starting fresh on MFP and it will be so great to do this with all of you! I think having the support of others is so important so lets support each other and get this done!
  • Jane1320
    Jane1320 Posts: 20 Member
    Hi Lisa,

    My name is Jane. I live in New Jersey, I am 50 years old, I am married and have a son who is 11 years old. I have been a teacher for 16 years. I have struggled with my weight all of my life. The most I ever lost was 30 pounds about 17 years ago and unfortunately I put that back on plus another 80 pounds. I am now at my all time heaviest. I also have a thyroid problem caused by medication. I have hypothroidism which makes losing weight even more difficult, but I know not impossible.

    I joined my fitness Pal I think last summer, I heard about it on a tv talk show. My problem with any weight loss program has been consistency. I used Fitness Pal for maybe 6 weeks and then stopped. I tried WW a couple of times and lost a little, but again I didn't stick with any program for a long time. I get sick, or life gets busy and I give up. I was a member of Over eaters anonymous from the time I was 28 up until 43, I guess in a way I did stick to that program, but I again I was in and out of it thru those 15 years.

    Bottom line is I have a serious problem with managing my food intake and my weight. So I'm back again using myfitnesspal. I have been exercising a couple times a week since Christmas week, missing 3 of those weeks. I am very scared for my life now as 300lbs is almost around the corner, I presently weigh 257, I am 5' 4'.

    You sound like a really nice person...sorry that I do tend to be long winded, you sound like you're on the right path and you seem to be very disciplined...something that has eluded me...keep up the good work...would love to hear from you
  • Rnjennmcc
    Rnjennmcc Posts: 28
    Hi Lisa!!!

    I too am finding it harder to lose the weight as I get older. I just turned 40 last month and have tried WW more times than I can count. I joined MFP 2 weeks ago and am hooked. The support on here is amazing and encouraging :) It is so easy to keep track of calories and calories out especially with the app I have for my phone. I have a long way to go in the weight loss department but MFP has been steadily working since joining. I love it !!!