This is the year - 65lbs to get rid of

Officially started my journey on 4th Jan 11 - The last few years my weight has been at it's worst and finally I have decided to do something about it. I hadn't weighed myself since last April and guess I had given up caring or hoping to do anything about it. I have a knackered knee which put me off doing any 'real' exercise and I guess has added to my poor health and attitude. At the end of last year a few people commented that I had lost weight so I decided to get on the scales and I had!! Something 'clicked' and I decided that if I managed to do that without trying what could I acheive if I really tried?
So with Christmas over I weighed in and started controlling my portions, keeping the cork in the wine bottle and hitting the gym a few times a week.
I am happy that this regime seems to be working and hoping that my week 9 weigh in will see me very close to losing 1.5 stone so far this year. People are staring to notice the change which is a real boost and makes me more determined to carry on. I also have my 40th in June - which I will be spending abroad - another incentive to get it off!!
Would love to hear from others with similar goals and experiences - good luck to all that have made it here!!


  • Molly08
    Molly08 Posts: 153 Member
    I started doing MFP and Weight Watchers the 6th of January and have been able to lose 25lbs, no idea what that is in stones or what stones are for that matter :oP I really love this website and hope to find continued success with it!! Congrats on your good work and remember that commitment and consistency will pay off!!
  • johnnieb
    johnnieb Posts: 27 Member
    Keep it up! You're doing great! It feels really good when ppl start to notice :)
  • nextrightthing
    nextrightthing Posts: 408 Member
    Wow both chollylops and guys have lost a lot of weight in 2 months. I started January 10th and have only lost 11 lbs......hmmm I keep forgetting how many lbs. in a stone so I am not sure about that measurement. Way to go!!!!
  • nextrightthing
    nextrightthing Posts: 408 Member
    Okay....just checked it out, I have lost almost a stone.
  • rjgazray
    rjgazray Posts: 41 Member
    Great job!! It makes such a difference when people start to notice the change. It's also important to notice it yourself. I have kept pictures since near the beginning of my journey and it has been so amazing to see myself transform. This is a great community that seriously helps keep me motivated. I hope it does the same for you!
  • chollylops
    chollylops Posts: 149 Member
    Must admit the photo diary is a great way to see the changes - have quite a few fat photos filed away over the years - want the thin photos to compare by the end of this one!!
    Great job!! It makes such a difference when people start to notice the change. It's also important to notice it yourself. I have kept pictures since near the beginning of my journey and it has been so amazing to see myself transform. This is a great community that seriously helps keep me motivated. I hope it does the same for you!
  • bjshooter
    bjshooter Posts: 1,174 Member
    Well done on your loss already and keep it up :D

    I like talking stones, I have lost 2stone 10 and would like to make it five total if possible, its great when people notice :)