Need a better way to track food&exercise

Herro everybody,

I wanted to get this up here before I head to the gym today..

I am having a frustratingly hard time logging my cal intake and exercise.. there is not enough time in a day</excuses>

Should I write down everything I eat first, then log it?
And how should I track my exercise? Is a heart rate monitor really worth it?
My sets and reps vary day-to-day depending on how Herculean I'm feelin' ;D

**So what I need are:

Good ways to log my caloric intake. (As I eat? End of the day? Other?)
How to track my exercise. (Invest in a heart rate monitor? Take pen and paper to the gym to track what I've done? Other?)

And any good snacky foods I can store in my desk at work?



  • feliciapeters
    i put "strength" under cardio in the exercise section & I just log in how many minutes I worked out. It figures it out for you. Thats the only way I've found to track it, and it anyone has a better suggestion I'd love to hear it.

    It seems to be fairly accurate since my weight lose has been steady for about a month. I dont think theres a real way to track without a monitor because everyone uses different machines, weights, etc.

    I'm good with the estimate
  • efcdcdb
    efcdcdb Posts: 392 Member
    I pretty much log everything after dinner, so I can't help you there. For work snacks, how about a bag of mini rice cakes, some Quaker 90 calorie bars (or similar), yogurt (obviously can't store it in your desk - I take one each morning in an insulated lunch bag and eat it around 3 pm), or a yummy dry cereal - I love Barbara's Peanut Butter Puffins.
    EDBENAGLIO Posts: 424
    hrm is def the way to to but make sure it has a chest strap. that is for cal out now for in well you could log it first plan ahead after awhile you be learn how to judge and will be able to go eat on the fly without eating to much
  • sunshine79
    sunshine79 Posts: 758 Member
    simple - plan your meals ahead of time and log them the night before

    add your exercise via the phone app (if you have one) if not as soon as you get home from the gym. No need to log every specific exercise - just type of exercise and the duration.

    Definitely invest in a HRM - the only way to get truly accurate calculation of calories burned :smile:
  • cupcakecarnivore
    I agree 100% with sunshine79:) Its definitely easier for me if I plan and log my meals the night before, and a heart rate monitor is a definite must!
  • neonpink
    neonpink Posts: 203 Member
    Also agree with sunshine if you find it difficult to track during the day do it the night before. I definitely wouldnt leave it until the end of the day to track your food as you could very easily forget something and it all adds up !

    If you dont have access to the amazing app just use a small notepad.

    Oh and yes a HRM (with chest strap) as mentioned is a definite.
  • singer201
    singer201 Posts: 560 Member
    Since I work until midnight, I have time in the morning to plan and log my meals for the day. If you are an early morning riser, the night before would probably work better for you. If I have my eating plan in place (and printed out), I leave little to chance and stay on track much better. While planning, I can add, subtract, or change possible food choices depending on what my goals are (e.g. limiting sodium, fewer carbs, more protein) and take into account parties, meals out, potlucks, etc. If anything changes, I just update before I close out the food diary for the day (but do it before midnight!).

    For exercise, I just log it after I finish, since I'm walking and doing exercise at home. If I were at a gym, I'd use a notebook to record info to put into MFP later.
  • kelsully
    kelsully Posts: 1,008 Member
    I log after the meal...I have general meals that I typically eat for breakfast and lunch...and then I know going into dinner what I have left...I log exercise right after I complete it....the I eat dinner and log...doing mental math along the way so I don't go over..after I log dinner I make a decision about an evening snack or I do it throughout the day...but that is easy with my phone and my schedule...on days I work I log breakfast and lunch in the I know what I have packed in my lunch and will eat while going to work
  • johnnieb
    johnnieb Posts: 27 Member
    I'm finally able to log throughout the day most days now, and I'll admit that is easier. BUT, before that was something I could do I had a scrap of paper in my pocket or laying on the counter where I jotted down everything that passed my lips! I agree with the others about doing it beforehand if you can. I work 12 hr shifts and will log everything I bring with me. Then I know if I eat all of it throughout the day -this is how much I will have left for supper when I get home. Good Luck!! Don't give up! :)
  • zorbaru
    zorbaru Posts: 1,077 Member
    i log as i go.
    i dont log my weights training tho. i treat those as a "bonus" come weigh in time.
  • addman72
    addman72 Posts: 220
    Since I bought a HRM I log my weight training in Cardio. I also log the individual exercises and reps I do in Strength but that does not add to cal burned.

    I usually log the training after I do it which is in the morning, my meals I log at not set time , depends if Im at work but I dont complete until the end of the day.
  • butterflews
    Thanks for all the tips! I just got the app for my iTouch and I need to look into getting a 'chestular' heart rate monitor.
    Wish me luck!