Vegetarians out there???

missvics Posts: 112
edited September 24 in Food and Nutrition
Hi there. I'm just wondering if I've got any fellow vegetarians out there trying to be healthier and lose weight. I personally don't find it any tougher, I just like to know there's more people out there like me.


  • Yep. Hi there. :) I think MFP is pretty vegetarian-heavy.
  • rosebarnalice
    rosebarnalice Posts: 3,488 Member
    I'm a lacto-ovo-carno-vegetarian (:wink: ). But I only eat meat about 3-4 times per week, so I'm always looking for good veg recipes and ideas.
  • missvics
    missvics Posts: 112
    Ooh...good veg recipe. I love my peanut noodle. Ever tried Bangkak Padang peanut suace? I buy it at Kroger's but most major grocery stores carry it or a version of it. Anyways,

    I boil a box of whole wheat rotini noodles,
    then while that's boiling I sautee carrots, onions, lots of mushrooms(since I LOVE them!!), water chestnuts, bamboo shoots and whatever other veggies you like.
    Mix noodles and veggies all together in large skillet or wok and pour peanut sauce over and mix together. It's awesome and all my meat eating friends love it too!!! I've also tried it with veggie chicken which is pretty good as well.
  • rosebarnalice
    rosebarnalice Posts: 3,488 Member
    Ooh...good veg recipe. I love my peanut noodle. Ever tried Bangkak Padang peanut suace? I buy it at Kroger's but most major grocery stores carry it or a version of it. Anyways,
    Love peanut sauce-- make my own with peanut butter, ginger/garlic paste, and a dash of rice wine vinegar. Great on stir fried veggies, and makes a killer cole slaw!
  • missvics
    missvics Posts: 112
    I'd love to try that, what are the measurements?
  • Talazws
    Talazws Posts: 101 Member
    I was raised a vegetarian and have been my whole life! However, I have always been overweight, so I decided to go to a vegan diet to eliminate the food that is my biggest downfall-- cheese! Other than that, I don't eat any other dairy or eggs to begin with ( I just don't like it!). It has been hard to find or create good recipes that are vegan, especially since I have trouble with gluten and usually try to avoid it.

    One of my favorite recipes that I have been trying out ever since the weather got cold this autumn is what I call "16 Bean Soup"-- it is very versatile! I buy a package of assorted dried beans, usually Jack Rabbit brand (costs under $2). There is nothing adding to it other than 16 different types of beans. After soaking the beans over night or all day, I rinse them and then add about 8 cups water, some dried seaweed, a little miso, chopped onions, chopped garlic, and spices. I cook this for about an hour, until the beans are almost soft enough to eat. Then I add a ton of veggies-- whatever I have lying around! I almost always add frozen peas and frozen corn, since I keep them in my freezer regularly. I also like to add chopped carrots, frozen spinach, potatoes, even eggplant! I have a ton of basil frozen in my freezer from the summer, so I add some of this too. Then I cook it for another 20 minutes or so, until everything is cooked and the beans are ready to eat.

    This recipe is even better as a left over, so I usually make the whole pot on the weekend, and then eat it for lunch all week! Depending on your diet, you can add a little grated cheese to the top, or have a nice piece of whole wheat bread on the side. I skip both, and I still find this low cal, low fat dish fills me up!
  • Redheadedsunshine
    Redheadedsunshine Posts: 102 Member
    I'm one! I've been a veggie for over 13 years and I find that it's pretty easy. Unfortunately, dieting and being veggie can be difficult when eating out. Almost all diet friendly dishes that restaurants offer include some type of meat product, which sucks. Then, I'm stuck with a salad or some overpriced dish that I had to alter to make it to my preferences. Ugh, tis the life.
  • Another (mostly) veggie here, too. I'm looking for the low fat content as well as the (ahem) high residue! A little fish for protein otherwise it's quorn.

    Eating out is hard work. It seems salad or.... I was even offered cake at one place! Not many veggie restaurants around in the UK.

  • wriglucy
    wriglucy Posts: 1,064 Member
    I am! :) Ok...well, it's not by choice, it's because I don't like the taste of meat, and seafood is my absolute worst! But, I'll admit, and I know they are bad for me...I'll eat the 98% fat free hot dogs...and maybe some lunch meat once and awhile. They are so processed that they don't taste like meat :) They are SUPER high in sodium though :P)
  • Yep:) I'm lacto-ovo vegetarian! I think there are quite a few veggies on here:)
  • Dragonfly1996
    Dragonfly1996 Posts: 196 Member
    Yep I am semi vegetarian in that I eat fish but no other meat. Gave it up 20 years ago as didn't like the taste. Unfortunately I am intolerant to mushrooms which can make eating out an issue as a lot of UK restaurants only have one veggie dish on the menu which includes mushrooms & no other alternatives!! I don't always want to eat fish!!! However found France the hardest place I have visited to be a veggie!! Still have trouble losing weight probably down to eating the wrong types of food as not a great cook!!!! :0/
  • I am a veggie! Feel free to add me...Recipes lets see try :smile:
  • Hii (: I am (:
    I don't find it makes dieting harder really, I'm a big Quorn fan, I have it almost everyday, high in protien, low in fat, and I always thought it tasted better than meat even when I wasn't veggie. If I didn't have Quorn though I would probably find dieting a lot harder.
  • desirawr
    desirawr Posts: 9
    I've been a lacto-ovo vegetarian for 2 years now, but i've been overweight my whole life.
    Since I'm in college, I don't cook much, so I can't really share recipes.
    But feel free to add me if you'd like. :)
  • wriglucy
    wriglucy Posts: 1,064 Member
    Hii (: I am (:
    I don't find it makes dieting harder really, I'm a big Quorn fan, I have it almost everyday, high in protien, low in fat, and I always thought it tasted better than meat even when I wasn't veggie. If I didn't have Quorn though I would probably find dieting a lot harder.

    What is quorn? And where is it normally located in the grocery store? I've heard people say about it, but have never followed up.
  • Another Veggie checking in. Feel free to add :)
  • missvics
    missvics Posts: 112
    This sounds awesome!! I think I'm going to start a recipe file on my computer!! I love to cook but I never seem to do enough of it!
  • missvics
    missvics Posts: 112
    Quorn is a meat free company like Morningstar farms or Boca, but they really have chik'n down!!! Their chik'n patty and cutlets and awesome!!! At my grocery store they are in the freezer in the Natural or Health food section which is usually near produce. They are coming out with more and more types of food too. Now they have chik'n chucks for mixing in stir fry.

    Just a side note...not all meat substitutes are great, but I always try to remember to try new ones because they are getting better all the time. Recently though I retried fake bacon and was still disappointed. I think that I'm at the point in my life though were I don't want something that tastes like bacon. But my family was having BLT's and they bought it for me. It's was edible. Morningstar Farms brand.
  • wriglucy
    wriglucy Posts: 1,064 Member
    Thanks for the info on Quorn...unforunately, it's because I don't like the taste of meat that I don't eat that won't help :)

    Is anyone else out there WAYYY under on protein everyday though? I know I am, and I'm thinking about adding in a protein drink because I really only get like15 grams a day....if that.

    Anyone take protein drinks?
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