MissAnjy Posts: 2,480 Member
Hey, as we've seen many times on the forum boards, people get GREAT results from p90x (if they really commit to the program & work hard at it). I've seen amazing transformations through this program, and also other various BeachBody programs.

What I'm wondering is. Does anyone have amazing results/transformations that did NOT use a beachbody program but had another method? Whether it was walking, jogging on a treadmill, aerobics, other at home dvd's, etc. Anyone have great success (abs, muscles, ripped, the whole bit) who didn't use a beachbody program?

I have nothing against Beachbody by any means. I'm just curious to see results from people who have used other programs as well :)

Thanks guys!!!


  • YeaILift
    YeaILift Posts: 580 Member
    I never used any Beach Body products, fad diets, or popular workout routines.
  • MissAnjy
    MissAnjy Posts: 2,480 Member
    I never used any Beach Body products, fad diets, or popular workout routines.

    What's your routine?
  • TracieJ65
    TracieJ65 Posts: 645 Member
    I have never used anything that has to do with beach body and if you look at the bottom you will see I have lost 98.2 pounds and hopefully come Monday triple digits. I began with just walking, in the beginning. Then about four months into it I added bicycle riding. When winter came I began using the stairs in my house, with kettle balls, and I do stair stepping. I also have zumba for Wii and an elliptical and I mix it up all week long between those three! If it's not to awful cold outside, North Dakota winters, I will run around the neighborhood, and I will use the snow banks to climb up and down and also run through. Walking/running through snow burns a lot of calories. After christmas I got a cheap jump rope and a weighted hula hoop and different days I will throw those in with whatever workout I am doing.
  • jen0619
    jen0619 Posts: 414
    I have never used a dvd, P90X, beach body, whey protein anything like that. Most thing I have ever had are power bars. I have always ran and done a workout twice a week. I currently

    Run 6 miles.
    Run 2 miles and a workout
    Arms and back one day/ legs another/ abs both days

    Before I would do basically the same still run 5 days a week on a treadmill or outside and a workout tues and thursday nothing extreme either.
  • stephanielynn76
    stephanielynn76 Posts: 709 Member
    I'm just doing my own thing and I've seen amazing changes in my body. I've been working out for years and years and just recently decided that the crappy eating had to go. I haven't changed my routine all that much other than adding in a little extra cardio here and there (so I can have more calories to eat ;). I am convince that my after picture is what I looked like all along under that layer of fat I was wearing! I've only lost 7lbs so far and being pear shaped I still have a ways to go to in slimming down below the waist but I'll get there. Right now my legs/butt are so sore from the lunges I did this week.

    Btw, I do 60+ min of cardio 5-6/days of the week (either Zumba or using cardio equipment at the gym) as well as weight training 4 days/wk working each muscle group once a week. I also lift heavy weight... especially with my upper body. I try to use enough weight that I can't make it to 10 reps. Sometimes I only get to 6 reps. You've gotta lift heavy to build muscle!

  • bdavenport62
    stephanielynn76- you look freaking AMAZING!
  • stephanielynn76
    stephanielynn76 Posts: 709 Member
    stephanielynn76- you look freaking AMAZING!

    well thanks!! :flowerforyou: You know there is more than one way to skin a cat. P90X, Beach Body, Insanity, etc are fantastic tools... but you can get great results in many many ways. I truly believe that people have to find what works for them.
  • avondaleklr
    avondaleklr Posts: 24 Member
    Wii Fit [Plus] has been my friend for the past two years, but for the first year it was all about the fun for me.
    Since I started my most successful diet so far, I've taken wii fit more seriously by organizing a layout of what I want to do each day or week to burn some cals.
    I've seen results most definitely. Believe it or not, my legs are much less "jiggly", so I guess it has been replaced with muscle! Not to mention, I don't have as much cellulite, either.
    My hips have been toned too by various yoga and strength exercises, not to mention the aerobic stuff like Free Step.

    In addition to all of this, I occasionally use a work out video like the Biggest Loser Last Chance Workout. :)
  • benitocereno
    benitocereno Posts: 101 Member
    No pics to share, but I've gotten all of my results through mild cardio and calisthenics. I walk or run 3-4 days a week, and for strength I do calisthenics on the M, W, F with 5 sets of:

    6 dead-drop pullups
    25 pushups
    30-40 situps

    For a total of around 30 pullups, 125 pushups, and 150-200 situps per workout day. I increase the reps per set each week (always 5 sets though) using the "100 pushups," "200 situps," and "20 pullups" online workouts as a guide for pacing. The definition I've gained is pretty noticeable for my upper body, and strength in my arms, back, and abs is way up. Most importantly I'm not losing muscle mass (I'm actually gaining by watching my protein) while I lose the fat I'm working against, so it's win win for me.

    stephanielynn76 - your results are amazing; you really have a ballet body going (maybe it's the Zumba!). Way to go!
  • SuperBowlVikings
    SuperBowlVikings Posts: 42 Member
    Don't really keep to a program, just use my own stuff. Seems to be working :)