The Best Pre-Workout Meal

mrscates Posts: 559 Member
We get lots of questions about pre- and post-workout meals. Sports nutrition is a relatively new science, but there has been some interesting studies the last few years. Dr. Ivy, from the University of Texas, published a must read book: Nutrient Timing.

There are four primary workout goals for consuming a pre-workout meal: (1) limit immune system suppression, (2) minimize muscle damage, (3) conserve glycogen and protein, (4) prepare for faster recovery.

Studies have shown that a pre-workout snack of 3g of carbs for every 1g of protein will help obtain your 4 workout goals. Depending on your intensity, a good snack would be 25 to 30g of carbohydrates along with 8 to 10g of protein. Moreover, fast-acting carbohydrates and quick absorbing protein are even better!

Therefore, a scoop of whey protein in fruit juice about 10 to 15 minutes before your workout would be very beneficial. Don't have fruit juice or whey protein at home? Another easy, nutritious option is a peanut butter and banana sandwich. You get just the right amount of carbs and protein to get you through a workout. What are you waiting for? Have a great workout!!


  • DeeDeeMarie
    I usually dont eat anything in the am before i go to the that a big problem?
  • loriefolk
    loriefolk Posts: 352
    Great post! Thanks so much Katie!! xoxo
  • mrscates
    mrscates Posts: 559 Member
    I am not a personal trainer or nutritionist, so I can't not say either way! Although this year I will be taking classes and once that happens I can say, lmao
  • helengator1
    This is awesome. When to eat it? 1 hour before workout?
  • mrscates
    mrscates Posts: 559 Member
    it looks like 10-15 min b4
    This is awesome. When to eat it? 1 hour before workout?
  • eandskp
    eandskp Posts: 54
    Here is a good article regarding exercising first thing in the morning before eating anything:’s-the-best-time-to-exercise-ask-dr-mercola/ .
  • kwardklinck
    kwardklinck Posts: 1,601
    Peanut butter is great before a run. It gives your muscles enough fuel to keep going. I only eat if I'm going to work out really strenuously. I don't have to eat before Zumba class.