Splenda... Good or Bad?



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  • I try to avoid it, mainly because I've been (mostly) cutting out processed foods, but also because it gave me a weird, bloated feeling (I used to put a packet a day in my morning coffee). I have felt MUCH better since I switched back to regular sugar! I do drink the occasional diet soda, but in general I drink my tea unsweetened and drink my coffee with just a touch of sugar or honey. The 15 calories that are in a teaspoon of sugar or honey are not big enough for me to switch back to the fake stuff. :smile:
  • lojay
    lojay Posts: 1
    BAD FOR YOU! Not enough testing on it but early studies are showing that is no better than aspartame and other neuro toxins. If you're looking for a natural zero calorie sweetener, try stevia. It comes from the stevia plant and is a totally natural sweetener. The only reason it is not marketed as a sweetener is because the FDA will not allow it, because it's natural. They will only allow it to ne marketed as a diet aid (I'm sure in fear that it would kill their neuro toxin business if people knew about it and that it has been used safely as a sweetener longer than any other sweetener, even sugar!)

    BUT, don't be confused by imitators such as Truvia and Purevia - those are a mixture of stevia and other neurotoxin sweeteners (made by Coca Cola and PepsiCo respectively). Reach for Stevia in the Raw - check the ingredient listing to be sure, but I've seen it at most health food stores, Whole Foods and Trader Joes. Just know that it is VERY sweet. One packet is as sweet as 3 tablespoons of sugar. I carry mine with me in my purse and use it to sweeten iced and hot tea, sprinkle it on berries and anything else that needs a touch of sweetness - delish!

    Happy sweet tooth!~
  • stargzrlily
    stargzrlily Posts: 83 Member
    I love iced green tea.I've tried Stevia and I'm not a fan.Everyone says Splenda is bad and I also read agave nectar isn't great for you either. I'm confused! I need something for my tea that is healthier but isn't disgusting.
  • mamawildbear
    mamawildbear Posts: 93 Member
    I really think that the rule everyone quotes "If it's not natural, it's bad for you" is no more true than "if it's natural it's automatically good for you." There are both artificial and natural things that are good for you and those that are poisons. There is no definitive answer in the artificial sweetener department. Go Diet Doctor Pepper! (Well, actually Dr. B because I'm cheap).
  • I've also heard that after years of using it, there has been cases of heart problems and such which is why I try to tell my mom to stop using it.
  • LtDreemn
    LtDreemn Posts: 3
    I was just listening to a cast saying that NO artificial Sweetners are good for you. Anything with artificial anything is baaaad:sad: . It suggested the use of Stevia and Xylitol as these are natural sweetners with no additives at all. Sounds good to me.
  • Iceskatefanrn
    Iceskatefanrn Posts: 489 Member
    A different opinion...

    I have used Splenda exclusively as my sweetener of choice for many years. I have never felt any symptoms related to an increased insulin excretion, and I don't suffer from "sweet tooth" cravings. I don't get headaches or light-headedness, I have no neurological symptoms, and my body seems to digest Splenda without any difficulty.

    I quit drinking Diet Coke because I felt like my water intake needed to be increased, and so I replaced my Diet Coke with water. I also wanted to decrease my caffeine intake. I don't drink coffee because I don't like the way it tastes - never have - but I drink hot tea all day long.

    I use both Torani and Davinci Sugar-Free sweeteners in my hot tea - they come in a variety of fabulous flavors, and when I put this in a spicy Chai Tea with a splash of Silk Almond Milk, well, it's a sweet treat that I enjoy every day, that does not trigger any kind of "uncontrolled" craving for sweets or carbs.

    I found a really interesting article on this subject - it's a long read but it's detailed and very informative.


    I think we all have personal decisions to make regarding diet - many people who want to eat healthy will never eat a potato because of the carbs, some folks decide to go all vegan, others eliminate all dairy products. We could debate the "whole egg vs egg whites only" all day.

    I greatly respect everyone's opinion here - that's why I come here, to read, to learn, to make better choices. I'm always excited to see people take a stand for healthier eating for themselves! Spenda products help me to eat better, and I don't plan on giving them up anytime soon.

    Success to all!

  • kelika71
    kelika71 Posts: 778 Member
    I can assure you of this: you will NOT get MS from Splenda!
    I was diagnosed with MS LONGGGGGGGGG before I ever used Splenda!
  • aecryan
    aecryan Posts: 89
    I recently stopped using artificial sweeteners just because I felt it was right for me and my family. I was using one packet on my cereal and two packets in my coffee and that was just breakfast. I have noticed that I have less cravings for sweets and the natural sweets I eat now seem sweeter. The sweet potato I had at lunch today was almost too sweet.

    I say go with your gut.
  • msmindyf
    msmindyf Posts: 133 Member
    Okay..I know that it's not good for you, but I just can't not put anything in my coffee..which I only have one cup a day of.
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