1 week in...need some advice

zaviersmom07 Posts: 6
edited September 24 in Introduce Yourself
Hi everyone! I'm just finishing up my first week and have a question.. I selected to lose 2 lbs per week and only lost 1 lb for the first week even though I stayed within my calorie range, exercised 60 min x 5 days...did anyone else experience a slow start & then the 2nd week lose more? I'm hoping this is the case & the up coming week will bring better results!:happy:


  • Did you choose to eat your exercise calories? For a lot of people, when they don't eat them, their body doesn't lose the weight.
  • luv2ash
    luv2ash Posts: 1,903 Member
    You need to look at where your calories are coming from. Just staying under your calorie goal, to me, in my opinion, is not good enough. What about all the other goals? Reduce processed carbs and eat more veggies and lots of lean protein. Watch your sugar and sodium. This is why Weight Watchers was never successful for me. I could literally eat all my points in a day of junk diet food and never lose a thing. Now I have learned that all that junk diet food has no place in my life any more.

    Good luck
  • darnold67
    darnold67 Posts: 36
    Sometimes you don't lose weight, but you lose inches. There was a time that I didn't lose weight for 4 weeks but the inches were coming off. Be patient and make sure your drinking ALOT of water too.
  • I did eat some of them - I'd say at least half & today all but like 150.
  • chorus
    chorus Posts: 4
    I've had my ups and downs since I started back in November. The best advice I can give you is try not to look at the numbers too much. Your body will do what it's supposed to in the time that it is supposed to do it. Try to think, no matter what the number, that you are healthier now than you were a week ago. It isn't always easy to think that way; trust me, I realize this, but it is truly what is most important. Also bare in mind that muscle weighs more than fat does, so if you are working out and building muscle, the scale may not tell you the numbers you are expecting because you're building muscle. Just keep with it. I can promise you that the results will come. Feel free to contact me if there is anything I can do to help, or if you need an ear to listen :)

  • Vicky14174
    Vicky14174 Posts: 715 Member
    can't tell you anything until you open your diary. we need to see what you are eating and when.
  • I chose lose 2 pounds per week as well and generally average a loss between 1 and 1.5 pounds a week. I think it is just the difference in peoples bodies. I have trouble complaining though because at least the number on the scale keeps getting smaller. Keep up the good work.
  • cjeepgal
    cjeepgal Posts: 8 Member
    yes this happened to me...I just finished week two and saw a decrease. If you did not exercise before and now you are starting it takes 2 -3 weeks to adjust. Hang in there your hard work will pay off. - btw I eat most of my workout calories and still have lost. I do notice types of food and sodium intake make a difference
  • crayfish408
    crayfish408 Posts: 13 Member
    Were you exercising before? You may be building muscle and muscle weighs more than fat. I've only been dieting for a week as well and am scared to get on the scale this early because of this reason.
  • prila13
    prila13 Posts: 222 Member
    I've lost more in inches than I have in weight. It also depends on what sort of exercises youre doing. Make sure you're alternating between cardio and toning/strength.. it makes your weight loss so much quicker but at the same time, you could also be gaining muscle from the strength. So, measure yourself once a week like I do. Like I said, I have lost more in inches than anything. I've been on my journey for almost a month now.
  • i opened it
  • thanks everyone, I have been exercising in the past but this is the first week I've really been dedicated to exercising/calorie watching - so i'll hang in there & hopefully the numbers will go DOWN!! and I'll also try to take my measurements & watch those also!!
  • I did too; sometimes it can be our monthly water retention and/or the type of exercising that you are doing. If you are strength training (lifting weights), the pounds come off very slowly because you are gaining muscle, which weighs more than fat. Take and post your measurements because you will lose inches, but the results wont show on the scale as much. The good news is that the more muscle you have, the more calories you burn when doing nothing at all, so if you arent weight training, you may want to consider it. Another thing to consider is the intensity of your cardio. Try amping it up for 60 seconds ,ie,add a hill on the treadmill every 15 minutes (keep you heartrate at a safe rate), or using wrist or waist weights when you are walking (never put weights on your ankles). Hope this helps!
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