Introducing myself... finally!


I have been on here for a few months and I have not introduced myself OR lost any weight. My theory is that if I put myself out there and say my intentions out loud then I might have more drive to follow through. So... here I am!

I am 37 years old, 5'9" and fluctuate between 150-155. I was up to 180 a few years ago and I got down to my current weight but I have struggled to get past this plateau. I try not to focus too much on a "goal weight" because I really just want to feel comfortable in my body (and a bathing suit) but if I have to put a number on it I would like to be around 135-140. I know my biggest weakness is late night binging. If I don't have a glass of wine or scotch in my hand then I will consume twice as many calories in food. I workout regularly, about 5 times per week. Elliptical, yoga, weight training, swimming... sounds right but obviously isn't enough!

I have set a goal for myself to get down to 140 lbs by Easter. For me, that is about 2 lbs per week. If anyone has any suggestions or wants to join me with this goal then please let me know....


  • fatlass70
    fatlass70 Posts: 136 Member
    Hi Emma,

    I too initially took a while to say hello - but I have found that getting involved is really helping me. knowing that there are other people who are rooting for me to do well and there to help me celebrate each pound off or encourage me when I get a bit stuck has been brilliant. I don't think i had realised how much it would help but it does keep me focussed!

    Good luck with your aim and welcome. Feel free to add me as a friend.
  • carolyne2
    carolyne2 Posts: 109
    Hi, Thanks for saying hello and wanting to get involved. I think it a good idea to put your cards on the table and make it public as once you get friends behind you they are all there to keep you motivated and giving the encouragement we all need. Good luck to you and hope you find being out in MFP land gives you the motivation and support you need to reach your goal. Feel free to add me as a friend if you like.:flowerforyou:
  • Linda4859
    Linda4859 Posts: 78
    Hi. Late night binges are often because you havent consumed the right amount of calories during the day. Have a look at peoples eating diaries to see if there are some things that you need to change in the way of carbs etc. It is hard to find something that keeps you satisfied all day, but, we are all here aiming for the same thing, so just taking a peek at how others are doing it may well be your answer.
    Please feel free to add me as a friend and you can and will do it with the right support. xx