Intro! :)

Hi, My name is Jennifer. I started using mfp a couple weeks ago and LOVE the site! I have a 1 year old daughter and gained wayyy too much weight during my pregnancy! I am looking to lose weight and would love to take up running. I am very interested in the couch to 5k just need to get off the couch and do it! So, if you're looking for a buddy for encouragement, recipe swap, etc. add me as a friend. Have a healthful day! P.S. I live in Vermont, so if there are any other Vermonters digging their way out of the snow say "Hi"!


  • luv2ash
    luv2ash Posts: 1,903 Member
    Hello and welcome. You can find me at facebook where I try to post a recipe a day. I am Jean LaCava Cole or Hope you can find me cuz some people say they cannot, and that drives me crazy.
  • NicholasMongold
    Welcome and best of luck