Hi I'm also new to this site

Hello all, I'm new and still learning. I'm 53 and have had weight issues all my life. About 15 yrs ago I lost almost 100 lbs. A lot of the the things I did to lose that weight were not always healthy. This time I'm trying the healthy route. My biggest isse, I have found, is night time snacking. During the day, I have no problem staying on track with food or exercising. But come night time I seem to get the hungry horrors. I know its just boredom and I try to distract myself......but I'm weak. Any ideas? I need help. :sad:


  • elaine010570
    i know just what u mean, when the kids have gone to bed and sitting there alone, u start to think and the easiest thing to do is reach for the crisp and whatever else is easy to eat, this was me until jan,
    now when i want to reach for the cupboard, i have no food in apart from fruit and healthy stuff, in time i stopped going to the cupboards as i k,new nothing was in there,
    i laso found things to do in the evening, clubs, and craft, and if im home alone then thats when i do the best workouts coz noone here to see me lol
    i know and understand how u are feeling i really do, so if u feel u need to eat then ring a friend or talk to someone on face book just to take your mind of it, it can be done,
    if u would like to add me be welcome to my user name is
  • jeby8
    jeby8 Posts: 41 Member
    Snacking isn't always bad, it's mostly WHAT and HOW much you eat that makes the difference. If you find yourself hungry, put healthier alternatives in the same spot that an unhealthier choice is located. There are also more than just "fruit and veggies" for healthy snacks these days. Sure, those are great to snack on, but they get old right? With all these 100 calories packs or low calorie options, finding a snack that will satisfy your craving, yet keep you on track shouldn't be too hard. My favorites? Special K Crackers- only 90 calories for 17 crackers or Special K Chips-30 chips for 110 calories. I also love love love cottage cheese. Fat free cottage cheese is a great late night snack because it increases your metabolism so when you go to bed the enzymes in the cottage cheese are still working on digesting thus burning slight calories. Hope that helps! :smile:
  • sandram82
    sandram82 Posts: 615 Member
    Welcome!! Hope you have a great successful journey, lots of advice and support on MFP.. feel free to add me!
  • jigglewhaaaaat
    Hi I am also new and like you have tried diets before..............................to no happy ending. I love snacking at nightime, why not, the kids are in bed and I don't have to share.LOL! I love sweets so here is my little tip, I hope it works for you aswell..
    For some reason having a nice cup of flavored tea really works for me, you can get them in decaf if thats what your looking for, and they come in an entire variety of different flavors. I have all sorts of different ones like, chai, bluberry,raspberry etc, Another tip, try putting grapes in the freezer...................they are great to snack on!!!
  • Cinlou3
    Cinlou3 Posts: 1 Member
    That's my downfall too, as I'm home alone quite abit (husband a shift worker). I've been keeping a bowl of sugar free jello in the fridge along with light cool whip or frozen berries with a dip of yogurt mixed with cool whip or sugar free chocolate pudding I find having one of these does the trick for me along with a large cup of green tea. This might help you to, not very many calories, but seams to hit the spot . It's my snack in the evening.