Inexpensive HRM Suggestions?

aawh Posts: 96 Member
I would like to get an HRM with a calorie counter on it, but would like to spend less than around $50. I see a lot of people mention Polar, but that is out of my price range at the moment. Does anyone have any suggestions on what to get or what to stay away from?

I normally do the elliptical machine in my buildings fitness room, and/or the treadmill or walking outside around 4 mph. The elliptical machine will say 400 cal burn without knowing my weight and showing my hr at 60 one minute, then 140 the next. MFP will tell me 550 for the same workout without knowing my hr, speed, or resistance. All these factors seem important to accurately know what I am burning and neither factor them all in.

I'm hoping the HRM can give me an accurate calorie burn.


  • mielikkibz
    mielikkibz Posts: 552 Member
    i'm using a Sigma PC9, got it with shipping for like $44
  • gojoejoe
    gojoejoe Posts: 2
    I have a Sportline SX universal Combo ECG heart rate monitor and I love it. I bought it in a Walmart store about 1 month ago. I don't believe they are still producing these so they might be hard to find online. I purchased the Sportline for around $ 40 and it works fantastic. I have compared the readings to commercial treadmills in the gym with POLAR heart rate read outs and mine is right on the money. Just make sure you get one with a chest belt for continous heart rate. If not you will have to put your fingers on the watch everytime you want a readout of your heart rate. Hope this helps!
  • twhitmore22
    twhitmore22 Posts: 9 Member
    I got a MIO for about $30 at Academy, it is a watch one not one with the chest strap.
  • W0zzie
    W0zzie Posts: 262 Member
    Timex T5G971 seems to have a lot of support - although there are some user reviews on Amazon that gripe of inaccurate cal count - overall though very popular lower priced piece.
  • kasonsawyer
    I got a Timex and it said I burned 800 calories for a 4 mile run when I normally burn about 500. Needless to say I returned it the next day. I bought a Polar FT7 and paid $100 for it. Even though it was about $50 more expensive it was worth it. Not only does it count calroies but it tells you if you are in the fat burning zone or the fitness zone. It also keeps 99 training files in its memory so that I don't have to remember how many calories I logged at the gym I can just pull up the log on the watch later when I am putting it into MFP. My suggestion would be to save up the money and buy the Polar if you can. BTW the polar FT7's chest strap is all cloth so you can actually put it in the washing machine which I also like!
  • W0zzie
    W0zzie Posts: 262 Member
    Yep have to agree with that kasonsawyer - I narrowed it to 2 - the Timex and the Polar FT7 "as well" And after some digging opted to shell out the extra :) Mine's in the mail so hope it lives up to it - really sounds like it does.
  • lal73
    lal73 Posts: 116
    I got a used Polar FT7 on Ebay for $ great.