
I just joined MFP in Feb. I need friends to help keep me goin. I'm a diabetic and need to loose about 55 pounds. I have a hard time with making myself workout daily. I did start and stopped so I"m trying to get started again. Is there anyone out there to give me a MFP kick in the butt to make me get up? LOL Hope everyone has a great week!!!!!


  • trukkerdaddie
    trukkerdaddie Posts: 15 Member
    Hello deannar417, I need the same thing. I've slowly let myself become unmotivated and I could use a kick in the rear. A motivational friend(s) for me would be awesome, and I would enjoy giving motivation to you and others who are interested.

    A little about me, I'm 34, 5'11 ft, (male if that matters) I live in Canada(near Toronto). About 4 years ago I made a life change by losing weight. It took me 2 years to lose 100 lbs. My heaviest weight was 260lbs, and I got myself down to 154 lbs. Anyway, over the last 5-6 months I'm gained about 15 lbs and even though I didn't want to gain the weight, I did.

    The things I could use motivation with are eating healthier, movtivation to quit smoking, encouragement to exersize more on a consistance basis and general positive 'mental' movtivation for the internal strength and focus which I have been lacking.

    Right now my weight is 175 lbs, I'd like to get myself down to 155 lbs by losing about a 1 1/2 lbs per week. I have a 30km(18mile) run planned for the end of March, I want to quit smoking, and I'd like to get myself looking good for the summer.
  • calmmomw3minimeez
    calmmomw3minimeez Posts: 499 Member
    Hi guys...I can give you a little advice on the exercise. I am a person who in the past tried to do EVERYTHING HUMANLY POSSIBLE to lose weight WITHOUT exercising...Needless to say, it didn't work. I just continued to look at myself in the mirror naked(UGH!!!) and realized that I would have to do things:drinker: :smokin: :glasses: the hard way. I started out okay, but got off track several times...I've only lost nine lbs so far, but at least the scale is not going up. I have never gone to a gym(stay at home mom) so I found a website(exercise tv) where I can pick out videos for whatever workouts I want to do for the day and whatd'ya know? I am actually starting to like it. Don't get me wrong, some of the workouts have me in fear for my life but when I'm done, I feel great about myself for having made the accomplishment. There is no quick fix and no easy way out of getting fit. I have noticed that SOMETIMES my usual ravenous appetite is curbed by a good amount of cardio which makes me feel even better. My mind is clearer, I can think better now, and my super-menopausal-mental breakdowns have somewhat subsided(lol). In this journey, whether it be weight loss, quitting smoking(haven't even gotten close yet), or any other life style change,we have to keep in mind that we're not going to do everything perfectly(my food diary is proof of that) but if you just take it one day at a time and remember that if you mess up one day, try to do better the next, you can do it. Your motivation will be feeling stronger, healthier, and happier no matter how long it seems to take for the weight to come off. Make up your mind that you're gonna stick to it no matter what!!! Much success!!!
  • calmmomw3minimeez
    calmmomw3minimeez Posts: 499 Member
    Oops! I forgot to give you two a friend invite...feel free.:embarassed: :drinker: :smokin: :glasses:
  • qtpiesmom
    qtpiesmom Posts: 394 Member
    Hi Deannar417 :smile:

    I am an almost 40 year old diabetic too. I joined a while ago but just started using this on the 28th of February.
    What kind of workouts are you planing?
    I have 100 pounds to lose Im 260 pounds.
    I find how I make myself workout is I know I have to to be healthy.
    How are your numbers? Are you a person that drops easily cause if so you have to watch that with working out too.
    For me I look at it as I sit on the computer for hours in a day so in the morning I time myself 30 minutes on computer then 30 minutes on treadmill. Ive almost been on 45 minutes now so will have to go workout for 45 minutes.
    Maybe looking at it that way, we spend time on the computer and so I make it that I devote the same time to myself and my health
    Hope that helps
    Good Luck
  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,023 Member
    qtpiesmom that is a great idea. I will have to try that. I can certainly find time for the computer but put off exercise. thanks for sharing
  • deannar417
    deannar417 Posts: 193 Member
    Yea I can sure sit in front of a computer LOL I'm on my feet most of the day working. I screen shirts at work and it keeps me pretty busy. I have about 55 pounds to loose. I dont loose to fast. So a good workout is great for me. Just doin it is my problem. I have a wii fit and julian michaels for the wii so that is what I have right now to workout with other then go walking. There are a few other things I would love to try but it cost money and I just moved and just a little broke right now LOL
  • qtpiesmom
    qtpiesmom Posts: 394 Member
    How are things today. Do you have stairs in your house? if so climb them up and down till you cant anymore than will burn calories. Cleaning house at a good pace burns calories. Turn your music up and dancing around is a fun way to burn calories too.
    Remember to watch your blood levels to cause that can be an issue thats not good for us diabetics
    Hope things are good for you today :)