
Friday I weighed myself and was so proud. Then Friday night happened, then Saturday, Sunday, etc. Needless to say I am up 5.2 pounds and very discouraged. Why is it that I gained SO much over 3 days? I don't think I had an excess of 9000 calories! :( I am trying to stay focused and I know today is a brand new day. How do you guys overcome a bad weekend? I need help, I feel like I am close to throwing in the towel!


  • MollyKunka
    Today is a new day! Start fsh, exercise and don't let the weekend mess up your week. Can't to day, new day, new CAN do it!
  • jackpotclown
    jackpotclown Posts: 3,291 Member
    Really depends on what you had, but my first guess is that it's salt (sodium) and waste....basically you're retaining whatever it is you had over the weekend. I'd suggest drinking lots of water to flush out whatever it is and just get back on track, you'll be right where you were in no time. I know what you mean though as I managed to gain 2.8 over the weekend even though I ate within my calories....the sodium count for me was ridiculous, so I'm right there with'll bounce back soon enough \m/

    The scale is the devil lol, so yeah change your weigh in date to thursday or friday instead, and if you really want to break down what happened, make your food diary public.....and yeah there's no way you ate 18200 calories over the weekend (or is it???? lol jk)
  • iarookie
    iarookie Posts: 140
    I cant weigh myself on Mondays EVER! It can ruin my whole week! Change your weigh in date to Thursday or Friday. And DO NOT step on the scale before that! Until then - behave yourself! =)
  • dlaplume2
    dlaplume2 Posts: 1,658 Member
    Just focus on a new week. You can't undo your weekend. You can only learn from it.

    Hopefully it will bounce back soon.
  • Vicky14174
    Vicky14174 Posts: 715 Member
    only weigh in once a week, on the same day of the week, at the same time (mornings just after you get up and go to the restroom before you do anything else). otherwise you are going to drive yourself crazy. you can weigh in the morning and weigh again at noon and have gained 5 lbs in that period. it's a false reading!!!!!!!! that's why you only do it once a week.
  • pinksneakers
    pinksneakers Posts: 23 Member
    I was going to say water retention also, due to sodium intake. And good advice, all that say never weigh-in on Monday...too depressing!!! We really don't need to start the week upset!!! I always look at Mondays as the 'beginning'!
  • frogmama
    frogmama Posts: 404 Member
    I cant weigh myself on Mondays EVER! It can ruin my whole week! Change your weigh in date to Thursday or Friday. And DO NOT step on the scale before that! Until then - behave yourself! =)

    Lol. I found that Monday weigh in works best for me because it keeps me on track for the week-end. Before, when I weighed in on Saturday, this gave me permission to pig out for the rest of the day, and then the weight came right back on.:devil: :drinker: I guess it is a matter of what works for each individual.
  • alphasigalum
    thanks everyone!! Today is a new fresh day.
  • efcdcdb
    efcdcdb Posts: 392 Member
    I cant weigh myself on Mondays EVER! It can ruin my whole week! Change your weigh in date to Thursday or Friday. And DO NOT step on the scale before that! Until then - behave yourself! =)

    Lol. I found that Monday weigh in works best for me because it keeps me on track for the week-end. Before, when I weighed in on Saturday, this gave me permission to pig out for the rest of the day, and then the weight came right back on.:devil: :drinker: I guess it is a matter of what works for each individual.

    I agree with frogmama, on all counts. Believe me, I know how frustrating it can be. But it is important to remember that it is what you do over the long haul that will drive your ultimate success. I've said this on many posts, but I'll say it again. I have been using MFP for almost 15 months now. I haven't lost as much, or as quickly, as I would have liked. BUT, I am STILL losing, and I haven't gained. I read so many of these posts where people have lost a lot quickly but then gained it right back. And I have seen many people join, all "gung ho", but then they are no where to be found a week or a month later, and I'll bet my last dollar that it isn't because they lost all the weight they wanted to. So hang in there!! Slow and steady wins the race.:flowerforyou: