What do I do about these wings?

So this is for those who have lost a good amount of weight and are struggling with some loose skin.
A little bit about my background:
I have lost 120lbs and have just recently noticed slight wings on my upper arms and inner thighs.
I notice this the most when waving or using the elliptical, and my thighs look great in jeans, but look uber gross in shorts.

I"m not a HUGE fan of weights, but I know how to use them if need be.
Can you please suggest a few weight routines I can do to start firming up these 2 parts?

Like I said I'm thankful that it's not in other areas of my body for as much as I've lost, so any ideas you have I will try!


  • JenniferTasso
    JenniferTasso Posts: 77 Member
    Buy a kettlebell!...They sell the Jillian Michaels set at Walmart, for like $38...it comes with a 5lb, 10lb, and 15lb...plus a DVD of exercises you can do....They are a lot of fun to use, and they have changed my arms greatly...plus they will work your abs, and legs, butt, pretty much anything with the different exercises...I swear by these things!
  • bethvandenberg
    bethvandenberg Posts: 1,496 Member
    I would develop a balanced routine. Arms, Legs, core, back & Shoulders, etc. You should work your whole body out. I would find a great arm workout, add in squats, lunges, some hip abductor moves, and work everything else as well and don't forget the cardio.
  • ering
    ering Posts: 183 Member
    "The Firm" are great workouts. I really like them and they work really well.
  • foxxybrown
    foxxybrown Posts: 838 Member
    Subscribe to "SHAPE" magazines and shape.com
  • carolyne2
    carolyne2 Posts: 109
    I think you will find a lot will have to do with the elasticity of your skin as to the results you have. Try the weights for a while and do some toning exercises but failing that I think it will be having it surgically removed or putting up with it. It's a sad fact of weight loss for some of us.:sad: I am a firm believer that toning while loosing weight is a must for everyone with a lot of weight to loose to do all you can to avoid the bingo wings etc

    By the way, I speak from experience having lost 10 stone previously, promised skin removal on NHS for this very reason, who then said no funding available so, guess what.............ate out of misery and now......................10 stone ish to loose again and sod the NHS
  • shezza737
    shezza737 Posts: 95 Member
    I think you will find a lot will have to do with the elasticity of your skin as to the results you have. Try the weights for a while and do some toning exercises but failing that I think it will be having it surgically removed or putting up with it. It's a sad fact of weight loss for some of us.:sad: I am a firm beliver that toning while loosing weight is a must for everyone with a lot of weight to loose to do all you can to avoid the bingo wings etc

    What would you call a lot of weight to lose? I have about 3 stone to go in total, but haven't been doing tonight exercises? Eeekk

    Or toning lol (Not tonight)!
  • delilahthegoddess
    BELLY DANCING! Veil work will really tone up those "wings" and shimmies will work the legs!
    BTW congrats on the huge loss. Know that you are beautiful with your wings and wobbly bits!
  • carolyne2
    carolyne2 Posts: 109
    I think you will find a lot will have to do with the elasticity of your skin as to the results you have. Try the weights for a while and do some toning exercises but failing that I think it will be having it surgically removed or putting up with it. It's a sad fact of weight loss for some of us.:sad: I am a firm beliver that toning while loosing weight is a must for everyone with a lot of weight to loose to do all you can to avoid the bingo wings etc

    What would you call a lot of weight to lose? I have about 3 stone to go in total, but haven't been doing tonight exercises? Eeekk

    Or toning lol (Not tonight)!

    More than that hun LOL
  • kelzz193
    kelzz193 Posts: 120
    I really am not a fan of the weights either but am learning to love them as they are a necessary part of the journey. I've started slow with free weights 2#, 5#, & 8#. I use the 2# ones while I am doing work out DVD's (they are the kind that go around my wrist). The 5 & 8 #'s I use doing Jillian Micheal's 30 day shred. I can tell you I've done it twice now, in each of the 30 days I've done it I've lost 1/2 inch off my arms!! I've heard great things about the kettle ball workout that another member mentioned too.

    No matter what method you decided you'll see you must pick up the weights to tone up. Good luck I know you'll do great once you put your mind to it! You've are an inspiration to us all chicky, keep up the great work :)
  • shezza737
    shezza737 Posts: 95 Member
    I think you will find a lot will have to do with the elasticity of your skin as to the results you have. Try the weights for a while and do some toning exercises but failing that I think it will be having it surgically removed or putting up with it. It's a sad fact of weight loss for some of us.:sad: I am a firm beliver that toning while loosing weight is a must for everyone with a lot of weight to loose to do all you can to avoid the bingo wings etc

    What would you call a lot of weight to lose? I have about 3 stone to go in total, but haven't been doing tonight exercises? Eeekk

    Or toning lol (Not tonight)!

    Thank you honey xxx ;0) My panic is over lol

    More than that hun LOL
  • Katymom22
    Katymom22 Posts: 121
    shred it with weights by jillian micheals...i also had wings and wanted them gone in my wedding dress i did this dvd and it did the trick.....you will need a kettlebell for this routine and i got her kettlebell set!
  • rachpiper720
    bodyrock.tv. Its a free blog that has about 5 new workouts a week. It mostly uses body weigh exercises (ones you don't have to do with weight like push-ups, squats, lunges). I've been doing it for about a month and I have seen my wings melt away and my thighs are getting to be defined as well. Plus, its a TON of fun and challenging.