I'm a Pear!!

jennyb31 Posts: 166 Member
edited September 24 in Health and Weight Loss
Okay so I am about seven lbs from my goal weight and have done this with a mixture of cardio, weights and clean eating (most of the time) but my problem is I am very much a Pear shape body so when I loose weight it leaves my bottom half last, top half first which leaves my arms looking almost too thin. I know this is probally annoying to some people that I am even saying this but I have been on both sides of the spectram here so don't judge. I have been weight training to try to keep them at least looking "better" but just wondered if anyone has had the same problem or any advice.


  • jennyb31
    jennyb31 Posts: 166 Member
    Okay and sorry I spelled spectrum wrong!!! LOL:laugh:
  • MadeToCraveHIM
    MadeToCraveHIM Posts: 213 Member
    I've always heard that cycling is great for a pear shaped body type. I'm curious to see what others say about this too :bigsmile:
  • mangos4music
    mangos4music Posts: 126 Member
  • i don't have any advice, but i'm also a pear so i'm interested in advice others give too :smile:
  • lubvug32
    lubvug32 Posts: 15
    Another Pear here!!! any and all advice is well received as I'm just starting on this journey and I need all the help I can get!!
  • Katymom22
    Katymom22 Posts: 121
    unfortunatly you can't choose where to lose weight but you can choose where to tone. i am also a pear i'm 5'5'' and started with a pretty even weight ditrubution at almost 190 now that i've lost weight i have no boobs and a huge butt!!!!! omg i almost look funny!
  • susanswan
    susanswan Posts: 1,194 Member
    Okay so I am about seven lbs from my goal weight and have done this with a mixture of cardio, weights and clean eating (most of the time) but my problem is I am very much a Pear shape body so when I loose weight it leaves my bottom half last, top half first which leaves my arms looking almost too thin. I know this is probally annoying to some people that I am even saying this but I have been on both sides of the spectram here so don't judge. I have been weight training to try to keep them at least looking "better" but just wondered if anyone has had the same problem or any advice.

    I would think the weights would help both the thin arms and heavy bottom. I am a pear, too. Always have been. Last time I lost 53 pounds I did weight training (www.joycevedral.com) with just 3, 5, and 8 pound weights and in a matter of 6 months or less, the pear was gone!! As a comparison, at 155 pounds which used to be my "regular" weight (5'6") when I never exercised, I would struggle to find a pair of size 12 pants that I could wiggle my butt into and yet fit me around my much smaller waist. But with doing these exercises videos for 6 months and then just walking 30 minutes a day I was no longer a pear! I went from 205 pounds to 152 and wore a size 8 pants.....in fact any size 8 pants. Just shows you the power of building small muscles and how the same weight was more compact even though I still had plenty of fat left on my butt and thighs. I am back at it now full steam ahead. You said you were working with weights already. If your arms are skinny, maybae you need heavier weights? You'd have to be really lifting 20 pound weights or more to bulk up. I'm no expert, but check out the website and see what you think. It isn't a crazy program, just 30 minutes or so a day and she does upper body, lower body and ab work outs. I much prefer to do dumbbells at home at my convenience. Good luck to you!
  • haha I'm a pear too, only thing is exercise to tone up!!!
    I have finally accepted my shape, managed to get to a UK size 10 and if I lose anymore my top half just gets smaller and then makes my hips look bigger!!!
  • jennyb31
    jennyb31 Posts: 166 Member
    ME TOO! I went shopping for the first time since loosing a lg amout of weight, I was like xs top and medium bottom!
  • I do a lot of walking, that helps ;-)
  • jennyb31
    jennyb31 Posts: 166 Member
    I am trying to increase my weight, I am currently at 12lbs heavy and 8lbs light. And dont get me wrong I like having a bit of a BUM!! I just want to frm up my bottom half without looking like Im starving on the top! LOL!
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