Does 1200 calories a day work if you're petite?

CowkittyXD Posts: 6
edited September 24 in Health and Weight Loss
Heya all!

So I've been at this for a few weeks now, and I simply can't lose weight.

Height: 5'2
SW: 137
CW: 135.4-137 depending on the day
GW: 120-125

Does the 1200/day estimate keep into consideration my height? I notice the scale actually moves if I (accidentally) dip closer to 900 calories a day, but I don't want to starve myself or become unhealthy

I don't have much weight to lose, but I'm not sure what to do. I stay at or underneath 1200. I do the 20 Day Shred everyday. I'm starting the C2K in hopes that will make a bit of difference, but I have no idea.

Do I simply have to workout more and not eat my extra calories?



  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,294 Member
    You probably wont go into starvation mode at your size eating under 1200 cals, but 900 is def not enough. Since you are or close to a healthy weight, your daily caloric deficit should not be large. I'm not sure what you weekly loss goal is but I would recommend 0.5lbs/week to a maximum of 1 lb/week. It is only safe to try and lose more than 1lb/week if you are obese and have a lot to lose. It is also difficult to get the required nutrition (protein, fats, vitamins, minerals) on a diet of less than 1200 calories.

    If you are eating 1200 cals or less you should be eating your exercise calories. Food fuels your body for exercise and without it you may cause more harm than good.
  • Vicky14174
    Vicky14174 Posts: 715 Member
    everyone needs to consume at least 1200 calories a day.
  • harpcason
    harpcason Posts: 40
    I am 5.0' and weigh 140. I am doing 1200 calories. But, if you notice, you get back the calories that you burn when you workout. So, if you are doing 900 calories and not working out, try working out and burn a minimum of 300 calories and you would be able to eat 1200 calories and not starve. Or burn more than 300 calories and eat more. I hope to see progress with me this week.

    Hope this helps.
  • ChelDM
    ChelDM Posts: 145
    1200 calories is perfect for me and I am 5'1"...The key though for me has been exercise...I have been losing 3+ pounds each week...but with tons of exercise and not eating my extra calories but definitely consuming my 1200...

    Best wishes.
  • jalara
    jalara Posts: 2,599 Member
    everyone needs to consume at least 1200 calories a day.

    This isn't true. That rule applies to an average build. Think about it: 1200 calorie lower limit won't do the same thing to 5 ft 7 woman as it will to a 5 ft 1 woman.

    MFP needs to make sure they aren't liable for giving bad advice, and 1200 is the general rule of thumb, but no, it doesn't apply to everyone.

    With that said, start out there, and if you feel you need to go lower, talk to your doc about figuring out what works more for you and your body.

    Welcome to MFP!
  • pyro13g
    pyro13g Posts: 1,127 Member
    Based on your stats you still need to not go below 1200 NET. You need to up calories, not reduce them further.
  • wriglucy
    wriglucy Posts: 1,064 Member
    What's your BMR? That's the amount of calories you'd burn if you never left bed in the morning. So, anything under that, or even a little over that, you should lose.
  • lightandstorm
    lightandstorm Posts: 2 Member
    In order to not be malnourished, you need at least 1200 calories a day. BUT, if you aren't eating these 1200 calories *perfectly,* then you could still end up being malnourished.

    I got this straight from my aunt who is a dietitian, so this info is legit.
  • leasah
    leasah Posts: 107 Member
    Im really curious to see what the replies are, since Im in the same boat. Im 5'2", 126lbs and only looking to drop off 6additional pounds. I do the 30Day Shred 6 days a week and have since the last week in December. On my day off from the Shred, I get in a 2 mile walk/run and do an ab video or a cardio workout. I thought I was not taking in enough calories so I have been eating all my exercise calories...but at this point I think I need to go back to dropping my calories to 1000 and not eating back all my exercise calories, since what Im doing just is not working for me, since I'm still at 126 60+ days later.
  • pyro13g
    pyro13g Posts: 1,127 Member
    She would be around 1300 for BMR
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    Have you tried eating more? I'm losing more (averaging about 1.5# a week) eating around 1350 (plus most of my exercise calories) than I was at 1200 (no more than 1# a week).
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,294 Member
    What's your BMR? That's the amount of calories you'd burn if you never left bed in the morning. So, anything under that, or even a little over that, you should lose.

    The best way to see how much you can eat without gaining is going to your goals page. the top right show, calories burned from daily activity, anything under that and you will lose weight. Have to go 500 cals/day under to lose 1 lb/week or 250 under that to lose 0.5 lb/week, and you get to eat your exercise caloires.

    I calculated her BMR to be around 1400 her maintenance cals would about 1750. So eating under 1750 would yield a weight loss. So eat 1250 to lsoe 1lb/week. this is if you are set to sedentary if you are light active you can/should eat even more than 1250
  • HeidiMightyRawr
    HeidiMightyRawr Posts: 3,343 Member
    If your BMR is closer to 1200 because of your height then it might be that it'll just take you a bit longer to lose weight than other people eating 1200 who may have a BMR higher than you.

    If you are consistently eating 1200 for a few weeks and not losing anything maybe try 1100 and see how that goes for a while. Generally speaking a person needs 1200, but it might be not so bad if you're smaller. I would definately still eat you're exercise calories though :)
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,294 Member
    If your BMR is closer to 1200 because of your height then it might be that it'll just take you a bit longer to lose weight than other people eating 1200 who may have a BMR higher than you.

    If you are consistently eating 1200 for a few weeks and not losing anything maybe try 1100 and see how that goes for a while. Generally speaking a person needs 1200, but it might be not so bad if you're smaller. I would definately still eat you're exercise calories though :)

    I disagree somewhat. I think if you are not losing on 1200/day try upping it to 1300 instead of lowering it since your are 10-15 lbs from your goal weight your weight loss should be slow (0.5-1.0 lbs/week)
  • kelsully
    kelsully Posts: 1,008 Member
    I am 5 foot nothing. I had a maintenance goal of 1410 cals...and I workout pretty intensely. I eat bck all but the last 100 cals...usually...well at 1410 I was very slowly creeping up in weight..although a do believe I have actually reached the point in which my muscle mass was increasing....I weigh between 117-120 lbs....usually hovering at 118. I had my body fat % measured a month back and it was 17.8% but I understand the accuracy of th handheld device is not perfect.
    I was starting to get mor 120-122 lb weigh ins so I manually lowered my goal to 1300...still eating back al but 100 xrcise cals (that is my cushion for mismeasures and overestimates of exercise cals...although I probably burn more than I give credit) net cals for a typical day are between 1100 and 1300. I get close to 1200 most days NET but usually am a tad under. I feel energized, great and am only maintaining. There is no way I would lose at 1200 for a goal...except that I always shoot for 100 less than goal to cushion myself...thus I would eat between 900-1100....I do beleive my petite size does contribute to that....I am just not a very large can I need the same amount of NET calories as my 5'8" neighbor?
  • marji4x
    marji4x Posts: 144 Member
    Fat2FitRadio has some good tools for this...I plugged in your figures (guessing on your age from your pic, so keep in mind it might not be COMPLETELY accurate but I should be close)

    and it seems you might be under-eating which might cause your body to go into starvation mode and stop losing weight so it can conserve the resources it thinks it needs. I think you need to be eating closer to 1621 assuming you're doing no exercise and closer to the 2000's if you're exercising. It seems like a lot but I've been following this for my own eating and I am eating plenty, exercising, and still losing continually (I eat over 2000 calories a day but I am also heavier than you hehehe).

    I just started, but I know a lot of people on this site have gotten results too. I highly recommend this podcast :)
  • kelsully
    kelsully Posts: 1,008 Member
    Let me also must be as accurate as you possibly can..log all food and only exercise that is actual exercise...I did a lot of extra activity around my house yesterday but it was within normal did a few loads of laundry more than the usual one or two a day...but I didn't log the 8 extra trips up and down the stairs...I scrubbd the bathroom more vigorously than its usual wipe down...but didn't log that....I danced the day away while doing chores...but didn't log it...but every bite of the kids cereal I snuck...every ingredient in my salad I logged etc.....
    Then I would only adjust your goal by 75-100 cals at a time. see if that is enough. Others have suggested going for 1300 basd on your bmr...not a bad Idea...that extra 100 cals that you would be eating each day would really take a while to add up to signficant weight gain so gve it a go for a month...if that isn't the ticket..go back to 1200 for a month...then maybe try 1150. but give everything a good month before you decide if that is the way to go.....
  • CakeFit21
    CakeFit21 Posts: 2,521 Member
    I'm exactly 5' and weigh 108-110 and 1200 a day IS NOT enough cals for me. I always eat exercise cals, at least I try my very best to eat them.

    When I was trying to lose by only eating 1200 a day, with no exercise cals, I didn't lose a pound for MONTHS. I would guess that if you are eating closer to 900 cals a day, you may be losing weight, but it's probably muscle.
  • ebgbjo
    ebgbjo Posts: 821 Member
    I am 4' 11, barely, and I stay at 1200 on non-exercising days. Days I exercise, I try to eat 1400-1600 calories. I have lost almost 14lbs since Jan 26th
  • girlinahat
    girlinahat Posts: 2,956 Member
    wish I knew the answer. I'm 5' and 140lbs and want to lose at least 20lbs, but i know it's going to be along slow process, if only because maintenance for me is about 1550 so on a 1200 cal diet I'm not going to lose much.

    I have come to the conclusion that the only way to lose is to up the calorie burn, but then the problem is eating enough - I am NOT hungry on the days I exercise. I have been stable and not losing, although I have under days and over days. I don't want to up my calories until I feel i can get myself into REALLY doing some exercise and not copping out the whole time.

    Right now this isn't working for me, so perhaps a couple of weeks of upping and forcing myself to exercise will kick start something. I think the bottom line is we are all different. A petite person doesn't need as much food as a larger person. From what I understand the 1200 is a minimum recommended to gain adequate nutrition for a WOMAN by the World Health Organisation. I don't know if that is for an average woman, but then the average woman is about 5'3/5'4 tall.
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