Debate: Diet vs. regular

tnkbest Posts: 58 Member
I keep reading on posts how bad artificial sweetner is for a person. I love my soft drinks! I can't give them up completely, it is my "coffee". I Usually only have one per day, in the morning. My question for everyone is: Is it better to have a diet drink (with artificial sweetner) or a regular soda (with the extra calories)?


  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member
    My vote is for regular, just allow for it in your calorie allotment. If we want any, my wife and I split once can of organic.
  • aflane
    aflane Posts: 625 Member
    If you MUST have the 1 soda per day, then go for regular.... drink it slowly, and ENJOY it. :)
  • wiggleroom
    wiggleroom Posts: 322 Member
    Adding my vote for "regular." Especially if you only have one! Just think of it as dessert. =)
  • twooliver
    twooliver Posts: 450 Member
    Seriously, one is just as bad as the other...the sugar in regular soda will throw your system into an insulin rush and who knows what else...and the diet soda...well it's just bad...

    One thing that has helped me to get off of diet soda is Apple Cider Vinegar. Two tbsp's in 4-6oz of water twice a day meets the need of whatever the soda was doing for me. This was a real surprise for me - I'd never heard of Apple Cider Vinegar before and it has tons of health benefits!
  • rwash0904
    For your enlightment on this subject, I encourage you to get and read "Change Your Brain Change Your Body" by Dr. Daniel Amen. It has changed my life. I have learned that neither is good for you. An alternative is Stevia found in most food stores where organic food is sold. Good Luck