Results with no results?????

I am having some issues with what has been going on lately! I am seeing results on the scale....but no results in my measurements or how my clothes fit. I would think that 10 pounds would be adequate amount of weight to start seeing some type of results in how my clothes fit and even in my measurements...does anyone else have this problem?? It's a little discouraging...As much as I love seeing my numbers on the scale going down, I'm more a visual person, and I'm seeing nothing!!!!!!


  • tats76
    tats76 Posts: 9
    If you lost all 10 pounds in one area, you'd probably see a difference, but if it's 10 pounds total from different areas of your body, it might not show immediately. It's great you are seeing the numbers, the visuals will follow, just stick with it! You know the saying "Rome wasn't built in day." Drives me crazy too! But patience, as hard as it sometimes is to have, is the key.
  • Ding724
    Ding724 Posts: 791 Member
    It took me losing 20lbs to really start SEEING the just hang in there!
    Keep working hard & the results will follow in the mirror!:flowerforyou:
  • gooberr4
    gooberr4 Posts: 253 Member
    How much exercise are you doing? I'd suggest strength training and cardio. I've lost 9lbs and I can see a difference in my stomach but that's because I've been running or doing jillian michaels 30 day shred 4-5 days a week.

    don't get discouraged! you're doing great :)
  • oshmom
    oshmom Posts: 78 Member
    I am just the opposite! While I like "shopping" in my closet again, I wish the numbers were higher...or at least happening more quickly. I had 2 weeks that nothing moved number-wise, but where I was under cals all but one day and excersised all but one day.

    I am between sizes in a lot of my clothes, which is kinda frustrating, but would rather be going down than up a size! Stick with it. Hiccups happen, and you are succeeding!
  • lexibelk
    lexibelk Posts: 83 Member
    I am having the total opposite results! I'm losing inches and not losing weight. I think I'm gaining muscle, but it'd be nice to see the scale go down!

    You may have been shedding water weight, which may not show in your measurements. Everyone is different, so it's just a thought.

    Hang in there!
  • oxnina
    oxnina Posts: 203 Member
    A year and a half ago i was apart of a bootcamp. Just to say it out: I didn't change my eating habits, i just worked out 2-3 times a week for an hour each for about a month. Just with exercising it took inches off my body. I had two inches taken off my bum and my mid-section and about .5-1 inch off my thighs and arms.
    After doing the bootcamp, i gained a bit, and decided to join weight watchers where i lost 16 pounds. I barely dropped a pant size.
    What I'm saying is, with exercise, you'll see more results than just watching what your eating
    The weight that came off of you was most likely just water weight. It tends to come off first when your eating healthier. Once you start exercising and getting in a routine of eating, it should just shed off no problem.
  • Kerryanne85
    It took 20 pounds - after I had my son - for me to tell a difference in clothes and even more than that for other people to comment. But now I am at a standstill and I'd love a 10 pound loss.
  • skinnyme125
    skinnyme125 Posts: 396 Member
    Take pics today. then after another ten pounds take pics again. Even if you can not see it on the scare or in measurments you will be very surprised what the camera will show you.
  • kimmerroze
    kimmerroze Posts: 1,330 Member
    Just looked at your diary and you are under your calorie goal almost daily like 300 calories under your daily... if you starve yourself you will lose muscle... (which will amount to more weight lost on the scale) not fat, which is what will make your clothes fit better and what will make you lose inches... which is what is most likely happening.

    you are eating lots of sugar and sodium, and Im not one to talk because I eat lots of sugar, not so much on the sodium, but that will bloat your stomach. I recently cut out desserts and I dropped 2 inches around my waist.

    you need to eat more, and eat less processed foods no cookies cheese cake, pizza, ranch dressing, its hard and again I have my share of processed foods, but there is hardly any fresh fruit and fresh veggies in your diet, I saw a little salad, but unless there are tons of veggies its not going to be packed full of those necessary nutrients, but the main thing is that you most certainly need to eat more. When you starve your body it reacts and will burn your muscle and keep your fat (fat is your fuel) if your body is afraid that you aren't going to give it any more fuel (food) then it is going to hoard the fuel (fat) that it does have, and use other things as fuel. Read the link in my signature.

    I would also add strength training, that will build your muscle,. but if you don't eat strength training will do you no good!
  • TrainerRobin
    TrainerRobin Posts: 509 Member
    Agreed. Ensure you're eating healthful foods not just watching your calories and ensure that you're eating at least your minimum number of calories needed. And exercise! You want to be hanging onto as much muscle as possible. You've got it now, but it'll slip away without a concerted effort. For a little more on this, here's a link to an email that I answered about that issue:

    FYI -- for me, at 5'8" tall, ten pounds typically nets a one size difference in clothing. Other folks will be different but that's pretty much when me "size" changes enough to really notice. Good luck girl! Hang in there.
  • musicgirl88
    musicgirl88 Posts: 504 Member
    Thank you so much for all of the replies!! I do exercise daily, somtimes I forget to add in the exercises I do. I started the Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred yesterday, and I do that along with at least 20 minutes on the Gazelle. I tend to get frustrated very easily LOL I am not a very patient person. I appreciate all of the advice, and have taken it to heart!
    Thanks again!! :)