all of calories

how important is it to eat of all of your calories, i'm not including exercise calories, i don't eat them.


  • turnerl79
    turnerl79 Posts: 19 Member
    It's definitely important to eat over 1200. Anything under that and your body will go into starvation mode, which is not good.
  • nehushtan
    nehushtan Posts: 566 Member
    You're going to see a ton of opinions on this one. I eat mine, to no ill effects... others say it kills their weight loss. Try it for a few weeks and see what it does for you.
  • SiltyPigeon
    SiltyPigeon Posts: 920 Member
    Do what makes sense to you. If it works for you then keep it up. If it doesn't then do something else.

    The biggest problem with eating less is that you need to make sure the foods you do eat are high in nutrients. Your body needs those nutrients to operate efficiently.

    I don't eat all mine. However, I am not suffering, or hungry, and I have plenty of energy.

    Many people say you will go into starvation mode if you don't eat your calories, which means your metabolism will slow down. It does not mean (as many misunderstand) that your body will stop consuming fat and only consume muscle. That's what your fat is there for. Your metabolism may slow down, though, making it more difficult to lose weight. When you resume a normal diet it speeds back up again. I haven't experienced this, personally (at least not yet). I've lost 22 lbs in 7 weeks.

    You are not going to get fatter by eating less. Don't let people tell you that. That's just silly. If that were true it would be impossible to starve.