Looking for focused individuals that are in this long term

ShakiraKenya Posts: 11
edited September 24 in Introduce Yourself

I am not that new to the site, but would love to speak with other individuals that are serious about setting their long term goals. I want to stay focused and would love the support from others as well. I am also a strong supporter. I will be there to help and talk to anyone who needs it as we share in the same common goals.....health, weight loss, and any other positive goals that need to be reached.

Just add me as friend.......

Talk to you guys soon!!


  • sandram82
    sandram82 Posts: 615 Member
    Welcome to MFP.. Thanks to this site I am in this for the long haul!! My profile pic is a photoshop of where I want to get.. my profile pics will show actually!!
    I will support anyway I can.. feel free to add me
    Best of luck to you on your journey!
  • heatypablo
    heatypablo Posts: 221

    I am not that new to the site, but would love to speak with other individuals that are serious about setting their long term goals. I want to stay focused and would love the support from others as well. I am also a strong supporter. I will be there to help and talk to anyone who needs it as we share in the same common goals.....health, weight loss, and any other positive goals that need to be reached.

    Just add me as friend.......

    Talk to you guys soon!!

    Sent a friend request. I'm about 8 months in and learning slow and steady wins the race. I'm just about to my half-way point. WOOT WOOT! Of course, I can always use more support! :happy:
  • Hi there! I am in this for the long haul myself! I have already lost 21 lbs and have become so motivated. I love this site and the phone app. I tell everyone that I can about it. I want to get back down to a size where I will feel comfortable having my picture taken. There are virtually no pix of me with my kids because I have alwas been so fat. I will be there to motivate others as well.
  • polo571
    polo571 Posts: 708 Member
    Welcome to MFP =). You will find alot of dedication and motivation =)
  • Hi, I'm definitely in this for the long haul; this is a lifestyle change for me, not a quick fix. I'm sending a friend request so expect lots of friendly pats on the back and encouragement if you accept :o)

    P.S the guy above me (polo571) who's lost 100lbs + - massive respect... I might just friend request you too, because I'd love to follow your journey!
  • I am glad you guys sent friend requests. It's so awesome to meet new people on the same journey to being healthy and feeling good on the inside and out. It's not just a change for NOW.... It's a change for life. I can't wait to hear from all of you motivated people.
  • Hey
    Welcome to MFP.. Thanks to this site I am in this for the long haul!! My profile pic is a photoshop of where I want to get.. my profile pics will show actually!!
    I will support anyway I can.. feel free to add me
    Best of luck to you on your journey!

    I should probably do the same... There is nothing wrong with showing what you would like to look like after all of your hardwork and dedication is done!
  • bmj1985
    bmj1985 Posts: 32
    I'm sending a friend request too! I did this last summer and the site worked great! The problem was me, I didn't stick with it. It has really hit me hard lately that I need to do this for life!
  • Hi! I am in this for the long term as well. I am loving the changes I am seeing in my body and how I feel about myself. This website has been SO helpful!!! I'll add you as a friend so we can help eachother along.!!
  • Hi! I'm in this for long-term, mostly because I love feeling good and when I eat poorly, it affects everything. I often don't know how poor I'm eating until I have to record it. I ate a half a bag of jelly beans one day!

    I love running and that's my work out method of choice - and have a few pounds to lose from having a baby (too many years ago to claim it as an excuse!), but I'm glad to join the journey with everyone!
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