
So, I've been eating better and exercising for 30 min. 6 days a week and now after a week, I'm just angry all the time. I've lost 2 lbs so far cuz i have cheated (minimally - like an extra slice of cheese) but nevertheless cheated, and I just get angry not with how slow im losing weight but more because I want to eat everything I can't! It feels like with 1200 cals a day, I can barely eat anything... I mean I know its plenty, but even a slice a cheese is like 100 cals! I mean really? I've started to make better decisions... like do I want a slice of cheese of maybe something else worth the same amount of calories that i'll get to enjoy more? So far, I'm losing motivation ... I just want to be able to eat whatever I want, whenever I want. But I also know, that not even being a billionaire could give me what I want - which is to be thin and feel comfortable in my own skin.


  • catysthename
    catysthename Posts: 278 Member
    You can eat what you want when you want it if you do the exercise to cancel it out!
  • BunnybeeJG
    BunnybeeJG Posts: 344 Member
    try protien drinks... special k has some good ones.. they are 180-190 and help curve the appetite.. and i know it sounds awful ... bc frozen foods usually suck so so much but try healthy choice meals... and mozzarella cheese.. or sargento's provolone... i know how you feel... but just find lower calorie alternatives so you can still cheat... without actually cheating... and maybe an hour exercise 3 to 6 days of the week...its hard for me too.. but with the help of the gym and healthy choice and special k...i've been able to lose weight for the first time in my life.
  • NoMoreThickyMickey
    NoMoreThickyMickey Posts: 73 Member
    awww don't be angry... it's very hard at first. I wasn't angry when i first started, i was depressed when i gained two pounds and had the hunger attacks. it gets easier just stay motivated and remember why you are on this weight loss. i do agree about the cheese... I love cheese too...
  • sunshine79
    sunshine79 Posts: 758 Member
    It would be useful to see what you're eating - if you're comfortable to do so you could open your food diary so that we could make some suggestions.

    At first it's an effort just to stay within your calorie limit but once you've got that down you have to start looking at the quality of the calories you're eating being sure to chose foods that'll keep you feeling satisfied :smile:
  • StephSmith2011
    Boy do I hear that! I feel the same way - and angry that when my husband and I go out to dinner he doesn't have to worry at all about what he's ordering and I ALWAYS have to be so careful! All I can tell you is that it seems to get a little easier, you'll learn what type of cheese is better (laughing cow is pretty good) and when you start to see the weight come off it will be worth it! Hang in there, you're doing so great with the exercise! And if you can do 15 minutes more, that's even more you can eat! :) good luck!
  • erikblock
    erikblock Posts: 230 Member
    I totally get where you're coming from. I've gone on health kicks several times in the past during which I've eaten sensibly, exercised, and ended up losing a decent amount of weight. However, in the end, my desire to eat what I want would always beat out my desire to be thinner. I would just eventually decide that it's worth it to me to eat how I want and be a little heavier. However, this time I've been going to the gym for the last 14 months and watching what I eat off-and-on during that time, but always trying to make slightly healthier choices in small ways even when I am eating what I want (Getting chicken items w/o cheese when I go to Taco Bell, for instance). We've all been told over and over again that small lifestyle changes are the key--it's something that we know, but it's easier said than done. It seems to be working for me this time, and I just hope it continues.

    Good luck with reaching your goals.
  • BunnybeeJG
    BunnybeeJG Posts: 344 Member
    the real trick is to not deprive yourself of anything but make a conscious effort to eat less of it.. I'm irish.. I LOVE love love potatos... so it sucks... but I still have been able to eat them and CHEEEEEEESE mmmmm without gaining ab unch of weight and being really frustrated...
  • ajbeans
    ajbeans Posts: 2,857 Member
    Maybe you need to eat more. What rate of loss did you choose? Maybe try shooting for half a pound or one pound a week instead of going for 2 -- your body might just not be getting enough fuel, especially if you're working out and not eating those calories you're burning.

    I agree with sunshine79, it would be helpful to see your diary. Maybe there's something in there that you're just not seeing.
  • bzmom
    bzmom Posts: 1,332 Member
    Sounds like you may be eating too little. I am 144lbs at 5' 4" and my goal is 1400calories that is not even including my exercise calories. So I think your poor body may be retaliating because you aint feeding it much

    Edit: I was eating 1400 calories lost 34lbs and now I upped my calorie intake to 1700
  • BunnybeeJG
    BunnybeeJG Posts: 344 Member
    Boy do I hear that! I feel the same way - and angry that when my husband and I go out to dinner he doesn't have to worry at all about what he's ordering and I ALWAYS have to be so careful! All I can tell you is that it seems to get a little easier, you'll learn what type of cheese is better (laughing cow is pretty good) and when you start to see the weight come off it will be worth it! Hang in there, you're doing so great with the exercise! And if you can do 15 minutes more, that's even more you can eat! :) good luck!
    laughing cow is awesome as hell the garlic herb cheese wedges are so good... and flavorful and 35 calories.. you can try eating that w the herb special k crackers.. they are 90 calories for 17 crackers... it can become fun in a weird way to count your calories when you find stuff you love that's low...
  • inshapebymay
    I get angry a lot too!I used to be able to eat whatever I wanted, whenever I wanted and not gain one pound.So much for that!!Now I am 33 years old and can only eat a very limited diet due to Crohn's Disease.You will figure it out.Just find something that motivates you, such as a child, or a bathing suit, and keep focused on that.You have to stay focused!!!!!!
  • Elli0tt
    Elli0tt Posts: 49
    Thats just the beginning of dieting girl, frustrated because your always hungry, along with not (yet) seeing major improvement makes it seem like its just not worth it AT ALL. This feeling does get easier AND will eventually go away, trust me. Just be strong and keep working on making those small improvements/healthier decisions in your diet, and soon enough you will see things start to change, then you will REALLY 'get things rollin' so to speak. Like I said, be strong! and stick to your guns.
  • jknoell
    jknoell Posts: 254 Member
    Maybe this is why you are here - on mfp. Rely on your support team to help you through this frustration. That's what we are all here for - to help each other and get each other up in the morning to exercise, throughout the day to eat right, and to sleep at night to rest for the upcoming day. It truly is a battle - you will have good days and you will have bad ones. Accept that, so when you wake up each morning, you see it as a brand new opportunity.

    So, it's true - the saying it's all about calories in and calories out. It really is. Maybe you need to step up the exercise. Maybe you need to increase the intensity, do interval training, or try longer workouts, such as BunnybeeJG suggested. Maybe you need to ensure you aren't drastically cutting calories (I say this not knowing when you started or at what weight). Maybe it's the type of foods you are eating - too much sugar, for example.

    To be honest, 2lbs in a week is good - to lose weight the healthy way is to lose 1-2 lbs per week. Think of this as a good thing! And remember - eathing what you want when you want it was what got you into the position you are in. This is the time to STOP that mentality! Eat to nourish your body and not your sweet tooth! Eat because you need to, not just because you want to! Don't get discouraged - we are all in the same boat with you. And we can be here for you when you need us! :flowerforyou:

    Good luck!
  • ajbeans
    ajbeans Posts: 2,857 Member
    I just realized... you said you lost 2 pounds in one week? That's a fantastic loss! That's a perfectly healthy, normal rate of loss. Losing faster than that can be unhealthy, and can be hard to maintain. And as you lose weight, your loss will need to slow down somewhat, but that's normal and healthy.
  • BunnybeeJG
    BunnybeeJG Posts: 344 Member
    OH if you have a chocolate craving... instead of hightailing it to the ice cream or cake... i've found that the no additional sugar added fudgecicles... are amazing.. they are 40 calories each and a serving is 2 of em.... 80 calories... and mostly you will find yourself satisfied after one... laughing cow, healthy choice, special k stuff... lower milk cheeses like mozzy or provolone... hummus ... try making things yourself.. eating out only on special occasions where you have no other real choice... cut out any fast food half of it is just horrible chemicals anyway lol cut out soda if you can or cut it down for more water... and allow yourself a portion of something you love once a month if its fattening.. then just work it off.. you'll find you feel better.. and after you get over the few month hump of getting your body used to less caloric intake... and don't feel so hungry .. you'll feel better. and you wont be really making a huge huge change where you fail and gain it all back.. but you'll get into a lifestyle change and be so happy. so far .. i'm glad i've started this finally.
  • britmitchell
    Don't give up. It is hard at first. I eat 1200 calories as well. If you like cheese go for the light cheese, or even string cheese. It is about 50 calories for the sangento light string cheese. The key is just to stay positive and remember that you can do it! Stay strong!:)
  • qtpiesmom
    qtpiesmom Posts: 394 Member
    Im sorry your angry, but being hungry and depriving yourself of things your not going to succeed. Being angry isnt something you need to feel to get healthy and lose weight. This is supposed to be a time of hope and happiness. Happy because you have made a positive choice for yourself, Happiness because your making a difference in the way you live and Hope knowing you will take very step it takes to meet your goal and be the woman you are and want to be. Maybe 1200 calories is just to low to start out with maybe moving up your intake to 1500 - 1800 instead and moving it down every week by making little changes they are easier to see once you see how your eating satisfied. Maybe 30 minutes a day needs to be moved up a little to help balance what your eating I think about how much time I spend on the computer if I have an hour to spend on here then I split it and exercise 30minutes instead of sitting on here for the hour, if I have 2 hours then I split that too. You just starting out make your goals reachable, Learn what your body needs, know that its ok to have some cheese that your not cheating your eating. Track everything make changes as you see fit, make goals by the week, and BELIEVE IN YOURSELF!!
    Everyone needs to be able to eat and eat what they want need and desire, maybe not everyday but you should be able to have your cake and eat it too.
    YOU will be that thin person you want to be, dont be so hard on yourself, it will take time to make the changes to a happier, healthy, hot you. Your on the right track. Keep up the good work!!
  • chicasimpatica
    I'm overwhelmed by the amount of responses, thank you all so much!!! I feel a lot better now. I know I haven't been posting eeeeverything, like little bites of random things. But I will now. Also, I think what I've realized is that my understanding of calories and the exercise thing is all wrong. I figured that if I exercised I didn't want to eat more calories because I would lose even more weight. But more than that, I'm still breastfeeding... occasionally, and probably only make 6 oz worth a day, but I'm thinking maybe that might have something to do with it. Maybe my body really is pissed off, lol. I don't know. I am going to open up my food diary... and I'll start adding eeeverything! Because I figure i need to see what those extra bites and snacks are really doing to me. Also, the reason why I'm doing the 30 min. workouts is cuz I'm doing the Biggest Loser cardio workouts... and then Tues-Thurs I go to the gym and do 45 min. of running, walking, and or stair climbing. But thanks again everyone, I know this is just the beginning.
  • ffemtchris
    ffemtchris Posts: 19 Member
    First of all, don't be angry that you've lost "only" two pounds in one week. Be glad that you lost TWO pounds in one week (which is the limit of healthy weight loss). All the exercise has two effects - burning calories and building muscle. My wife had the same complaints in that she watched what she ate and exercised 6 times a week and only lost a pound a week. However, she's been at it for six weeks now and has lost 7+ pounds (bonus last week).

    As I write this, I saw your post from 06:59 pm in which you indicated that you were still breastfeeding and had questions about eating your exercise calories. I won't go into the second part as I see a great deal of debate about the plusses and minuses of eating exercise calories. However, I will caution you about not eating enough that it adversely impacts your milk production. While I understand the desire to lose weight, it should not be to the point that you get angry. That just makes it harder to stay on your mission.

    Best of success in achieving your goals.
  • bevbeers
    bevbeers Posts: 7
    Oh I know the feeling!! I.m so sick of hearing people obsess about food. It's got to be a comfortable lifestyle or the weight will just come back even if we lose it. SOOOO I;m thinking that somehow we,ve got to be happy doing this. So far all that I,ve done is feel better when I eat well and exercise but I haven;t really lost weight. It is frustrating!!!!