SAHM 3/7 - 3/13



  • nicolee516
    nicolee516 Posts: 1,862 Member
    bump for later! I hope you ladies are doing great! :flowerforyou:
  • luvrsc
    luvrsc Posts: 4 Member
    Hi! My name is Nikki and I'm a SAHM to two kids, 4 and 2. I started following WW at the beginning of January, then found this site recently. I've lost almost 23 lbs this year, and 5 since joinging MFP. It feels good becoming a healthier me!
  • clcole522
    clcole522 Posts: 68 Member
    Ok mom's.........Was stopped at the gym once again tonight ....I have been asked a hand ful of time to get certified to become a Spin Instructor, but I have always turn them down, I started this workout journey, after my dad died suddenly, the gym was the one place I could go and clear my mind...Its always been my "safe place", if that makes sense....And now I so enjoy working out and I have this thought in the back of my mind that if it becomes "work" then I won't enjoy it anymore......I mean they have tried for a good year, well tonight was another one of those nights.......The girl who was doing class Monday nights, has to many things going on and can't teach spin class anymore and the guy who teaching Wed night isn't interested in doing anymore then that...He is a real tri-athlete and does his spin class for his own benefit as well, come the end of March, he is done teaching b/c he'll take his training outside......So here I stand, I kind of feel like if I don't step in, the class will disolve and we won't have anything...We have already gone from 7 classes, (morning and night together) down to 2 classes and I am thinking next month there won't be any........So, let me rephrase, here I stand and the girls is asking me to think about it once I have been doing spin since Feb of 2009 and have been pretty steady with it, I love the calories you burn and the fun we have... Do I let it die or step in? I wouldn't know where to start, and to sit up there and have all those faces looking back at me, when I use to sit next to them....Thats a little nerve racking..........OH, I have lots to think about!

    I hope every had a good Monday.........I'm shutting it down Good Night
  • ajbeans
    ajbeans Posts: 2,857 Member
    Cat, that sounds so exciting! I would at least give it some thought. Ask them what it would entail, ask them if they could show you the ropes and help you get started. I doubt they're just going to toss you in and make you figure it all out on your own. :) You enjoy it so much, and clearly they think you'd be good at it, so it's worth a shot, right? If you try and it doesn't work out, they were going to close the class anyway, so no harm done. But if you do well, and I think you would, then it could be awesome for you and everybody else that enjoys the class. The decision is yours, but I think it could be a great opportunity for you. :)
  • bluerose9483
    bluerose9483 Posts: 686 Member
    WOW! Haven't been here all weekend or all day today and so much to catch up on!

    I'll make this short and then I'm off to bed, so sorry I'm not getting you all personally, but

    Welcome all newcomers! Its' great to add more moms!!!

    WTG on all those who lose...I'll try to catch up more tomorrow and fill you in on my busy weekend. Night ladies!
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    tagging for later this week. computer kablooy-ing--fan is out so it overheats and shuts down.

    hubby bought me a new computer, but hasn't finished setting it all up yet. he has to go to work and all that, so doesn't have time to do MY stuff. geez. men. :tongue:

    not a great monday. aiming for better tomorrow and all week, all month long!
  • ajbeans
    ajbeans Posts: 2,857 Member
    Z has taken the habit of refusing to eat his dinner, and then waking up at 4:30 in the morning because he's hungry. Short of shoveling food down his throat, I'm not sure what to do about it, but somebody's going to get strangled if I don't start getting some sleep soon. The only solution I can come up with is to serve fish sticks every night. He'll eat those. It's not that I'm serving things he doesn't like, he's just refusing to eat for some reason.

    Not sure what any of you guys could do about it, but I just needed to vent. Because he starts at 4:30 and then the neighbor's $*7*(!#$@8#^%!^ dog starts at 5:30 and I'm not getting any more sleep for the day. And that infuriates me.
  • KC1206
    KC1206 Posts: 90 Member
    Good Morning Ladies! Looks like everyone was super busy on here yesterday!

    Cat—That sounds exciting! I think you should think about it for a bit, get some more information like AJ suggested. Information never hurt anyone!

    Stacey—hope your week gets better and you get to join us on here soon!

    Had a good day yesterday here—didn’t make it to the gym, but did all sorts of running around in the morning (I braved the commissary on my own—ack!) and then we were doing some major reorganization in my son’s room. We brought him back a train table from CT this weekend (my cousins from when they were little) so we had to change where everything is in his room was, which got me started on packing up all the baby-baby toys to go in the attic, which got me started on another project…ugh, after the bathroom I was kind of hoping that I was done with projects for at least a little bit. To round out the night, I made everyone come shopping with me after dinner to get stuff for my son’s b-day party next weekend too. It is never-ending. Today I am heading into the office for a little while, then back in the evening for Mardi Gras pancake supper (ah, the joys of working for a church). I can hear a little someone waking up now, so I gotta run. Have a great day ladies!
  • katapple
    katapple Posts: 1,108 Member
    AJ ~ Thanks girl. Finals are over next week and I cannot wait for the nice little spring break we will get! I feel the same way about decisions, sometimes it's so hard making plans for everyone that you could just use a break...

    Welcome Nikki! Congrats on your loss so far!

    Clcole ~ you should do it!! To me that's the type of job that wouldn't be a job. I think you would be awesome at it, and it sounds like there is already such a good cycling group, that you wouldn't be nervous once you got up there! I might become TurboKick certified, I get paid to workout?? AWESOME! LOL

    Stacey ~ Sorry about the computer!!

    AJ, vent away girl! we are here for ya! LOL

    KC ~ Ugh I hate the commissary here, always busy and the produce is horrible. I go every two weeks to get staples like bread and ground turkey, that's all I can handle LOL

    Probably won't make it to the gym, both boys have nasty colds, so I am going to try to do a HIIT workout and the Best Butt challenge from bodyrock. I'm also up a pound from last weeks weigh-in (I don't count until Wednesdays though) so I planned out my food and hopefully I'll stick to it!
  • EverythingCubbies
    EverythingCubbies Posts: 172 Member
    For those that asked, Booshka is 17 months and when I say he wakes up screaming I mean the scream is horrible. Not like fussing but more of a terrified or painful cry. I coslept on the twin bed in his room last night and he did better but still woke up screaming. I was just able to calm him faster. He's also getting crazy hitting my chest and screaming for milk so I don't know what to do. This kid would nurse until he's 80 if I'd let him. We've tried keeping a sippy cup with water for him but he doesn't want it and just throws it. Ahhhhhhhhhhh, not so fun.

    Cat - The spin class sounds awesome, you should look into it. Maybe you could offer to start off just doing one of the nights and tell them to find someone else for the other night. Then you might not feel like it's a "job" so much. What a compliment to be asked so much, they obviously think a lot of you and your fitness abilities. Way to go!! BTW, I've heard great things about Polar, if I need to buy one that's what I'll be getting.

    Swtchrypie - What week are you on for C25K? I'm starting week 3 tonight but I did skip week 1. Since I did week 2 w/o any struggles I don't want to go back to week 1 now.

    Holly - What insrument does Bridget play? I'd love to get Noah involved in music. He has a guitar that he loves to play with my hubby.

    Nicole - 2' of snow, I'd be in heaven. :bigsmile: My sled didn't get much dust knocked off this year and we never made it skiing, hope we do better next year.

    DJ - 3" lost is awesome, congrats!!! I'm so with you, I need to drink water instead of snacking, just wish it tasted as good.

    Wildcat - Glad you are feeling better!

    AJ - Sounds like our kids need to have a slumber party together. Have you tried a nutrition drink like pediasure? That has worked for us in the past when the kids are being weird with food. We've also done smoothies after dinner to fill their bellies up. Hope you and Z have a better day today.

    Katie M - So awesome that people are noticing you've lost weight, way to go!

    Stacey - Yah on the new computer! Maybe your honey can get it finished this weekend.

    KC - I've never heard of a Mardi Gras Pancake Party but it sounds fun to me, two of my favorite things, pancakes and Mardi Gras!

    Well I'm on cloud 9 this morning, even with my sleepy mind and body. I make my goal of losing 10 by the 10th. I can't believe it but I checked the scale three times, before and after shower, to be sure it was right. :drinker: Cheers my friends, I couldn't have done any of this without your wonderful support. Thanks for helping me stay focused and in check. Now, if I could just be better with water.
  • bluerose9483
    bluerose9483 Posts: 686 Member
    Ugh, what a night! The little guy didn’t want to sleep and the bad news is, I think he is constipated. I’ve been trying to give him apple juice but he hasn’t been drinking a lot of it and he’s still not getting any relief, so looks like I’ll have to go to the store today when hubby gets home and get the little guy some laxative. Hoping that will give him some relief.

    Welcome Cat, Lilolme, BJ, and Shelia! It’s nice to meet you!

    I think I have found a schedule that is going to work for me, during the week I have no problem eating really good, doing my workouts, and everything else, come the weekends though, it seems like we are always out and when we are out, we eat out! Ugh! With the situation we’re in, that the easiest thing for us, once we move out of the inlaws, it will change…hubby and I really don’t mind being home and eating at home, but the inlaws have some issues that make our lives a bit hard, so every weekend, it seems like I’m going to be over and not doing as well.

    I went to the dr yesterday to find out if I have rosacea and he gave me some medication to help it, but it has one side effect I’m not too happy with, and it make me nauseated and it says its best taken on an empty stomach, ugh. Also, I have a complaint….those stupid scales always say I weigh more than my scale, the scale there gave me an additional 10 lbs from my weigh in on Friday and I don’t think I’ve gained that much!!

    Clcole-I know what you mean about the weekends! :smile: You’re not alone.

    Well, I’m off to get some cleaning done and maybe donate some more old items we don’t need around here. Talk to you all later.
  • I'm a SAHM with 4 babies ages 7,5,4 and 9months so finding time to workout is a workout within it self. I love the treadmill and I also like Exercise TV. I try to get up early & get my workout in before the kids are off to school but that hasn't been done lately. I turn 40 this May and would love be under 200 lbs. but it's looking harder by the day.
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    got my butt up and did workout. now to eat right for the day.
    FRUITS and VEGES!!! not 500 diff kinds of carbs
    NO chcoolate.

    who's with me???
  • DJJW
    DJJW Posts: 519 Member
    Happy Tuesday morning everyone!! I hope. Plan to stay busy today. Already got in a hour workout this morning and planning on doing another hour after lunch. Want to have a few drinks with hubby tonight and want to do it guilt free! So suck it up cupcake and work out :laugh:

    Stacey- Great job on the workout!

    Marie- Welcome! And don't get to caught up on a deadline. Life always gets in the way and will leave you feeling like you failed (comes from first hand experience) so just treat each day as a healthy beginning and you'll do great.

    Blue- sorry about dr's. New meds suck.

    4love- Hope you start to get some sleep. It's hard to take care of a little one who can't verbalize what is wrong :cry:
  • Thx DJJW :flowerforyou: will do!!!!!
  • Nicole~ Im sorry you lil girl isn't feeling well. I hope they nap at the same time so you can get to good workout in! Congrats on the weightless!!!!!!

    Wildcat~ I am sorry you were sick last week, but I am glad to hear you are better!!!

    CAt~ I think that it would be worth a shot. You know how they say love what you do and you wont work a day in your life :)

    Amy~ I am on week 2 so right behind you. I actually am starting week 3 on friday. I am sooo sorry about Booshka! I hope you can figure out what is upsetting him so ouch at night.

    Aj~ you let me know what works for you. Triston REFUSES to eat anything. I give him pedisure so he will get his nutrients. He use to eat 5 different things but now it is like pulling teeth to get him to eat any one of those. He loved pizza but now he only eats it if we buy it from a pizza place and we don't do that we home make ours. So I know how you feel.

    Bard~ Sorry about the lil man. I hope he feels better.

    Welcome Marie! I love the treadmill too.

    Stacy I am so with you, as I have NO chocolate in the house. Not aloud because I get in moods where is magically disappears and my scale goes up. I have no idea how, kinda weird!

    OK ladies!! I hope everyone is having a great day!!!! My kids let me sleep in this morning which was awesome because I really needed it. Now we've been cleaning and playing swords.
  • binabodu
    binabodu Posts: 120 Member
    Katie- Thanks, he seems to be doing better although he was a whinny mess. Sorry about your little guy as well. I always feel great after a work out, I have just been lacking the motivation lately. Stinks!

    KC1206- I had a similar weekend and am anxious about weigh in tomorrow. I went over my calories 4 times. YIKES. Even with that I was still under maintenance, just not maximum weight loss. We will see tomorrow!

    Amy- That sounds rough. Sorry I don't have any advice, just sympathy. I value my sleep. :)

    Wildcat- Congrats on the loss last week. Hopefully this week goes well. If not, just average the two weeks. :)

    Cat- I would definitely think about it, I understand you don't want your safe haven to become work. Just think, you could end up one of those people who love their jobs.

    and welcome newbies! I'll have to finish catching up in a bit!
  • hollyb9871
    hollyb9871 Posts: 401 Member
    Wow there's a lot going on!

    To those with non sleeping children-I can sympathize! I've never had good sleepers my son woke up in the middle of the night until he was 7! My little ones usually wake up once each, Julia ends up coming to bed with us I usually end up sleeping with Lucy in her twin bed. Last night Lucy climbed in bed with us and I didn't notice for quite a while, by the time I did I was too tired to get up and carry her back to her bed..she's 4.

    To those who are sick or have sick kiddos-I hope you are all getting healthy! I really throws off your schedule when there are sick ones in the house.

    Aj and Swtchrypie- It's a phase with the eating. It's more about them controlling something and less about the foods offered. Children won't let themselves starve if/when they get hungry they'll eat. Hang in there.

    Stacey-Great for getting your work out in and the chocolates out! I do well to stay out of the treats we have. If I have one I have a half dozen if I don't start I'm fine.

    Marie-Welcome to the group! I will turn 40 in September. I am hoping to be healthy and fit by that point and to eliminate some not so great eating habits. It's all a journey not a destination!
  • KatieM7
    KatieM7 Posts: 588 Member
    I so know the feeling of kids waking up during the night. I am almost to the point that I just figure that sleep deprivation is just part of the game. My 4 yo wakes every night and comes and climbs into our bed right across our feet. :grumble: I can't stand having my feet feel like they are being tied down. Then about once a week we have our 3 yo, 5 yo come and sleep in our room. Every few months we will have one of the older ones in there too, 9, 8, 7 yo. One night we had FIVE of the children in the room. sheesh. Okay rant over. :laugh: I hate being woke up too. I am such a grump when I get woke up.

    Aj~Sorry that your little guy keeps waking up that early. I hope that you can find a solution quick so that you can start getting some decent sleep.

    Katie~Have I told you that you look great in that dress? Well you do.

    Thank you for all the support. Got to go need to get some diapers and spend some time with the hubby.
  • clcole522
    clcole522 Posts: 68 Member
    Good Morning mom's.......Thanks all so much for all the positive input! I have talked to a friend that has done the spin just as much as I have and loves it just as much too.....We brainstormed a little bit yesterday and thought it would be fun to team teach the class, have 2 of us up there ... We have to get with the trainer who makes all the decisions, to see what she thinks, but I'm thinking that I will give it a try... And to do it with a friend, kind of feed off one another during class, he has a great energy to him and I know we could make the class fun, along with burning some major calories.... And too, it would take alot of pressure off from me, doing it solo..... So, thats where I stand...I am very greatful for all the positive comments you've shared with me, it certainly has helped, I lack in the self confident area and I am always second guessing myself, and this decision was no different.....

    Ok, have to get my kids to school and I'm hoping to get back here for a few and read up on everyone else progress.....Besides the gym I have Ash Wed Mass to get to this afternoon.....Any mom's here giving anything up for lent??
    Have a good morning mom's................

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