My First Day Here :)

PrincessEliNa Posts: 524 Member
edited September 24 in Introduce Yourself
Hi all!
My name is EliNa and I'm 21 years old. I'm hoping to lose about 15 pounds (My goal weight is 120 pounds)
I'm going on a nice vacation for spring break in April, and I was hoping to look better than I do, and a co worker suggested this website.

I don't recall ever being in the 120's, and I know it won't be super easy, but I'm ready and willing to lose the weight. I also want to tone up, but I don't know much about that. If anyone has tips/advice, I'd love to hear it!

PS-Has anyone ever tried the HCG diet?


  • terim3006
    terim3006 Posts: 12 Member
    Set realistic goals. I don't know when your spring break is but 1-2 pounds per week is usually the recommended amount to lose. It is easier to keep it off when you lose it at a slower pace. Veggies, water, exercise, and cutting down on sweets and carbs. Keep a small notebook handy. Sometimes it is not convenient to log everything in. But keep track of everything you put in your mouth. Good Luck.
  • Welcome. Based on your goal of 15 pounds and your ultimate weight of 120 you are probably 135 now? Depending on your height that is probably a healthy weight for you and the last 15 pounds that you are trying for will be tough. With a solid diet plan and some good exercise I know it will be possible though. Calculate your BMR using the tools section of this website, compare that to how much you plan to eat each day and how much exercise you intend to do and see if it gives you a large enough deficit. I am betting your in fairly good shape and that your BMR will be relatively low... around 1400 or so... Due to this you will need to create your deficit (total calories after exercise below your BMR) by additional exercise because you dont want to eat less than 1200 or so calories (this number varies from person to person).

    For 1 pound fat you have to burn 3500 calories more then you take in. Its not safe to try and do this in a day so normally you calculate for the span of 1 week. So to lose 1 pound a week you need to have a weekly deficit of 3500 calories which is easily doable.

    Message me if you have any questions or want any more info.
  • Best of luck to you! I'm a newbie too and so far I love this site. The food diary is awesome in helping you track your calories and the excercise tab is pretty good at showing the calories you burn with each item you do. Have tried many, too many, diets, but not the HCG. If you go that route, please post how it works out for you. In the past the best that has worked for me has always been the hard work...not the fun way...but the excercise, water and fruit seem to be the way that I have lost and kept it off.

    Feel free to friend me and I'll cheer you on to success!
  • PrincessEliNa
    PrincessEliNa Posts: 524 Member
    Welcome. Based on your goal of 15 pounds and your ultimate weight of 120 you are probably 135 now? Depending on your height that is probably a healthy weight for you and the last 15 pounds that you are trying for will be tough. With a solid diet plan and some good exercise I know it will be possible though. Calculate your BMR using the tools section of this website, compare that to how much you plan to eat each day and how much exercise you intend to do and see if it gives you a large enough deficit. I am betting your in fairly good shape and that your BMR will be relatively low... around 1400 or so... Due to this you will need to create your deficit (total calories after exercise below your BMR) by additional exercise because you dont want to eat less than 1200 or so calories (this number varies from person to person).

    For 1 pound fat you have to burn 3500 calories more then you take in. Its not safe to try and do this in a day so normally you calculate for the span of 1 week. So to lose 1 pound a week you need to have a weekly deficit of 3500 calories which is easily doable.

    Message me if you have any questions or want any more info.
    Thank you so much for all of this information! I am 135 now, and definitely want to lose the 15pounds in a healthy way/slow pace so it'll stay off. :)
  • PrincessEliNa
    PrincessEliNa Posts: 524 Member
    Best of luck to you! I'm a newbie too and so far I love this site. The food diary is awesome in helping you track your calories and the excercise tab is pretty good at showing the calories you burn with each item you do. Have tried many, too many, diets, but not the HCG. If you go that route, please post how it works out for you. In the past the best that has worked for me has always been the hard work...not the fun way...but the excercise, water and fruit seem to be the way that I have lost and kept it off.

    Feel free to friend me and I'll cheer you on to success!

    Thanks! I'll definitely send a friend request your way! I have heard the HCG diet works, but I too would rather lose the healthy way, I do actually like exercise- especially yoga. :)
  • PrincessEliNa
    PrincessEliNa Posts: 524 Member
    Set realistic goals. I don't know when your spring break is but 1-2 pounds per week is usually the recommended amount to lose. It is easier to keep it off when you lose it at a slower pace. Veggies, water, exercise, and cutting down on sweets and carbs. Keep a small notebook handy. Sometimes it is not convenient to log everything in. But keep track of everything you put in your mouth. Good Luck.

    Thanks so much for the advice! sweets are my biggest temptation! I work at a school, and my students are always giving me chips, cookies, donuts--- It's hard to say no to them, but I'll have to start. xD
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