
trv9248 Posts: 10 Member
Hi! I just found out about my fitness pal yesterday. I have got to say that so far i'm loving it especially the app for the iphone. It helps track everything as soon as i eat it even when i don't have a computer around. well i have a 2 yr old son and i want to make better eating habits for him. so my goals are to lose weight and eat healthier. I have started counting calories and I have started doing the beach body insanity workout. I'm still new to all this so any tips would help out a lot. thanks.:happy:


  • Cheeks768
    Cheeks768 Posts: 15

    I'm new here too and absolutely love the site!

    Good luck in all your goals!

  • trv9248
    trv9248 Posts: 10 Member
    thanks. I absolutely love the site so far? Good luck to you and congratulations on your 2 lb loss!!:smile:
  • kega3j
    kega3j Posts: 3 Member
    I am new here. I joined about 3 months ago when I got a new android phone. However, I am just now exploring the site. I am impressed and fascinated with what I can do. I think this is far better than what I was doing prior. I am almost 50 years old. I want to know if there are other nearly 50 or 50+ newbies out there. Let me hear from you. I am also doing the Turbo Fire workout. If anyone else is doing it please let me know.