Guys n Gals just aiming for a "slightly less heavy" goal

I'm 5'4" ish maybe 5'5"... Started 84kg / 185lb, currently about 79kg / 173lb, just aiming for about 70kg / 155lb overall.

Most tickers I see, people my height, or less, are aiming for 20-45lb less than this... With taller people often seeming to be going for the same sort of height-adjusted figure...

So, who else out here in MFP-land is just trying to be a bit less chunky, with no aim of being "slim"?


  • fooja
    fooja Posts: 451 Member
    hey.... Well, I am 5'7" and I started at 254 (omg!!) and I am currently 240 (still omg!!) I originally wanted to be 150 ish, but I have changed that dream!! I am shooting for 180, maybe 170. I will still be chubby at that weight, but at this point chubby sounds great!!
    I am beyong fat right now!!! i have set mini goals, my 1st one is 230 and Im hoping to reach it by Easter! then My goal is 200 and the 180. I think your goal is fine, dont worry about what other people are doing and set your own goals!! maybe when u get there, if u wanna lose more then fine. remember to do what YOU wanna do!! keep up the good work!!!
  • sue26
    sue26 Posts: 412
    dont want to be skinny or even thin - Im 5ft4in and will settle for 140. Having problems breaking the 150 mark at the moment though. Still who said it would be easy :):smile:
  • ltaylore
    ltaylore Posts: 54 Member
    I also aim to slim down a bit but I'm not aiming to be "thin". I am 5'5" and I started at 167 and my goal is 147. This will put me at a healthy BMI and a body type that I can feel good about. Once I hit that goal I may decide to keep going. Either way I will work to maintain my new healthy weight. I feel it is more about getting healthy and feeling better about yourself!
  • sassyg
    sassyg Posts: 393
    Oh don't get me wrong, I'm happy with my goal... Just wondering if there were others out there in the same boat :bigsmile:
  • albragg
    albragg Posts: 55
    I understand, I am the same way. I'm very into sports and athletics, so being suuuuper skinny has never really been an option for me. My goal is in the 150 range, hoping for a comfortable size 8 or 10.