Greek yogurt

dlaplume2 Posts: 1,658 Member
edited September 24 in Food and Nutrition
Hi All
I am thinking of converting to Greek yogurt. I can't come up with a really good reason to take the plunge.
I don't need the extra protied. I alway go over on my protien.

I don't need the extra calories- the yogurt I eat has only 80 calories.

Greek also costs more.

The only thing I can think of that makes it better (to me) is the lack of artificial sweeteners. (that is a good reason btw- I also like the fact that is has narural sugars as apposed to the high frutose corn syrup.) (I know high frutose corn syrup is recognized by the body the same as sugar, and it's fine in moderation. The thing is if they put it in everything we eat where is the moderation in that? sorry off my HFCS soap box. )

Are there other benefits I am missing?


  • alienblonde1
    alienblonde1 Posts: 749 Member
    I have a friend who uses greek yogurt in place of sour cream. It's lower in fat and sodium then sour cream.
  • Vicky14174
    Vicky14174 Posts: 715 Member
    sugar is the reason i went to the greek plus the protein as i try to eat 1 gram per lb of my body weight of protein a day. i never hit that amount but i try.
  • tamif27
    tamif27 Posts: 3
    Flavor and texture. Good Greek yogurt is worlds away better than any other yogurt I've tried.

    My first time trying Fagé, I was absolutely blown away. Now I actually enjoy eating yogurt. Previously I just ate it 'because.' Thick, creamy, rich... holy cats, Greek yogurt's wonderful stuff.

    I mix it with tehini and garlic for a dip. it's rich enough to substitute for butter/sour cream etc. And with stuffed grape leaves, well... it's all Greek

    Disclaimer: I mention the brand above because of my familiarity with it, I would expect other brands to be similar
  • ngr1973
    ngr1973 Posts: 334
    I'll tell you my favorite reason to make the switch ... ITS DELICIOUS!!! Its so creamy and silky - you almost don't feel like you're eating something as healthy as yogurt - its almost like eating custard or a creamy gelato!!!

    I have it almost every morning for breakfast but sometimes if I'm dying for a dessert - I'll have it for dessert!

    Also, I agree - you can use it as a substitute for sour cream, etc.

    If you have a Sam's Club or one of those memberships - you should look into buying it there - you can save quite a bit. Because yes, it is more expensive - probably because its got more natural things in it as you've mentioned.
  • fuhrmeister
    fuhrmeister Posts: 1,796 Member
    I find that it is more filling. I don't really need teh protein either but i can have just a greek yogurt fro breakfest and feel fine until lunch most days. I buy brown cow for 99 cents and chobani for 1.19. they are both really good. I also use theplain inthe place of sour cream also I replace teh mayo in my chicken salad with greek yougurt flovore with ranch dressing seasoning.
  • kimmiebear70
    kimmiebear70 Posts: 384 Member
    To me, Greek yogurt tastes better and has a better texture. I use the 0% fat variety as a substitute for sour cream, and use it in a lot of recipes. I also combine it with mayo to reduce the fat and calories. To my knowledge, it also has more of a wider variety of active cultures in it. I love it!
  • princesshoagie
    princesshoagie Posts: 34 Member
    My hubby tried it once and hated it. He said it tasty like nasty cheese. Thus he has scared me out of trying it. Every time I pick it up he says "Noo! Don't do it, you'll regret it!!" I like the thick and creamy style yogurts, so what does this really taste like?
  • dlaplume2
    dlaplume2 Posts: 1,658 Member
    I guess I should have put this disclaimer out there. I am not in love with the flavor. It seems to me to be an aquired taste. The first time I had it it was gross. (I bought plain and tried to doctor it up a bit) I then tried Vanilla. It was better but not super yummy. I had rasberry this morning. It was pretty good, in an alright, sort of way. I just wanted to know if there was an added nutritional benefit I was missing. I could get used to the flavor and texture.
  • smareeh
    smareeh Posts: 117 Member
    I love the texture, protein and the fact that you can sub it for so many things easily. My newest recipe is a little plain mixed with a little peanut butter for a very yummy apple dip!!! mmmmmm
  • mamarundrc
    mamarundrc Posts: 1,577 Member
    I switched when I was pregnant and had gestational diabetes and now I am hooked! The flavor is better, the texture is better. I like to mix in fresh berries when they are in season. I use it as a replacement for sour cream, butter, mayonaisse, and sometimes even heavy cream.
  • Just1forMe
    Just1forMe Posts: 624 Member
    You don't necessarily have to "switch"....just add it in for a little variety! I love Greek yogurt with a drizzle of honey and some berries. I couldn't eat it plain though. Sometimes, I will add a half packet of Splenda as well. It's just a different texture and to me, it's more satisfying.
  • jxs016
    jxs016 Posts: 4
    I buy Chobani, they have it at Costco and at Target for very reasonable price, they also have Chobani 2% which has less fat, but keep in mind that kind of fat is good for you!:) I've bought Peach, raspberry, pineapple, pomegranate, blueberry and strawberry. My 3 yeard old loves them all! Good luck!:smile:
    also, the high fructose corn syrup and artificial sweeteners seem to have effect on ones metabolism, just like drinking a ton of diet sodas will not do a person much good in a long run, even though it has 0 calories. The less processed, artificial stuff, the better!:smile:
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