Vegetarian Meal Ideas?

My teenage daughter is giving up meat for lent, and although I am not, with my husband traveling a lot and my son away at college, it is often just the two of us for dinner several nights a week. I am definitely not cooking two meals, and I think it might be interesting to reduce the amount of meat I am eating. I mainly want to make sure she is getting what she needs nutritionally as she tends to have a tendency toward low iron. Any suggestions? Thanks!


  • poedunk65
    poedunk65 Posts: 1,336 Member
    I would love to help, but I just cannot bring myself to help a Steeler's fan!!! GOOOO BROWWNNSSSS!!!....OL
  • Sunsh1ne
    Sunsh1ne Posts: 879 Member
    The Post Punk Kitchen ( has a lot of really good vegan/vegetarian recipes available. I swear by their tempeh chili and tofu scramble recipes. (The tofu scramble is kind of a breakfast thing, but you could eat it any time as a protein source. The meatless chili is so good even my avowedly carnivorous father loves it.)
  • reikichris
    Here are some of the tips and tricks I use to add protein and iron into our mostly vegetarian meals:

    • Add endamame, chick peas or beans to salads and pastas for added protein and spinach to salads, pastas and soups for iron.

    • Quinoa is a wonderful grain that is gluten free and very high in protein. It is similar in texture to couscous and is extremely versatile. I have made it as a PIlaf, Asian style and as a cold Mediterranean salad.

    • Barilla Plus Thin Spaghetti has added protein and iron.

    • For breakfast, I often have an egg white omelet with Spinach and feta, which covers both protein and iron.

    • Gimme Lean ground meat is pretty tasty and the Morningstar "California Turk'y" burgers are delicious! The Morningstar Ground meat tastes excellent in Tacos and is very simple to prepare.

    I hope this helps. Please let me know if you need any other ideas! I am happy to help!
  • hroderick
    hroderick Posts: 756 Member
    start at and click the vegetarian link.
    i've been exploring the 6800 low calorie items on this site and my diet meals have been fun instead of boring.
    I also really love their shopping list functions if you go to the trouble of setting up local stores because it will hilight list items on sale