
I graze, like the cow I am! I hae my breakfast which is small, and my lunch which is small. Then I have my Slimfast for the night. In between my jaws are just a-workin'. lol It's all fruit or something else very low-cal though. And I always stay under my calories. Who else looks at their food diary and sees a long list of snacks?!


  • lindahowe
    Hi, I eat a lot of snacks but also stay under my calories each day well except for the weekend lol lol, keep up the good work :-)
  • DrMan
    DrMan Posts: 86
    That is a great strategy though as long as your within your calories and sodium. Your metabolism will stay high eating every couple of hours. Yes, my snack list sometimes gets long but the key is that they are healthy snacks. Keep up the good work.
  • SueGeer
    SueGeer Posts: 1,169 Member
    Me!!!!! :laugh: Low cal meals means I can get snacks on too! 3 meals & 3 snacks most days.......:wink: I think as long as you're within goal, you're OK. I've lost 10 pounds since I started here in January, so it's working for me.

    Sue :smile: x
  • KirstyLea3
    I am also a snacker, if you look at my diary, I have set it so I can add mid-morning and afternoon snacks, as well as evening ones...They do say its better to eat smaller amounts but more often so I think its a better way to use your calories as your less likely to overeat if you don't starve between meals and if you keep your blood sugar levels constant, your less likely to crave sugary junk foods.
  • Nigel99
    Nigel99 Posts: 498 Member
    Oh, I am a big fan of snacking. Probably the biggest adjustment I had to make (besides starting to eat breakfast every day) with my new eating/exercise plan. I love snacking when I'm watching a good show, and something to nibble on when I play video games.

    Now, I will still snack, but I'm going for healthier choices and smaller portions. My list of snacks on my daily diary is always fairly long, but I'm always under my calories. The challenge will be a little tougher when I reach my goal in the next 2-3 weeks, and have to add another 500 calories to maintain, but still keep my sodium, fat, and sugar down, and continue to eat healthy.
  • Mairgheal
    Mairgheal Posts: 385 Member
    Snacking is my biggest problem really, it's the single biggest reason why I am/was overweight.
    My breakfast, lunch and dinner are healthy and thought-about, but if I'm not careful, I undo all the good work with my constant snacking. :ohwell:

    I really try to keep it to the bare minimum now, one small apple in the morning and another small thing in the afternoon or evening. I just know once I allow myself more snacks, I'll go way over my daily cals.