Can Foods Burn Fat?

Ask Jillian Michaels
Can Foods Burn Fat?

Q: Are there really foods that burn fat? If so, what are they?

Not really, but there are foods that contain fewer calories than the body uses to digest them. Therefore, when you eat these foods (cruciferous veggies, leafy greens, and so forth), you’re helping create a calorie deficit.

That said, there are also certain foods that will crank up your metabolism by releasing the right hormones. Protein will release more human growth hormone. Foods with selenium and zinc will support a healthy thyroid. You can boost your metabolic rate by eating clean, whole, fresh foods and avoiding processed foods and chemicals. But there is no food that will magically burn off fat. You have to get off your butt and get moving!


  • nubreeze33
    I like it.................
  • TateFTW
    TateFTW Posts: 658 Member
    Wow. She's basically completely wrong. Why the hell is anyone listening to this crazy woman again?

    There are NO foods that take more calories to digest then they have. Sorry.

    There is something called the "thermal effect of food", which means there are calories used by the digestive process which need to be included in the calculations for total calories used by the body. Different foods have different thermal effects.

    Protein is almost always the hardest thing for the body to digest, and has the highest thermal effect. As for it's affect on HGH production, I'm not sure on that one.

    Eating clean or dirty has NO affect on your metabolic rate, and if it does then it is infinitely smaller then 1,000 other factors.
  • DeniseDiSpena
    I'm sure she was saying basically the same thing as you, but in layman's terms.

    Most fresh veggies, especially if eaten RAW, have a high 'thermal effect', as do most proteins; and therefore in actuality burn more calories than the calories they have, through the digestive process. If you eat an abundance of RAW veggies daily with your meals and for snacks, you will definitely either see your weight maintain itself or a weight drop, naturally depending on the other foods you eat, and the added benefit of feeling full. That being said, if you watch your calorie intake along with a large RAW veggie diet, and add a moderate exercise program (I just walk) Man oh man, you are on your way to a significant weight reduction. A little hint and a little biology here, before you start this, detoxify your liver first! Your liver will work in fat burning mode, rather than a toxin cleansing mode (the liver chooses the toxin mode first), these are liver's only two functions! by detoxification you will maximize and accelerate your weight loss.

    I am a 60 year old woman, who has tried every weight reducing plan there is, and this knowledge comes only from the most positive experience and success I have had with weight loss, no traditional nutritional training, just experience and success!

    I come humble! I love sharing this with anyone and everyone I meet, take it or leave it, it's your choice! Please share your knowledge with me, also. Thank you. Denise