What we think v. What is real

Okay, we all know the guilt associated with having a 'bad' day or a 'cheat day' (or week...) and how we all think we gain at least 5lbs or something and etc, etc. However, what I think is so odd for me is how even though I know (I mean, I KNOW) it's impossible to actually gain that much weight from a bad day (going over 1000 calories, for example) that I still totally feel like I have....and start to believe it!

Even through all this education; even knowing that it takes 3500 calories over your daily BMR + activities to gain a pound, knowing that MFP already calculates our calories at a deficit and that therefore 1000 calories over is really more like 100-300 over, and knowing that sodium, soda and alcohol cause us to retain water weight and so on and so forth, there is STILL that stupid little voice in the back of my head that thinks "but surely you've gained 5lbs over night, who cares about logic or science, you look fatter! You slipped up and now you are paying the price!"

Oh man, sometimes I want to sucker punch that little voice... :smile:

…and on that note: HAPPY FRIDAY! I know that I am ready for happy hour!


  • mizzymiz
    mizzymiz Posts: 417 Member
    Okay, we all know the guilt associated with having a 'bad' day or a 'cheat day' (or week...) and how we all think we gain at least 5lbs or something and etc, etc. However, what I think is so odd for me is how even though I know (I mean, I KNOW) it's impossible to actually gain that much weight from a bad day (going over 1000 calories, for example) that I still totally feel like I have....and start to believe it!

    Even through all this education; even knowing that it takes 3500 calories over your daily BMR + activities to gain a pound, knowing that MFP already calculates our calories at a deficit and that therefore 1000 calories over is really more like 100-300 over, and knowing that sodium, soda and alcohol cause us to retain water weight and so on and so forth, there is STILL that stupid little voice in the back of my head that thinks "but surely you've gained 5lbs over night, who cares about logic or science, you look fatter! You slipped up and now you are paying the price!"

    Oh man, sometimes I want to sucker punch that little voice... :smile:

    …and on that note: HAPPY FRIDAY! I know that I am ready for happy hour!
  • NewMK08
    NewMK08 Posts: 399 Member
    I totally agree! I always think that I did "bad" if I go over my calories even just a little bit. Used to, that would lead to an all out binge because I would think that I already ruined my day, so I might as well give up. Thanks to MFP, though, my attitude is completely changing, and while I still have some trouble believing it, I just keep reminding myself that 1 bad day/meal will not hurt me the way I think it will! As long as they don't keep adding up!!
  • Anna_Banana
    Anna_Banana Posts: 2,939 Member
    Okay this is where you retake some measurements and say, okay I guess I'm still the same size. It's just my guilt making me have a bad body image today.

    Drink tons of water and have a BM. It will make you feel thinner:bigsmile:
  • dujennifer
    dujennifer Posts: 162 Member
    I beat myself up for that kind of stuff too. Just have to shake it off and start a new day.

    Know what else is good for a BM....lots of water and some tea! Non-sugared of course!
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    I'm learning! :flowerforyou:
  • cassangelidy
    Ok...beat tea EVER for BM....


    Don't get carried away...it works too good....
  • nopogal
    nopogal Posts: 162
    Interesting. We are kind of all battling our brains at times, huh?

    I read an article once that said not to label your behaviors as "good" and "bad"...even when we are saying "Oh, I was so good today." the flip side is that when you don't do that, you've judged yourself as bad. We all seem to let go of that self judgment. It's hard, though. I admit that I'm very guilty of judging my actions and feeling like just because I ate 1,000 calories more than I planned, that I have completely ruined everything. Last night, for example, I ran 5.5 miles and burned 913 calories. I was very proud of myself. I went to get a shake from Burgerville with my boyfriend. I drank the whole dang thing. It was delicious. I THEN went to look it up...uh...770 calories and 32 grams of fat! Yikes! I didn't freak out, though. I wasn't over my calories and I almost never do that. It happened and I let it go. (This is a rare case, but one I should learn from!)

    I'm glad you brought this topic up. Probably one of the main reasons I have struggled so much with my weight! :flowerforyou:
  • jamerz3294
    jamerz3294 Posts: 1,824 Member
    OMG do we ever battle our brains?! :brokenheart: I mean, sometimes I wonder if I'm, the *only* one who goes thru that horrid line of twisted logic? :sick: You all know it, it's the I don't deserve to lose weight, so I will self sabotage, so I'll eat mindlessly... all the while feeling so guilty about how could I have let myself down again... :grumble: blech!
    Fuggitboutit... :indifferent: Ya know what? With MFP, I have finally started to gain control over... MYSELF! That's the biggest one people... sure MFP gives us the tools, and resources.. but it's up to each one of us to actually do it! So yea to us all for being honest, and brave enough, to come in here and share a wee bit of who we really are as people.
  • Fitness_Chick
    Fitness_Chick Posts: 6,648 Member