
Melissaol Posts: 948 Member
edited September 24 in Fitness and Exercise
Last night i started to walk/run. I walk 5 minutes run 30 sec. When do i increase my running time?
I never did any running in school.

Anyone have any ideas...


  • Hi!! I can maybe help with this..I just started running last spring and did the same thing when I started. Each time, I tried to run longer and longer...as long as I can stand it. I used to think that runners were crazy because it was sooo hard when I started!! But the more I tried, the easier it became, and the longer I could run. I now can run about 3 miles without stopping, so it will happen quick, if you keep up with it. Good luck!! :)
  • jrich1
    jrich1 Posts: 2,408 Member
    Check out the Couch to 5k program, it might be just what you need to give you some ideas for intervals
  • MrsFoster18
    MrsFoster18 Posts: 125 Member
    Great job!

    You should look into the Couch-to-5k training program. It tells you when walk/jog and you can look for the training schedule online or if you have a smart phone there are free apps to download that tell you as well. I think there is one for an ipod as well! It is a great program and I am in week 4 day 3 and I have never been a runner and it is helping me so much!
  • skinimin
    skinimin Posts: 252 Member
    I was never ever into running but I got my mum to teach me how because she is really into fitness. Run 1 min then walk 1 min, or 1 min 30 secs depending on your fitness level. Should do for about 30-45 min in total. Then after two weeks increase to run 1 min 30 secs 1 min walk and so on every two weeks as your fitness increases. you need to do this at least every second day but everyday if you can with one rest day each week. another good was is the couch to 5km, search it in the message boards as its a good one and generally follows the same concept as what i just gave. one really important thing is to regulate your breathing, keep it as regular as possible while walking AND running, concentrate on in out in out. it also makes the running minute go faster!
  • emrogers
    emrogers Posts: 328 Member
    Congrats on trying to set this goal for yourself. Since you just started yesterday incorporating this in your routine I would suggest you increase it once you're comfortable at that pace. I would say a week or two. Always remember that when you're running/jogging, since you're not training for anything you want to still be able to hold a converstation; don't get me wrong, you don't want to be chatting on your cell but you do want to be in a comfortable zone. This is especially important for someone who has never done running before or was not a runner in the past. Don't increase too soon or you could possibly hurt yourself. (I'm talking from experience) Have fun with it and by the end of the month I bet you'll be running further than you'd ever thought!!! Take it from me, I have never been a runner and couldn't even run 1/4 mile and since have finished a half and full marathon. So keep me posted!
  • Melissaol
    Melissaol Posts: 948 Member
    Thanks i will check it out... im excited about doing this. This summer i want to run at the lake...
  • redwngs13
    redwngs13 Posts: 194 Member
    I started running recently and have slowly upped my speed as I felt fit. Run at a pace that you tire out easily after about 2 minutes and keep doing it at that pace for a couple weeks until you feel like you could increase your speed. Increase by maybe .5 mph and see how you feel. I would just continue to increase the speed every couple of weeks. It seemed to work for me.

    I also started out running on the treadmill using this article as a guide. I created my own workout according to this plan and it really helped me gain stamina so now I can run faster and for longer periods of time.
  • I too have never run in my life unless being chased by a large dog with only me on his mind!!!

    I have been walking on the treadmill. For the 1st three weeks I walked and increased my speed and time. I now run for 1 out of every 5 mins. I will increase the run time next week to 1 min. and 30 secs. out of every 5 mins. until I am doing more running than walking. At this point I am on the treadmill for 32 mins. I will increase that time usually by a 2 mins. a week.

    I can reach a mile in about 18 mins at this rate and expect to be able to do a minimum of 2 miles with every 30 min. session.

    Do what works best for you!!
  • chach918
    chach918 Posts: 80 Member
    Try running on solid ground. Not sure you are fast enough to run on a lake.
  • aalexander0607
    aalexander0607 Posts: 34 Member
    I agree with those recommending the C25K program! Even if you don't have a device to download the app, you can get their intervals online and follow them with a stopwatch or treadmill. I started C25K a couple days after new years and I can now run a little over two miles or about 20 min w/out stopping. And I only do this program 2-3 days a week! Hope this helps and HAPPY RUNNING :D
  • aalexander0607
    aalexander0607 Posts: 34 Member
    Try running on solid ground. Not sure you are fast enough to run on a lake.

    Nice! :)
  • kargreen
    kargreen Posts: 55
    When I started running I would go to a track and jog one lap around and then walk one lap around... I builit myself up. I would try to go little further each time. I now can go five miles straight. (at least I was able to before winter)

    Go at your own pace - you will know when you are ready for more.
  • superstarcassie
    superstarcassie Posts: 296 Member

    This is the program I used to get into running! Now that I can run a 5K, I'm working on my time! :)
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