What do you think of the Wii workouts?

kld1624 Posts: 20 Member
edited September 24 in Health and Weight Loss
I'm wondering if anyone has tried the workout Wii games, and how did you like them? I like to get outside when it's nice and work in the yard or go for a hike, walk the beach, etc. So, exercising outside isn't an issue. However, on the not so nice days, I find i'm sitting in front of the TV most of the time.

Of course, living here in New England where the weather changes every 10minutes, means I spend a lot of time sitting in front of the TV. This is where my excuse making always seems to come into play. I tell myself, "Oh, I can't exercise today because it's gross outside". My biggest goal is to stop with the excuses. So I need to find a fun way to exercise inside my house. This will eliminate the biggest excuse I use to not exercise.

So, I keep contemplating these Wii games like the Biggest Loser Challenge, but I want to know if anyone has tried them and if you've seen some results. I don't want to spend the money if they aren't that good. I've tried the exercise videos before like Tae Bo and Hip Hop abs, but it's always the same video and the same routine. I know with the Biggest Loser challenge you can switch it up and do something different each time. Does anyone have any information or advice on these? Which ones might you recommend?


  • 1113cw
    1113cw Posts: 830 Member
    I don't have the Biggest Loser Challenge but have contemplating getting it so I'm interested to see what the feedback is.

    I do have Wii Fit Plus and Just Dance 2 and use both of these as a supplement to my regular routine when I don't feel like going to the gym or going outside. My mentality is "something is better than nothing" lol. Both are alot of fun and haven't gotten bored of either yet and have had them for a few months now.
  • rebecky27
    rebecky27 Posts: 842 Member
    I was sooo into getting the Wii Fit Plus/Balance board combo. I'm not too impressed. Sure, you get a sweat going for a little bit...but I use it as an addition to another regular workout, or just some good ol' family competition.

    However, I just bought Zumba Wii, and it kicked my *kitten*! I do go to regular Zumba classes 2/3x a week too, but for some reason it seems the game is harder.

    Maybe cause I was laughing too hard at our dog who would jump up on me and try to dance too every time I raised my hands up above my head. LOL
  • lcs1211
    lcs1211 Posts: 121 Member
    I purchased Zumba for wii and have HRM that shows calories and I can work up a real sweat and get a great calorie burn with 20-30 minutes of this. I also have the wii fit and get a good workout with it as well, although I haven't checked calorie burns with it. If you are getting your heart rate up and sweating - you are doing well and burning calories.
  • kld1624
    kld1624 Posts: 20 Member
    Thank you for the feedback everyone! I'm going to look into these again and see which one might be best for me. My attention keeps going back to The Biggest Loser so maybe I'll get that.

    I get outside enough on the weekends now that Spring is on its way, so I'm not worried about exercising then. However, I don't do much during the week. I find I usually have a whole hour to myself at home after work everyday before my boyfriend gets home. I think I'm going to make that my mandatory exercise time at least 3x during my work week, then anything I do on top of that is a plus.
  • i have the biggest loser challenge and i really like it
    i also have wii fit plus and its okay but the biggest loser is definately alot better and worth the money In my opinion
  • KansasGal
    KansasGal Posts: 268 Member
    i tried the wii active 1 and 2. they were ok at first but then didnt seem to do much for me.
  • melsinct
    melsinct Posts: 3,512 Member
    I am also in New England and walk outdoors for exercise. Believe me when I say I understand using weather as an excuse! I only do Wii Fit Plus for exercise, specifically the step aerobics. I love it! I will have to look at the other games mentioned here.
  • kld1624
    kld1624 Posts: 20 Member
    Thanks everybody! I bought The Biggest Loser Challenge today for my Wii. It's the one that's been catching my eye for a while now and the one that seems like it has the most variety and options to keep things interesting. I'm going to start it tomorrow and try it for a while. I'll try to let everyone know how it's going in a couple weeks.
  • tspeaker
    tspeaker Posts: 1
    I really liked the Biggest Loser. It worked really well for me. I lost over 30 pounds doing it. I went to the gym about three times a week also but all I did was walking on the treadmill for like half an hour. I like how Biggest loser plans your workouts for you, gives you your calorie count, and also gives you healthy recipes and suggestions. Good Luck! I hope you like it!
  • Lele71
    Lele71 Posts: 76
    I love the zumba game you really do work up a sweat with it. I also have a game called walk it out which I really like.
  • mtang99
    mtang99 Posts: 7 Member
    I love Wii Sport!, I too live in New England and this winter has been nasty! It's a fun way to burn calories while staying dry and warm :)
  • Mommy2JLS
    Mommy2JLS Posts: 15
    I love the Wii active, the workouts are awesome...you can customize your own or do a pre-set workout. I found it awesome (the first one better than the "more workouts" one).
  • RBat
    RBat Posts: 1
    We started with the Wii Active 1 and My Fitness Coach a couple of years ago. At Christmas we 'gifted' ourselves Wii Active 2 and NFL Training Camp. I like this second generation of EA sports games better than the first - you aren't tethered to a nun-chuck anymore (you wear straps on your arm and leg) and it comes with a heart-rate monitor for more accurate tracking of calories burned.

    I'm on the 8th week of a 9 week program and have lost 7 pounds. I workout on the Active 4 days a week - sometimes I do an extra step class or two on it - and I hit the gym 2-3 times/week. I also track my calories on My Fitness Pal. My husband started 2 weeks earlier than I did, so he's completed a 3 week program and is starting the 7th week of his 9 week program. He's had great success - he's lost 18 pounds over the past 9 weeks. He manages to get to the gym more often than I do, and he is also using a fitness tracker to keep track of calories in/out. He also uses the NFL Training Camp more than I do.

    I think the Wii programs do offer a decent workout - I certainly sweat a lot! - but most workouts only have about 30-40 minutes of activity (and a bit of waiting between exercises as the game loads). And that's about as much fake scenery and motivational pep-talking that I can handle from the program at a time :wink: But considering the amount of snow we've had this winter and the fact I'm not close enough to the gym to walk when my husband (and thus, the car) isn't here and temps are sub-zero - I've been really happy to find something that still motivates me to put a bit of activity into my day. And best of all - it's worked!
  • I have Biggest loser challenge game for wii. i have been do that for two weeks straight then i suddenly fell off the wagon by not do it anymore.

    i think I just need to do more variety of excersis than spend time in front of tv and use wii for workouts only. i like to do it when nobody are in house and more privacy for me to excersis.

    I think wii is good for rainy days and horrible weather that can last few days since weather can be bipolar.:happy:
  • Angierae75
    Angierae75 Posts: 417 Member
    I do Dance, Dance Revolution for the Wii, doing the "choreograph" mode so there's arm movements, as well. I go for 40-45 minutes and I'm definitely sweating by the end. You can do four or five songs before you have to take a quick break to switch to the next set of songs. Low-effort aerobics for my weight clock in at about 380 calories for 45 minutes of doing the higher level workouts according to the game, MFP and CardioTrainer on my phone, but I don't always eat all of those back because they do feel a bit high. But even a 40 minute walk around my neighborhood only burns 200 and I figure all the jumping around and arm movements I do have GOT to be somewhere around 300 for 45 minutes of that.
  • LisaLN
    LisaLN Posts: 54
    Unfortunately my daughters were very thoughtful and got me the Zumba for Wii for Christmas. Sorry to everyone that likes it...but I really am not impressed with it. I've taken a Zumba class before, so that's why they wanted to get it for me. But it's just so goofy. All you have to do is wiggle the remote on your hip and it thinks you're doing it. It really can't tell what your form is or anything. It just wants motion in general. I expected a lot more than it could deliver I guess. :ohwell:
  • Hey there!

    I have to say that I love my wii fit and it was one of the better investments I have made (more for me and not the kids).
    I picked up the Zumba recently and the Active I have had for over a year now.
    I only use the wii fit disk for weighing myself and some of the fun little games when I need something different.
    But the Active has been my friend - I lost 6lbs in close to 3 weeks (I had the level set at the medium setting). BUT the holidays came and went and I had been procrastinating getting back to exercising and just started back a few weeks ago.
    On the Active you are able to set your workout levels and the Zumba is great cardio.
    I hope this helps a bit.
    Good luck!
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