Those with twins or more!!

spcopps Posts: 283
edited September 24 in Chit-Chat
Thought it would be fun to start a rant page for those of us with here goes. My twin boys are 3...why is it they have to do EVERYTHING at the same time? Worse is when they both go "potty" at the same time. Not only do I have 1 child yelling "mommy I'm done" I have two in different bathrooms at opposite ends of our house yelling "mommy I'm done". Not to mention running between the two restrooms asking "are you done yet" because we all know at this age they can't be trusted in a bathroom by themselves :)


  • angievaughn
    angievaughn Posts: 655 Member
    I have twin girl....they are almost 12 does get a little easier!! At the time when they were born...I also had a 2 year old!! That was some crazy times........They grow up so enjoy!!!!
  • spcopps
    spcopps Posts: 283
    I also have a 7 year old who was 3 1/2 when the boys were born. Things were so much easier with just 1. I have to admit though, their same schedule is my fault. I always fed, bathed, napped and changed them at the same time when they were babies and now at 3 that schedule has continued..all the way down to their bodily functions within 10 minutes of each other but mostly at the EXACT same time LOL.
  • kuechletwins
    kuechletwins Posts: 88 Member
    I have 9 year old twin girls. I also have an 11 year old girl and a 5 year old boy. So, I had an almost 2 year old when the twins were born. One twin had "colic" BAD the first 6 months - it was a NIGHTMARE! Things are so much easier now. But, regarding the whol "doing stuff at the same time" - they would alwas puke simultaneously when they had the stomach flu! It was horrible and happened right on cue. They could be in different rooms and they would throw up at the same time - it was so weird!
  • stgorka
    stgorka Posts: 5
    Isn't it funny that when they were babies you wanted them to do everything together, eat, sleep, diaper changes, etc. Good luck with the potty training! I am nervous when my triplets get to that point, I can only imagine. But - the cost savings of diapers will be well worth it!!!! My triplets are 18 months.
  • nehtaeh
    nehtaeh Posts: 2,849 Member
    My girls are 3 as well and I can totally relate to the potty thing. Usually one just waits, then I'm up to wipe booties twice. Yes, they totally can't be trusted that long in the bathroom - I do the same thing. We are moving to a new house where I can imagine the 'two at once' scenario you have going will happen more frequently.
  • 3threat
    3threat Posts: 1 Member
    I have triplet girls, aged 8. How about when they all have to go and there is only one toilet? Potty training was the best. We did a cross-country trip pulling a camp trailer when they were 3. We pulled on and off the freeway so many times to use the bathroom it was ridiculous! We've since bought a motorhome and they can just get up and go us the facilities now.:flowerforyou:

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  • spcopps
    spcopps Posts: 283
    My boys BOTH had reflux when babies! One would puke across the room the other would go up his nose and back down. We polished one of their pinkies because they were on different reflux meds and had to keep track with which one got which dose and when!!

    Potty training wasn't as bad as I thought. The boys turned 3 this past October and are fully potty trained now (except pull ups at night). Easy way I found was buy 2 potty chairs and set them next to each other. When 1 is ready to train the other usually wants to at least "sit" on his potty. Get them their own potty because trust me, even the potty chairs they don't want to share and will fight if the other takes "theirs". Just remember, they are individuals and will train at their own pace, this was hard for me. One of mine started interest about 2 months before the other then they kind of sinked up when they went to undies full time. The slacker decided he wanted to wear undies also. Believe me, like ever other thing, potty training will pass also then you have them in a store at the same time screaming "mommy I need to go potty" Fun times indeed hehe.
  • stgorka
    stgorka Posts: 5
    Thanks for the potty training tips! And makes total sense to get them each their own potty because they do love to do everythign together :-) I have a feeling my girls will be much easier than my boy though. They do EVERYTHING first. My littliest one, longest in the NICU is my go-getter and has hit each and every milestone before the other 2.
  • angievaughn
    angievaughn Posts: 655 Member
    My twins were both over 6 pounds a piece...and went home a three days after being born.....
    They ate, sleep and pooped at the same two year old at the time.....did the same thing!!
    Now the oldest is 14, the twins will be 12 in april....and since then I have added another....and she is 5~~

    Four girls in the house teenager, two tweens and a preschooler.........the drama can get high some times!!!
  • spcopps
    spcopps Posts: 283
    My boys weighed in at 5.8 and 5.11 They were in the NICU for a week because of jaundice. I delivered them at 35 weeks and 6 days. Got to the Dr. with contractions and was dilated to 4 cm (didn't know I was having contractions so good thing I had an appointment that day). I missed the natural delivery I had with DD but boys wouldn't cooperate on position so I had to go for a C-section. I actually walked into the delivery room and never felt a contraction but still wished I could have had them naturally..o well they are more than healthy now..
  • nehtaeh
    nehtaeh Posts: 2,849 Member
    I agree on the potty training - two pottys. I used those to get them used to the whole thing. When I bought the potty seat for the toilet is when they were DONE with diapers. They were fascinated with the big potty and with flushing. Its been over a year now. We were fortunate with night training too - they just did it. Allison took a little longer, but we kept her in pullups probly a bit longer than she really needed. We bribed them for sure with candy :smile:

    My girls were 6.11 and 6.14 when born at 38 weeks via c-section. They were just fine, I developed an infection so I was actually in the hospital longer than them. All is well now.

    Now, how to get rid of this 'icky belly' as I call it to my girls. If anyone can make my belly look like J Lo's now - I'll give them anything they want. I never heard - did she have surgery? I can't do that, but if she did it by training them she's my hero.
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