
aprourk Posts: 4
edited September 24 in Health and Weight Loss
I've always maintained my weight by watching what I eat all week and not worrying about it on the weekends. Well now I'm ready to lose that last ten pounds and I am really struggling. I have an office job, so I sit on my butt all day. And I often work long hours and by the time I get home I have to take care of my family. I can't find time to excercise. I am pretty good about staying within my 1200 calorie goal and I hope this will help me to lose weight.

I veered off the path this last weekend and somehow managed to gain five pounds! At first I thought it was water weight but I weighed in again today after eating exactly 1200 cals yesterday and I am still up four pounds. Is that possible? Did I really go up four pounds?

I am just frustrated and I have been at this same weight (within five pounds) and can't seem to break through. I know I should work out more, I just can't believe I am back up so much. :(


  • robertf57
    robertf57 Posts: 560 Member
    This is almost assuredly water retention. Excess calories and carbohydrate accompanied by sodium during the weekend binge led to water retention. It will take several days of controlling your diet; but, you will get rid of it. Just don't be discouraged!
  • How do you get to work? By car? Could you park farther away and walk the last bit? Or bike/bus, which gives you more exercise but not adding additional time in your day?
  • petchonka82
    petchonka82 Posts: 156
    Try not to focus so much on the pounds. Measure your inches. Remember, muscle weighs more than fat and you could be battling that last 5 pounds forever if you stress it too much. Yes, you can easily gain 4 pounds in water weight...I do, especially when I drink a lot of soda...and it takes me 2-3 days to flush it all back out. :) Good luck with the rest of your journey.
  • kimmerroze
    kimmerroze Posts: 1,330 Member
    And I would say that you need to FIND time to work out... the less muscle you have the less you are able to eat and lose weight, once you get some muscle on your body you will be able to eat more, and still lose weight. You should get your body fat percentage tested. if you find that your body fat percentage is high, then you need to build muscle. This will help get rid of those vanity pounds.
  • Nikkerz620
    Nikkerz620 Posts: 212 Member
    You might have to up your calories a bit and drink more water for sure.

    I buy some water pills from GNC that help with retention.

    I had my calories at 1200 and just couldn't do it and I didn't lose anything.
    Then I upped them to 1400 and I feel very satisfied, in fact some days I don't go over 1200 now.

    And of course good old exercise. :)

    Don't be scared to up your calories a bit. Everyone is different.
    I'm glad I did.
  • hroush
    hroush Posts: 2,073 Member
    That extra weight may still be extra food in your gut as well if you consumed more than usual.

    Find some short little exercises you can do at home, such as the hundredpushups.com program. They have a couple different things you could do that would help.
  • stephrn1
    stephrn1 Posts: 4 Member
    I am feeling as discouraged as you are. The same thing is happening to me. Although I am working out a lot (6 to 7 days a week and 3 to 4 of those days I work out twice) and following the calorie counting exactly and have not lost a single pound. It is funny because after I plug in my calories and excercise and confirm it for the day it always gives me a message saying that by such and such date I will be this weight. Yah right. I have logged in daily for 4 weeks and should be at least 4 lbs lighter and I am actually 2 lbs heavier. So I really don't know what to think anymore and I feel your frustration. When you figure it out let me know!!
  • :smile: Okay I am close to where you are at --- all the advice I have gotten is that your body is trying to maintain. Keep on what you are doing and perhaps up your calorie intake a little. Don't give up as mine just started dropping again after 6 weeks. I was getting so frustrated but my body was changing - tape yourself and see if it is inches that are coming off.
  • I am feeling as discouraged as you are. The same thing is happening to me. Although I am working out a lot (6 to 7 days a week and 3 to 4 of those days I work out twice) and following the calorie counting exactly and have not lost a single pound. It is funny because after I plug in my calories and excercise and confirm it for the day it always gives me a message saying that by such and such date I will be this weight. Yah right. I have logged in daily for 4 weeks and should be at least 4 lbs lighter and I am actually 2 lbs heavier. So I really don't know what to think anymore and I feel your frustration. When you figure it out let me know!!

    Yours will come off - you are working pretty intense and are building muscle. That muscle will burn more calories. All that hard work will pay off --- I can almost see my six pack
    a miracle even though the scale has hardly budged in over 6 weeks! You are shifting how the weight is compiled on your body --- don't give up!!!!!!
  • shanolap
    shanolap Posts: 1,204 Member
    This is exactly how I feel today! I have gained 4 lbs from a couple of bad (means FUN) weekends. I workout like crazy, usually pulling 2-a-days, drink 8 cups of water plus several cups of green tea a day. It's the wine and salt that is killing me right now.

    Uuughhhhh....discouraged for sure!
  • AMBrody
    AMBrody Posts: 25
    Try not to be discouraged, just make a few small changes and the pounds will come off. Park further away than you normally do, instead of emailing someone in the office walk over to talk to them, try standing up while on a phone call, and take the stairs as much as possible. Drink lots of water, use a reusable water bottle, and walk to go fill it up. On the weekends try not to go to far overboard while eating and go outside to play with the kids. You can also use that gallon of milk as a weight for bicep curls, tricep kickbacks, etc. With laundry try putting away one person's laundry and then go back to get another person's. You will be amazed how much you don't need a gym to workout.
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